NOAA-GFDL / MOM6-examples

Example configurations for MOM6 and SIS2
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eddy decomposition output for OM4 p5 and p25 for OM4 paper #236

Open StephenGriffies opened 6 years ago

StephenGriffies commented 6 years ago

To facilitate eddy/mean decomposition, please add to ALL OM4 simulations the following fields onto rho_space (ocean_model_rho2)

--"vo" and h = "thkcello" so that we can compute bar(vo' h') = bar(voh) - bar(vo)*bar(h), where "bar" is a time average on an isopycnal.

--vhml and vhgm so that we can diagnose the effects from SGS parameterization

We need these fields saved for OM4p5 as well as OM4p25, since there are "eddies" even in OM4p5.

StephenGriffies commented 6 years ago

we need this saved for OM4p5 as well as OM4p25, since there are "eddies" even in OM4p5.

StephenGriffies commented 5 years ago

Also, for the OM4p5 expt


the diag_table include uhGM and vhGM for both ocean_z and rho2.
However, I do not see these fields anywhere. What might be going on?
Perhaps they are part of the new simulation but not the older?

We need these fields to diagnose how the eddy parameterization is contributing to the meridional overturning.

adcroft commented 5 years ago

For OM4_025, thkcello and 'vhml are already in the diag_table for ocean_annual_rho2 and ocean_month_rho2 tables. So all that is needed is vo which I've just added to the re-run.

@jkrasting will have to handle the change to OMp5.

jkrasting commented 5 years ago

thkcello and vhml are also in the OM4_05 diag table. Will add vo.

StephenGriffies commented 5 years ago

Thanks @adcroft and @jkrasting

For OM4p5, please be sure to also include vhGM.
