NOAA-GFDL / fre-cli

Python-based command line interface for FRE (FMS Runtime Environment) to compile and run FMS-based models and post-process their output.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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`fre cmor run`: desired tweaks #165

Open ilaflott opened 4 weeks ago

ilaflott commented 4 weeks ago

see issue #164 for where these thoughts come from. My bones to pick with fre cmor run are:

1. Will not create $outdir/tmp for you

if the tool desires a temporary directory to accomplish it's mission, it should create it as-needed, and perhaps, remove it later as well. Exiting upon a temp directory not existing does not make sense.

2. Rename some input argument fields

outdir is very misleading- part of the point of the cmor library is to create a specific directory structure. this argument name gives the user a misleading impression that they have control over that structure. Really, outdir here is more like an output directory root or prefix.

varlist is also misleading. In python land, one might assume this means this argument could be a literal python list. This is not the case at all- this argument is supposed to be a JSON dictionary of the input variable names (keys) and desired output variable names (values).

3. re-rig help-menu

current help menu:

  -d, --indir TEXT         Input directory  [required]
  -l, --varlist TEXT       Variable list  [required]
  -r, --table_config TEXT  Table configuration  [required]
  -p, --exp_config TEXT    Experiment configuration  [required]
  -o, --outdir TEXT        Output directory  [required]
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

i'm not sure what my preferred change here is- but somewhere, it should be mentioned that varlist, table_config and exp_config input fields are TEXT that represents the path to a JSON file.