Closed sbrus89 closed 7 months ago
What exactly is the error? I believe we intentionally changed this to --cflags (and --fflags didn't work) but I also think @mickaelaccensi has some problems with this too. Its possible this is an issue with how netCDF is installed. For @mickaelaccensi his issues I want to say were resolved when switching from using nf-config to nc-config.
@JessicaMeixner-NOAA, the errors are:
w3ounfmetamd.F90(164): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [NETCDF]
w3ounfmetamd.F90(1870): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF90_PUT_ATT]
w3ounfmetamd.F90(1871): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF90_NOERR]
w3ounfmetamd.F90(1888): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF90_FILL_SHORT]
w3ounfmetamd.F90(1890): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF90_FILL_FLOAT]
w3ounfmetamd.F90(1982): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF90_GLOBAL]
w3ounfmetamd.F90(2042): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF90_PUT_ATT]
compilation aborted for w3ounfmetamd.F90 (code 1)
Good to know about --fflags not working. That's what fixed it for me, but obviously it's machine-dependent. You're probably right that this has something to do with how netCDF is installed.
Probably need to think of a general way to solve this. I think @mickaelaccensi had an idea, he's also on vacation for the next week or two.
No problem; it'd be interesting to hear what he has in mind when he's back.
It's unfortunate that the current strategy isn't as general as it should be, because it's really a nice way to handle this. It seems like generality is exactly the thing that --cflags and --fflags are designed to achieve.
@sbrus89, could you provide the output of the commands :
nc-config --all
nf-config --all
I'll try to add a patch to detect this error, on my side, the problem was on the link stage because the option '--libs' does not exist for nf-config.
@mickaelaccensi, here the output of nc-config --all
This netCDF 4.4.1 has been built with the following features:
--cc -> /blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/lib/spack/env/intel/icc
--cflags -> -I/blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/opt/spack/linux-centos7-x86_64/intel-17.0.0/netcdf-4.4.1-tckdgwl/include -I/blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/opt/spack/linux-centos7-x86_64/intel-17.0.0/curl-7.63.0-m6myl33/include -I/blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/opt/spack/linux-centos7-x86_64/intel-17.0.0/hdf5-1.8.16-bkyfrve/include -I/blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/opt/spack/linux-centos7-x86_64/intel-17.0.0/hdf-4.2.13-3cgkqy6/include
--libs ->
--has-c++ -> no
--cxx ->
--has-c++4 -> no
--cxx4 ->
--fc -> /blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/lib/spack/env/intel/ifort
--fflags -> -I/blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/opt/spack/linux-centos7-x86_64/intel-17.0.0/netcdf-fortran-4.4.4-urmb6ss/include
--flibs -> -L/blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/opt/spack/linux-centos7-x86_64/intel-17.0.0/netcdf-fortran-4.4.4-urmb6ss/lib -lnetcdff -L/blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/opt/spack/linux-centos7-x86_64/intel-17.0.0/netcdf-4.4.1-tckdgwl/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdf
--has-f90 -> no
--has-f03 -> yes
--has-dap -> yes
--has-nc2 -> yes
--has-nc4 -> yes
--has-hdf5 -> yes
--has-hdf4 -> yes
--has-logging-> no
--has-pnetcdf-> no
--has-szlib ->
--prefix -> /blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/opt/spack/linux-centos7-x86_64/intel-17.0.0/netcdf-4.4.1-tckdgwl
--includedir-> /blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/opt/spack/linux-centos7-x86_64/intel-17.0.0/netcdf-4.4.1-tckdgwl/include
--version -> netCDF 4.4.1
and here's the output of nf-config --all
This netCDF-Fortran 4.4.4 has been built with the following features:
--cc -> /blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/lib/spack/env/intel/icc
--cflags -> -I/blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/opt/spack/linux-centos7-x86_64/intel-17.0.0/netcdf-fortran-4.4.4-urmb6ss/include -I/blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/opt/spack/linux-centos7-x86_64/intel-17.0.0/netcdf-4.4.1-tckdgwl/include
--fc -> /blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/lib/spack/env/intel/ifort
--fflags -> -I/blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/opt/spack/linux-centos7-x86_64/intel-17.0.0/netcdf-fortran-4.4.4-urmb6ss/include
--flibs -> -L/blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/opt/spack/linux-centos7-x86_64/intel-17.0.0/netcdf-fortran-4.4.4-urmb6ss/lib -lnetcdff -L/blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/opt/spack/linux-centos7-x86_64/intel-17.0.0/netcdf-4.4.1-tckdgwl/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdf
--has-f90 -> no
--has-f03 -> yes
--has-nc2 -> yes
--has-nc4 -> yes
--prefix -> /blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/opt/spack/linux-centos7-x86_64/intel-17.0.0/netcdf-fortran-4.4.4-urmb6ss
--includedir-> /blues/gpfs/software/centos7/spack-latest/opt/spack/linux-centos7-x86_64/intel-17.0.0/netcdf-fortran-4.4.4-urmb6ss/include
--version -> netCDF-Fortran 4.4.4
Let me know what other information I can provide. Thanks for your help with this!
