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M2 r cleanup #594

Closed kellijohnson-NOAA closed 2 weeks ago

kellijohnson-NOAA commented 2 weeks ago

What is the feature?

@MOshima-PIFSC and @kellijohnson-NOAA worked on cleaning up the R code, which turned into decisions about what functions actually needed to be kept. Then, subsequent clean up of what was left.

Close #567 Close #590 Close #588 Close #564 See a more detailed list of changes that were attempted to include in this PR in #567.

How have you implemented the solution?

Does the PR impact any other area of the project?


There is an associated issue in the case studies about removing the use of FIMSFrameAge and just using FIMSFrame that @iantaylor-NOAA is in charge of and will be implementing once this PR is approved. @iantaylor-NOAA note, we also changed to n_years, n_ages, weight_at_age, etc. for object names such that there are no abbreviations and everything is snake case.



How to test this change

Developer pre-PR checklist

@jbigman-NOAA I assigned you as a reviewer because these changes are rather benign and more about general formatting and I thought it might help you jump into the code. Also, I am excited for a fresh perspective/thoughts about the R code in FIMS. Feel free to let me know if you are not interested or do not have time to review this PR.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Instructions for code reviewer

Hello reviewer, thanks for taking the time to review this PR!


kellijohnson-NOAA commented 2 weeks ago

@Bai-Li-NOAA I am thinking that we should squash all of these commits into a single commit before we merge it into main. What are your thoughts? I can do this and force push or we can just use the squash and merge button if you agree.

Bai-Li-NOAA commented 2 weeks ago

@kellijohnson-NOAA Good idea! It would be great if you can do it and force push. Thank you!

kellijohnson-NOAA commented 2 weeks ago

Okay @Bai-Li-NOAA it is now a single commit that can be merged in once the tests are passing. Who does the merge, the reviewer or the committer?

Bai-Li-NOAA commented 2 weeks ago

@kellijohnson-NOAA. The committer merges the changes.