Open nikizadehgfdl opened 2 years ago
Same crash for pgi/20.4.0 on c4.
That check was added with #828, it uses a select type to make sure the 3 arguments are of the same real precision. Maybe one of the arguments ends up with the wrong real size with pgi?
The emc mixed mode updates adds class(*) and overloads to a few areas so that could potentially cause something, but that wouldn't really explain why it only happens with this compiler.
The compilers being tested are 2-4 year old technology. Implementation of class(*) is still relatively new and I'd feel more comfortable if this were tested with the latest NVHPC toolkit (22.5).
When I try compiling with nvhpc22.5 on gpubox I get the following error:
pgfortran -Duse_netCDF -DMAXFIELDMETHODS_=400 -Duse_LARGEFILE -I/opt/openmpi/4.1.4/NVHPC/22.5/include -I/opt/netcdf/4.9.0/NVHPC/22.5/include -i4 -r8 -byteswapio -Mcray=pointer -Mcray=pointer -Mflushz -Mdaz -D_F2000 -DNO_QUAD_PRECISION -O3 -Mvect=nosse -Mnoscalarsse -Mallocatable=95 -c -I/home/Niki.Zadeh/platforms/mom6/builds/../src/FMS/fms2_io/include /home/Niki.Zadeh/platforms/mom6/builds/../src/FMS/fms2_io/netcdf_io.F90
NVFORTRAN-S-0155-Same name common blocks with different sizes in same file not supported (/home/Niki.Zadeh/platforms/mom6/builds/../src/FMS/fms2_io/netcdf_io.F90)
0 inform, 0 warnings, 1 severes, 0 fatal for write_restart_bc
What common block?
I can build the same code with gcc11 on gpubox.
Curiously, I removed the write_restart_bc subroutine from netcdf_io.F90 abd the MOM6-SIS2 model built without an error! It seems that subroutine is used only in test_fms/fms2_io/test_bc_restart.F90, right? Is any other component (LAND or FV3) using it? Isn't write_restart_bc subroutine supposed to replace fms2_io::save_restart_border()?
FV3 uses write_restart_bc to output the time 't' and 't-1' data in the halo regions of a nest. You are correct that write_restart_bc is the fms2_io equivalent for the fms_io::save_restart_border function.
With nvhpc22.5 I get another runtime error as follows. I have no idea if this is happening before or after the call that made the error above with pgi20( Arguments must be all r4_kind or r8_kind).
FATAL from PE 0: character buffer is too small; increase length: netcdf_read_data_0d: file:INPUT/ variable:lnd_mosaic
In file INPUT/ we have
lnd_mosaic = "land_mosaic" ;
gnu executable of the same code runs fine on the same machine (lscgpu50).
I think this might be a variation of the original issue. Here's the call stack as far as I can tell:
character(len=256) :: mosaic_name
call read_data(gridfileobj, 'lnd_mosaic', mosaic_name)
subroutine netcdf_read_data_0d(fileobj, variable_name, buf, unlim_dim_level,corner, broadcast)
class(FmsNetcdfFile_t), intent(in) :: fileobj !< File object.
character(len=*), intent(in) :: variable_name !< Variable name.
class(*), intent(inout) :: buf !< Array that the data will be read into.
if (len(buf) .lt. dimsizes(1)) call error("character buffer is too small; increase length: "//trim(append_error_msg))
I put a print statement before the call error which showed it gets len(buf) = 0 , but it is passed in as a string on length 256.
This is an issue we have been seeing with the nvhpc and pgi compilers. The string size needs to be passed with the string into a routine where it is a class(*)
variable. needs to include an argument for a string size in order to work with nvhpc.
Do we have an issue in with NVidia? If not, could we create one for NVHPC v22.5 and I'll pass it on to our representative.
It seems all these issues happen after updating land_null to use FMS2 (mosaic2 etc). When I revert back land_null to use FMS1 (commit 35654c7) all these issues disappear, even with PGI20 on gaea. So, in that sense switching from pgi20 to nvhpc22.5 does not change anything and I cannot tell if any of the class(*) issues are resolved in the newer compilers. Other than MOM6-SIS2 tests, we do not have a small test case that demonstrates the compiler issues.
