Global Data Assimilation System Application
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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GDASApp paths in global-workflow jobs have moved paths #991

Open aerorahul opened 3 months ago

aerorahul commented 3 months ago

An example here is

The line:


The directory does not exist. The python version (on Hera where this is seen) is not 3.7; it is 3.10.

This is likely going to cause an issue in all gdasapp jobs that have hard-wired python versions.

RussTreadon-NOAA commented 3 months ago

This issue will be addressed in RussTreadon-NOAA:feature/hera_r8_cleanup

The above statement is incorrect and therefore struck out. Resolution of this issue needs to be done in a g-w fork, not GDASApp.

RussTreadon-NOAA commented 3 months ago

I am mistaken in my rush to resolve this issue. The valid points raised in this issue need to be resolved in the global-workflow repository, not GDASApp. is a g-w script. It is true that the GDASApp path to iodaconv has changed. Also, on Hera Rocky 8 we use python/3.10. Thus, for the cited example in jobs/rocoto/ the correct gdasappPATH is


If we make this change, it needs to be made in g-w, not GDASApp.

@aerorahul , do you have a g-w version of this issue?