NOAA-GFDL / fre-workflows

Code to generate, describe, validate, and configure scientific workflows within the FRE software framework
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meta/rose-meta.conf tells users that "all" is a valid option for pp_components, but validator does not accept it #15

Closed uwagura closed 2 months ago

uwagura commented 2 months ago

The meta/rose-meta.conf conf file tells users that "all" is a valid value for pp_components' , but themeta/lib/python/macros/components.pyvalidator isn't actually set up to accept all as an option forpp_components. The validator assumes that any value forpp_componentsis the name of app_component, so it checksapp/remap-pp-components /rose-app.conf` for an "all" component, and gives the following error when it does not find it:

[V] components.ComponentChecker: issues: 1
    template variables=PP_COMPONENTS=all
        Requested component 'all' is not defined in /home/Utheri.Wagura/cylc-src/CEFI_NWA12_COBALT_V1__gfdl.ncrc5-intel22__prod/meta/lib/python/macros/../../../../app/remap-pp-components/rose-app.conf

We should either add a line to the validator that checks if the user entered "all" for the components, or just remove the message from rose-meta.conf telling users that they can enter all as an option