define rainfall_flux and precipitation_flux entries in CMIP and GFDL fieldlists with new alternate_standard_names attribute
add alternate_standard_names to the translated_variable standard_name query
This may cause failure in the xr.parser reconcile var_names or attributes, so may need to iterate
Associated issue #698
How Has This Been Tested?
RHEL8, python 3.12
[x] My branch is up-to-date with the NOAA-GFDL main branch, and all merge conflicts are resolved
[x] The scripts are written in Python 3.12 or above (preferred; required if funded by a CPO grant), NCL, or R
[ ] All of my scripts are in the diagnostics/[POD short name] subdirectory, and include a main_driver script, template html, and settings.jsonc file
[ ] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation in the POD's doc/ subdirectory
[ ] I have requested that the framework developers add packages required by my POD to the python3, NCL, or R environment yaml file if necessary, and my environment builds with
[ ] I have added any necessary data to input_data/obs_data/[pod short name] and/or input_data/model/[pod short name]
[ ] My code is portable; it uses MDTF environment variables, and does not contain hard-coded file or directory paths
[ ] I have provided the code to generate digested data files from raw data files
[ ] Each digested data file generated by the script contains numerical data (no figures), and is 3 GB or less in size
[ ] I have included copies of the figures generated by the POD in the pull request
[x] The repository contains no extra test scripts or data files
Associated issue #698
How Has This Been Tested? RHEL8, python 3.12