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Update MATS for section 508 compliance #1203

Open mollybsmith-noaa opened 1 month ago

mollybsmith-noaa commented 1 month ago

I thought we already had an issue for this, but apparently not! We need to update MATS for accessibility requirements / section 508.

ian-noaa commented 1 month ago

Some notes.

Section 508/accessibility is more commonly known as a11y in the web world.

Accessibility Tooling

Even the best automated tooling only catches ~40% of accessibility issues. Using multiple tools and doing hand audits are recommended.


This issue could dovetail with #629 if we need to modify the site's CSS extensively. However, if we can achieve our accessibility goals without modifying the site's CSS, then treating those two issues separately would be ideal. There is also the question of whether Bootstrap or USWDS is the best design system for us to use.

ian-noaa commented 1 month ago

One other resource for this - GSL's Lunch & Learn series on accessibility: