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Evaluate GMAO conventional obs YAMLs #60

Open ADCollard opened 1 year ago

ADCollard commented 1 year ago

Evaluate the GMAO conventional data YAMLs in the context of the GDASApp.

ADCollard commented 1 year ago

GMAO have shared one of their YAMLs for aircraft. This does not include the bias correction, so we can work on adding that.

ADCollard commented 1 year ago

Looking at the aircraft YAML from GMAO.

There are some additional filters required that are not available in UFO develop.


There is also a weird error

Test "ufo/ObsFilters/testFilters" failed with unhandled eckit::Exception: Bad Conversion: 
Cannot convert (1.4,1.4,1.4,1.4,1.4,1.4) (List) to double @ 
 (/scratch1/NCEPDEV/global/spack-stack/spack-stack-v1/cache/build_stage/emc.nemspara/spack-stage-eckit-1.20.2-cxvre73ysjwofwoqpbwssnsqeucjlg2h/spack-src/src/eckit/value/ +75 badConversion)

Without the new filters testing will be limited, but we can look at aircraft bias correction and humidity QC (which is not included by GMAO).

ADCollard commented 1 year ago

Finally got the system working. Air temperature shows significant differences as would be expected from not having bias correction in place: hofxdiff_histogram_diag_aircraft_2021080100_Aircraft_airTemperature Final ob errors are fairly close but differ too: errordiff_histogram_diag_aircraft_2021080100_Aircraft_airTemperature

ADCollard commented 1 year ago

Humidity QC is not included in the GMAO YAMLs. H(x) differences are at the 1.e-8 level: hofxdiff_histogram_diag_aircraft_2021080100_Aircraft_specificHumidity

Something is wrong with the obs error differences: errordiff_histogram_diag_aircraft_2021080100_Aircraft_specificHumidity

ADCollard commented 1 year ago

Wind H(x) differences are very small (as expected): hofxdiff_histogram_diag_aircraft_2021080100_Aircraft_windNorthward hofxdiff_histogram_diag_aircraft_2021080100_Aircraft_windEastward The obs error differences are very large, however. We certainly need to dig. errordiff_histogram_diag_aircraft_2021080100_Aircraft_windNorthward errordiff_histogram_diag_aircraft_2021080100_Aircraft_windEastward

ADCollard commented 10 months ago

Re-starting this work with updated GMAO YAML files

Test YAMLs are in

ADCollard commented 10 months ago

Differences for sondes

hofxdiff_histogram_diag_sondes_2021080100_Radiosondes_windNorthward hofxdiff_histogram_diag_sondes_2021080100_Radiosondes_windEastward hofxdiff_histogram_diag_sondes_2021080100_Radiosondes_stationPressure hofxdiff_histogram_diag_sondes_2021080100_Radiosondes_specificHumidity hofxdiff_histogram_diag_sondes_2021080100_Radiosondes_airTemperature errordiff_histogram_diag_sondes_2021080100_Radiosondes_windNorthward errordiff_histogram_diag_sondes_2021080100_Radiosondes_windEastward errordiff_histogram_diag_sondes_2021080100_Radiosondes_stationPressure errordiff_histogram_diag_sondes_2021080100_Radiosondes_specificHumidity errordiff_histogram_diag_sondes_2021080100_Radiosondes_airTemperature

PraveenKumar-NOAA commented 10 months ago

@ADCollard thanks for the plots. After comment out a few filter lines in sondes yaml, I was able to run the test and my results are very similar to your results except one for the stationPressure obs error plot:


ADCollard commented 10 months ago

@PraveenKumar-NOAA I am glad you are looking at it. Take a look at my YAML here. It runs without needing to delete any filters.

PraveenKumar-NOAA commented 10 months ago

@ADCollard thanks. I will look into this.

PraveenKumar-NOAA commented 10 months ago

@ADCollard I noticed an additional line 'pressure: MetaData/pressure' at few places in your yaml, it worked now without any comment and I produced exactly your results.

PraveenKumar-NOAA commented 10 months ago

@ADCollard after making the following minor changes in your yaml:

  1. uncomment line 34
  2. uncomment line 35 and replace _surface_geopotentialheight by _surface_geometricheight
  3. line 135: replace _surfacealtitude by _surface_geometricheight

I got the following results for the stationPressure:

errordiff_histogram_sondes_diag_2021080100_sondes_stationPressure (1)


If we use the GSI _da_psfcscheme instead of UKMO, the results are very similar:

errordiff_histogram_sondes_diag_2021080100_sondes_stationPressure (2)

gsi_hofx_vs_jedi_hofx_sondes_diag_2021080100_sondes_stationPressure (1)

ADCollard commented 10 months ago

Splitting this YAML into one for sondes and one for aircraft.