In full coupler_main, Time at nc=0 and Time_init are set through a convoluted process in subroutine _couplerinit.
For Time at nc=0,
Time = date where date is specified in the third line in the coupler.res file.
If coupler.res does not exist or if the user specifies force_date_from_namelist=.True., Time = current_date where current_date is specified in the namelist.
If _couplerinit is resorted to using current_date and current_date is not of appropriate value, mpp_error is called.
Initially, Time_init=date_init where date_init is specified in the second line of coupler.res. This value is eventually overwritten to be Tiime_init=base_date where base_date is specified in the _diagtable. If the base_year=0 from the _diagtable, date_init=date where date had been determined as above description.
Setting of Time and Time_init should be straightfoward and only method route should be available to the user.
Refining the setting of Time and Time_init also opens up a chance to discuss the need of the coupler.res file.
In full coupler_main,
at nc=0 andTime_init
are set through a convoluted process in subroutine _couplerinit.For
at nc=0,Time = date
is specified in the third line in the coupler.res file.force_date_from_namelist=.True.
,Time = current_date
is specified in the namelist.current_date
is not of appropriate value, mpp_error is called.Initially,
is specified in the second line of coupler.res. This value is eventually overwritten to beTiime_init=base_date
is specified in the _diagtable. If thebase_year=0
from the _diagtable,date_init=date
had been determined as above description.Setting of
should be straightfoward and only method route should be available to the user. Refining the setting of Time and Time_init also opens up a chance to discuss the need of thecoupler.res