NOAA-GFDL's Sea Ice Simulator version 2
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+(*)Write unscaled SIS2 restart files #175

Closed Hallberg-NOAA closed 2 years ago

Hallberg-NOAA commented 2 years ago

Revised the SIS2 code so that the output restart files are always exactly the same as they would be if no dimensional rescaling is applied. The input restart files can still have rescaling, so files written by previous versions of the code still work exactly as before. This does change the output, in the sense that the restart files are unscaled and some units documents in the restart files are corrected, but the solutions themselves are bitwise identical. Also, there are new (non-optional) unit scaling type arguments to several routines.

The specific changes in this commit include:

Hallberg-NOAA commented 2 years ago

I have now done the requested rebase to dev/gfdl and force push to my branch.