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UFO Evaluation for Conventional Station Pressure --- Re-evaluation #96

Open emilyhcliu opened 8 months ago

emilyhcliu commented 8 months ago

This issue is to update the station pressure with the following modifications: (1) Add error assignment from extracting errors from GSI error table (need update from UFO PR #3085) (2) Update options for error inflation from pressure check (due to updates from GMAO)

To closely replicate the error assignment from GSI error table. The ObsFunctionModelStepwiseLinear needs to add the capability of rounding the output of this function to the nearest integer. A related UFO PR #3085 has submitted in UFO repository.

Notes for test data set:

Observer Flow Chart for Station Pressure PSOB Validation

Details are documented here.

emilyhcliu commented 8 months ago

Validation of Input observation error:

Initial (Original) Obs Error Assignment between GSI and JEDI: errordiff_vs_pressure_conv_ps_diag_2021080100_surface_ps_stationPressure

The initial observation error values are extracted from GSI error table. The error values are a function of pressure. In UFO, an ObsErrorModelStepwiseLinear function is used to extract the obs errors from the error table. However, to following GSI implementation, the function needs to add the capability of rounding the interpolated error values extracted from the stepwise linear function to the nearest integer. Please see UFO PR #3085 for details.

The result replicates GSI obs errors 100% except one point. This point is related to ObsType 181. The GSI value is 115, and the UFO value is 114. The difference is 1 Pa. The difference is caused by the precision difference between GSI (double) and UFO (single).

emilyhcliu commented 8 months ago

Validation with QC

HofX Comparison

gsi_hofx_vs_jedi_hofx_conv_ps_diag_2021080100_surface_ps_stationPressure hofxdiff_histogram_conv_ps_diag_2021080100_surface_ps_stationPressure

QC Flag Comparison (100% replication) hofxdiff_vs_qcdiff_conv_ps_diag_2021080100_surface_ps_stationPressure

Final Obs Error Difference vs Pressure (~100% replication; one point difference due to precision difference between GSI and JEDI) errordiff_vs_pressure_conv_ps_diag_2021080100_surface_ps_stationPressure

There is one obs that does not replicate GSI result. This the same point where the initial obs error differs by 1 Pa (114 vs 115).

The observation count passed QC comparison between GSI and JEDI is identical!