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Heating forcing #52

Closed ZHONGLEI-sketch closed 6 months ago

ZHONGLEI-sketch commented 6 months ago

I would like to ask if AM4 has a setting to increase the heat source (eg.forceing_nml) just like( ) gfdl-fms &forcing_nml no_forcing = .false., ! turn off forcing altogether (same as setting each 'k' to zero) locked_heating = .false., ! use input file for diabatic heating teq_mode = 'hs', ! can be hs, pk, or pkmod (i.e. my custom stuff) damp_mode = 'hs', ! can be hs, pk, or pkmod (i.e. my custom stuff) conserve_energy = .true., ! employ frictional warming surf_schneider = .true., ! conserve mean surface temp when delh is changed? strat_vtx = .true., ! (pk/pkmod) turn on and off the polar vortex strat_sponge = .true., ! (pk/pkmod) turn on sponge strat_damp = 'constant', ! (pkmod) 'linear': transition from kstrat at tropopause to kmeso at TOA linearly; 'constant': use kstrat everywhere in t_mean = 300.0, ! mean surface temp t_zero = 315.0, ! temp at equator surface t_strat = 200.0, ! using pk stratosphere, will offset US standard temperature by minus 216.65 delh = 60.0, ! equator-pole temp contrast delv = 10.0, ! lapse rate scaling, probably should be left alone eps = 0.0, ! adds seasons; delh=delh+eps in north hemisphere, delh=delh-eps in south hemisphere exp_h = 0, ! positive number shifts baroclinic zone poleward from hs, negative equatorward exp_b = 4, ! cosine latitude exponent for boundary layer damping equation; Shneider uses 8, Held-Suarez 4 sigma_b = 0.7, ! boundary level; below which friction and elevated thermal damping start z_ozone = 20.0, ! (pk) level at which stratospheric warming begins for U.S. standard atmosphere (km) z_kdepth = 5.0, ! (pkmod) depth of transition region for troposphere-to-stratosphere damping lat_ref = 0.0, ! (pkmod) latitude at which we use exact US standard atmosphere; everywhere else, it is warped p_sponge = 0.5, ! (pk/pkmod) level above which sponge on winds is applied (hPa) p_logeval = 200.0, ! (pkmod) pressure at which we evaluate the log(p/p0) when inverting Held-Suarez vtx_edge = 50.0, ! (pk/pkmod) edge of the vortex vtx_width = 20.0, ! (pk/pkmod) width of the vortext-US standard atmosphere transition region vtx_gamma = 2.0, ! (pk/pkmod) lapse rate in polar vortex region (K/km), paper uses 2 and 4 ksponge = -0.5, ! (pk/pkmod) sponge damping rate kfric = -1.0, ! friction damping rate kbl = -4.0, ! maximum boundary layer thermal damping, realized at equatorial surface ktrop = -40.0, ! troposphere damping (if hs, also applies in stratosphere) kstrat = -40.0, ! (pk/pkmod) stratosphere damping kmeso = -4.0, ! (pk/pkmod) damping rate at upper boundary, Holton-Mass style trsink = -4.0, ! damping timescale for tracer, if tracers are registered trflux = 1.e-5, ! surface flux for tracer, if tracers are registered q0_tropical = 0.0, ! amplitude for Butler upper-troposphere tropical heating q0_vortex = 0.0, ! amplitude for Butler polar vortex heating q0_arctic = 0.0, ! amplitude for Butler Arctic surface heating q0_global = 0.0, ! globally uniform heating q0_surface = 0.0, ! average strength of boundary layer heating, that decays linearly from surface to top of boundary layer q0_realistic = 0.0, ! strength of 'realistically' vertically scaled heating at 1000hPa q0_lsp = 0.0, ! intensity of lsp forcing m_lsp = 1.0, ! next lines are LSP heating terms p0_lsp = 800.0, pt_lsp = 200.0, lat0_lsp = 45.0, slat_lsp = 10.0,