New simplified codes to download NOAA GEFS operational forecasts.
There are 3 new scripts to download GEFS and GFS forecasts, that replaced the previous structure. will download GEFS wave forecast, for the specific variables of interest. will download GEFS atmospheric forecast, for the specific variables of interest. will download GFS wave forecast, for the specific variables of interest.
they utilize two pearl codes, and, to be able to fetch only the specific variables of interest.
Issue(s) addressed
It has reduced the number of dependencies and complexity involved in the previous version.
The 2 dependencies are now: wgrib2 and nco, only. The codes are shorter and easier to understand and customize.
Commit Message
New simplified codes to download NOAA GEFS operational forecasts.
The 3 new shell scripts were successfully tested on Orion and using my local laptop (ubuntu).
Pull Request Summary
New simplified codes to download NOAA GEFS operational forecasts.
There are 3 new scripts to download GEFS and GFS forecasts, that replaced the previous structure. will download GEFS wave forecast, for the specific variables of interest. will download GEFS atmospheric forecast, for the specific variables of interest. will download GFS wave forecast, for the specific variables of interest. they utilize two pearl codes, and, to be able to fetch only the specific variables of interest.
Issue(s) addressed
It has reduced the number of dependencies and complexity involved in the previous version. The 2 dependencies are now: wgrib2 and nco, only. The codes are shorter and easier to understand and customize.
Commit Message
New simplified codes to download NOAA GEFS operational forecasts.
The 3 new shell scripts were successfully tested on Orion and using my local laptop (ubuntu).