@JessicaMeixner-NOAA, @thesser1 and @ukmo-ccbunney , could you also provide the output of :
nc-config --all
nf-config --all
The idea is to implement a smart patch for the comp and link options for netcdf in ww3.
From my point of view, there are 2 problems : -if the netcdf-c and netcdf-fortran are not compiled in the same directory ->that's the case of Steven, fflags and cflags provide different results for both nc-config and nf-config -if nf-config is set for $NETCDF_CONFIG, then the option --libs does not exist -> that's the case for all of us, the compilation crash so an explicit error message should be added
Here is the output from nc-config --all
on our HPC:
This netCDF 4.6.1 has been built with the following features:
--cc -> cc
--cflags -> -DpgiFortran
--libs ->
--has-c++ -> no
--cxx ->
--has-c++4 -> yes
--cxx4 -> CC
--cxx4flags -> -DpgiFortran
--cxx4libs ->
--has-fortran-> yes
--fc -> ftn
--fflags ->
--flibs ->
--has-f90 -> no
--has-f03 -> yes
--has-dap -> no
--has-dap4 -> no
--has-nc2 -> yes
--has-nc4 -> yes
--has-hdf5 -> yes
--has-hdf4 -> no
--has-logging-> no
--has-pnetcdf-> no
--has-szlib -> no
--has-parallel -> no
--has-cdf5 -> yes
--prefix -> /opt/cray/netcdf/
--includedir-> /opt/cray/netcdf/
--libdir -> /opt/cray/netcdf/
--version -> netCDF 4.6.1
and the same for nf-config --all
This netCDF-Fortran 4.4.4 has been built with the following features:
--cc -> cc
--cflags -> -DpgiFortran
--fc -> ftn
--fflags ->
--flibs ->
--has-f90 -> no
--has-f03 -> yes
--has-nc2 -> yes
--has-nc4 -> yes
--prefix -> /opt/cray/netcdf/
--includedir-> /opt/cray/netcdf/
--version -> netCDF-Fortran 4.4.4
here's for nc-config --all:
This netCDF 4.7.4 has been built with the following features:
--cc -> mpiicc
--cflags -> -I/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel- -I/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel-
--libs -> -L/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel- -L/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel- -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -L/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel- -lz -ldl -lm -lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lm -lz
--static -> -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lm -lz
--has-c++ -> no
--cxx ->
--has-c++4 -> yes
--cxx4 -> mpiicpc
--cxx4flags -> -I/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel- -I/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel-
--cxx4libs -> -L/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel- -L/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel- -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -L/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel- -lz -ldl -lm -L/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel- -lnetcdf -lnetcdf_c++4 -L/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel- -L/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel- -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -L/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel- -lz -ldl -lm -lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lm -lz -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lm -lz -lnetcdf
--has-fortran -> yes
--fc -> mpiifort
--fflags -> -I/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel- -I/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel-
--flibs -> -L/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel- -lnetcdff
--has-f90 ->
--has-f03 -> yes
--has-dap -> no
--has-dap2 -> no
--has-dap4 -> no
--has-nc2 -> yes
--has-nc4 -> yes
--has-hdf5 -> yes
--has-hdf4 -> no
--has-logging -> no
--has-pnetcdf -> no
--has-szlib -> no
--has-cdf5 -> yes
--has-parallel4 -> yes
--has-parallel -> yes
--prefix -> /scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel-
--includedir -> /scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel-
--libdir -> /scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel-
--version -> netCDF 4.7.4
and for nf-config --all
This netCDF-Fortran 4.5.3 has been built with the following features:
--cc -> mpiicc
--cflags -> -I/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel- -I/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel-
--fc -> mpiifort
--fflags -> -I/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel- -I/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel-
--flibs -> -L/scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel- -lnetcdff
--has-f90 ->
--has-f03 -> yes
--has-nc2 -> yes
--has-nc4 -> yes
--prefix -> /scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel-
--includedir-> /scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/intel-
--version -> netCDF-Fortran 4.5.3
@sbrus89 I lost track of this issue. Is this still a problem? Since we have a pretty big build system change coming up with PR #533, I'm wondering if we should revisit this after that? Thoughts?
@JessicaMeixner-NOAA, I think that's a good idea to revisit after #533. It could be that the CMake PR will take care of this or make solving it more straightforward. I still run into this type of thing every so often when compiling on new systems, but I seem to always be able to make adjustments to get things working.
now it is solved by using cmake, so I close this issue. If you still encountered issue with compilation using cmake, please open a new issue
Describe the bug I got an error compiling netCDF programs due to a suspected issue with netCDF include directories.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Additional context I believe that switching
will fix this issue. This makes sure that the fortran-netcdf headers are included.