NOAA-GFDL / xwmt

Python package for water mass transformation analysis that leverages xarray functionality
MIT License
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Documentation updates needed #11

Open jkrasting opened 1 year ago

jkrasting commented 1 year ago

A few to-dos:

jetesdal commented 1 year ago

This is a useful list. Where should we start? I think that all functions have a docstring except the low-level ones. If we remove the preprocessing routine we should have description on the required naming of the input dataset. Also @gmacgilchrist's description on the calculations would be useful to include (maybe in the readthedocs)?

jetesdal commented 1 year ago

A simple example with MOM6 output would add a necessary step after loading the data and before initializing the swmt class: Do a xr.merge() with the variables in ds_vars and grid info in ds_static and rename to the xwmt standard (CMOR?) naming:

ds = xr.merge([ds_vars,ds_static]).drop_dims(['xq','yq']).reset_coords(drop=True).rename({'xh': 'x', 'yh': 'y','geolat': 'lat', 'geolon': 'lon'})