Note that atmos_null, MOM6 and SIS2 still use FMS2 (mosaic2) without a problem. It's only land_null that acts weird and had to be reverted.
Same name common blocks with different sizes
For what it's worth, nvhpc problem above in compiling write_restart_bc subroutine is with the following calls on lines 2240 and 2244 of netcdf_io.F90 inside write_restart_bc subroutine:
call register_variable_attribute(fileobj, fileobj%restart_vars(i)%varname, "checksum", &
fileobj%restart_vars(i)%bc_info%chksum, str_len=len(fileobj%restart_vars(i)%bc_info%chksum))
This may again have to do with class(*) in the 0d and 1d interfaces.
This is still an issue in FMS2023.01_mm with pgi20 on c4.
FATAL from PE 0: calc_mosaic_grid_area: invalid types given. Arguments must be all r4_kind or r8_kind
nvidia/21.3 on c4 is broken. The module loads OK but cannot compile
ftn -Duse_libMPI -Duse_netCDF -DINTERNAL_FILE_NML -g -traceback -DMAXFIELDMETHODS_=400 -Duse_LARGEFILE -i4 -r8 -byteswapio -Mcray=pointer -Mcray=pointer -Mflushz -Mdaz -D_F2000 -O3 -Mvect=nosse -Mnoscalarsse -Mallocatable=95 -c -I/lustre/f2/dev/Niki.Zadeh/fre/FMS2023.01_mm_mom6_20230109//MOM6_SIS2_compile_FMS2/src/FMS/include /lustre/f2/dev/Niki.Zadeh/fre/FMS2023.01_mm_mom6_20230109//MOM6_SIS2_compile_FMS2/src/FMS/platform/platform.F90
Unable to determine compiler version.
Make sure that a pgi module is loaded and that PGI_VERS_STR is defined
Setting the variable manually is no help either
ftn -Duse_libMPI -Duse_netCDF -DINTERNAL_FILE_NML -g -traceback -DMAXFIELDMETHODS_=400 -Duse_LARGEFILE -i4 -r8 -byteswapio -Mcray=pointer -Mcray=pointer -Mflushz -Mdaz -D_F2000 -O3 -Mvect=nosse -Mnoscalarsse -Mallocatable=95 -c -I/lustre/f2/dev/Niki.Zadeh/fre/FMS2023.01_mm_mom6_20230109//MOM6_SIS2_compile_FMS2/src/FMS/include /lustre/f2/dev/Niki.Zadeh/fre/FMS2023.01_mm_mom6_20230109//MOM6_SIS2_compile_FMS2/src/FMS/platform/platform.F90
Child failed to exec: No such file or directory
c5 is not available to test the latest nvhpc/22.3 which I think did not have this issue.
The mixedmode updates for mosaic2 is not included in 2023.01_mm but it will be in the next mixedmode testing tag. This problem should be fixed then since the class(*) variables will be removed/replaced.
@mlee03 I tried this with 2023.01_mm and unlike issue #1062 this one is still an issue. The class(*) constructs are still in fms2_io/include/ under 2023.01_mm! Are they hopefully going to be removed?
@nikizadehgfdl Unfortunately we were planning on leaving the classs(*) variables in fms2_io...
Describe the bug MOM6-SIS2 tests crash under PGI with:
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior
Expected behavior Run any MOM6-SIS2 tests with pgi20. E.g.,
System Environment module unload cray-netcdf cray-hdf5 fre module unload PrgEnv-pgi PrgEnv-intel PrgEnv-gnu PrgEnv-cray module load PrgEnv-pgi/6.0.5 module unload pgi module load pgi/19.10.0 module load fre/bronx-19 module load cray-hdf5/
Additional context Add any other context about the problem. If applicable, include where any files that help describe, or reproduce the problem exist.