Has been included the option of using tripolar and unstructured grids (including triangular) at ww3fields.py for visualization.
The different shapes of ww3 outputs are automatically handled by the code. Small unstructured grids were tested too.
In addition, a new projection (Robinson) was included to improve the global plots, maintaining cartopy.
For non-global grids, the same projection PlateCarree is applied.
Commit Message
Included new grid types and a new projection.
Check list
Netcdf and grib2 files, for regular, irregular, and unstructured grids were used for testing.
Pull Request Summary
Most of the work and changes were applied to ww3fields.py, to process different grid types. A summary of actions is presented at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JMXkkN4i5FApfFI8JtikOJQF0Zl-T79i/edit
Has been included the option of using tripolar and unstructured grids (including triangular) at ww3fields.py for visualization. The different shapes of ww3 outputs are automatically handled by the code. Small unstructured grids were tested too. In addition, a new projection (Robinson) was included to improve the global plots, maintaining cartopy. For non-global grids, the same projection PlateCarree is applied.
Commit Message
Included new grid types and a new projection.
Check list
Netcdf and grib2 files, for regular, irregular, and unstructured grids were used for testing.