NOAA-GSL / GSL-prep-chem

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update process-obs/FV3/gbbepx2netcdf/ for Rocky8 OS #14

Closed zhanglikate closed 3 months ago

zhanglikate commented 3 months ago

Update compile script with module load intel/2023.2.0 for Rocky OS

zhanglikate commented 3 months ago

Hi Sam,

  I am using the following build script . there is not issue. 

! /usr/bin/env bash

set -eux

cd ./prepchem_NC.fd/process-obs/FV3/gbbepx2netcdf/

echo " Building ... prepchem to convert binary to NetCDF"

sh cp mkncgbbepx.exe ../../../../../exec/mkncgbbepx

zhanglikate commented 3 months ago

This is the

set -ue module load intel/2023.2.0 netcdf szip hdf5 set -x

fflags=$( nf-config --fflags ) flibs=$( nf-config --flibs )

ifort $fflags -I. -c -o mkncgbbepx.o mkncgbbepx.f90 -g -traceback ifort $fflags -o mkncgbbepx.exe mkncgbbepx.o -g -traceback $flibs

zhanglikate commented 3 months ago


 If you are testing it in your terminal , you have to use 

module load gnu intel/2023.2.0 netcdf szip hdf5
SamuelTrahanNOAA commented 3 months ago

I still get the error with that script.

Please try purging your modules first:

module purge
zhanglikate commented 3 months ago

Updated. Can you help to check and approve it? Thanks.

zhanglikate commented 3 months ago

Thanks very much.