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Remove GOTO statements from the Fortran code (bugzilla #310) #4

Open DanIredell-NOAA opened 2 years ago

DanIredell-NOAA commented 2 years ago


[NCO] 20150827 Please replace GOTO statements with more structured constants (if blocks, do loops, case blocks).

Current number of GOTO statements:

grep -ri 'go *to' /nwpara2/rtofs_glo.v1.1.0/sorc | grep -v -e '^c' -e '^!' | wc -l 62

[EMC] 20200804 Note that not any of the below GOTOs are either assigned or computed. GOTOs have been reduced in EMC codes.

                            V1 GOTOs        V2 GOTOs

In both V1 and V2 rtofs_archv2netCDF.fd 35 35 rtofs_atmforcing_correct.fd 0 0 rtofs_atmforcing.fd 1 0 rtofs_getkpds.fd 0 0 rtofs_hycom2raw8.fd 1 1 rtofs_hycom_expr.fd 2 0 rtofs_nc2grb2.fd 0 0 rtofs_hycomiot (library) 0 0 rtofs_mpi_mods (library) 0 0 39 36

REMOVED in V2 rtofs_cice_stat.fd 0 n/a rtofs_hycom_extract.fd 2 n/a rtofs_hycom_range.fd 1 n/a rtofs_restart2archv.fd 20 n/a 23 0 NEW to V2 rtofs_hycom_diff.fd n/a 3 *rtofs_ncoda_archv_inc.fd n/a 19 rtofs_raw2hycom.fd n/a 1 0 23

TOTAL for EMC codes 62 59

3rd party codes *HYCOM 162 98
NCODA n/a 330


[NCO] 20201123 Please continue to improve "go to" usage at next upgrade.

There are 571 GO TOs in this para version, while there are 260 GO TOs in current production rtofs_glo.v1.3.0. Bugzilla ticket is updated.

Prod rtofs_glo.v1.3.0 260 - rtofs_archv2netCDF.fd 35, rtofs_atmforcing_correct.fd 0,
rtofs_atmforcing.fd 1, rtofs_cice_stat.fd 0, rtofs_getkpds.fd 0, rtofs_hycom2raw8.fd 1, rtofs_hycom_expr.fd 2, rtofs_hycom_extract.fd 2, rtofs_hycom_range.fd 1, rtofs_nc2grb2.fd 0, rtofs_restart2archv.fd 20, rtofs_code.v2.2.86F2p0i/sorc 198

Para rtofs_glo.v2.0.6 571 - rtofs_code.fd 64, rtofs_hycom.fd 108, rtofs_ncoda.fd 399

DanIredell-NOAA commented 2 years ago

Better command for counting (?)

for file in find sorc -name "*.[fF]*" -type f ; do egrep -iH "go[ ]*to" $file | grep -iv :c | grep -iv :! ; done | wc -l

DanIredell-NOAA commented 1 year ago

Clarification on the commands --

grep -ri 'go *to' . | grep -v -e '^c' -e '^!' | wc -l

for file in $(find . -name "*.[fF]*" -type f) ; do egrep -iH "go[ ]*to" $file | grep -iv :c | grep -iv :! ; done | wc -l

The second command does a better job of searching only fortran codes and not finding 'go to' in comments

DanIredell-NOAA commented 7 months ago

RTOFS V2.3.4 libs 0 rtofs_code.fd 77 rtofs_hycom.fd 890 rtofs_ncoda.fd 373 TOTAL 1340

rtofs_code.fd rtofs_archv2netCDF.fd 35 rtofs_raw2hycom.fd 1 rtofs_hycom_diff.fd 3 rtofs_hycom_extract.fd 2 rtofs_ncoda_archiv_inc.fd 19 17

rtofs_hycom.fd esmf_4_0_0rp2 789 hycom (hycom) 96 hycom (cice) 5

rtofs_ncoda.fd ncoda_decode 22 ncoda_qc 133 ncoda_graph 147 ncoda_var 71

DanIredell-NOAA commented 4 months ago

Removing dead code reduces the number by 159:

RTOFS V2.4.0
libs                 0
rtofs_code.fd       65
rtofs_hycom.fd     890
rtofs_ncoda.fd     226
TOTAL             1181

rtofs_archv2netCDF.fd      35
rtofs_raw2hycom.fd          1
rtofs_hycom_diff.fd         3
rtofs_hycom_extract.fd      2
rtofs_ncoda_archiv_inc.fd  19        5

esmf_4_0_0rp2   789
hycom (hycom)    96
hycom (cice)      5

ncoda_decode   22
ncoda_qc       133
ncoda_var      71