NOAA-GSL / VxIngest

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vxmonitor showing record difference indicates database timeout problem #330

Closed randytpierce closed 5 months ago

randytpierce commented 6 months ago

We have gotten a couple of prometheus alerts indicating record count differences. Looking into one and comparing the timestamp to the archives it leads to this archive file ...


and opening that archive file with vim I look at this log ...


and I find these errors ....

2024-02-16T10:16:40+0000 [ERROR] <VxIngestManager-22> (vxingest.ctc_to_cb.ctc_builder): CTCModelObsBuilderV01 Error getting model document: UnAmbiguousTimeoutException(<ec=14, category=couchbase.common, message=unambiguous_timeout (14), context=KeyValueErrorContext:{'retry_attempts': 0, 'key': 'DD:V01:METAR:HRRR_OPS:1708063200:17', 'bucket_name': 'vxdata', 'scope_name': '_default', 'collection_name': 'METAR', 'opaque': 51}, C Source=/couchbase-python-client/src/kv_ops.cxx:212>)
2024-02-16T10:16:40+0000 [INFO] <VxIngestManager-22> (vxingest.ctc_to_cb.ctc_builder): Looking up observation document: DD:V01:METAR:obs:1708063200
2024-02-16T10:16:40+0000 [ERROR] <VxIngestManager-24> (vxingest.ctc_to_cb.ctc_builder): CTCModelObsBuilderV01 Error getting model document: UnAmbiguousTimeoutException(<ec=14, category=couchbase.common, message=unambiguous_timeout (14), context=KeyValueErrorContext:{'retry_attempts': 0, 'key': 'DD:V01:METAR:HRRR_OPS:1708063200:24', 'bucket_name': 'vxdata', 'scope_name': '_default', 'collection_name': 'METAR', 'opaque': 55}, C Source=/couchbase-python-client/src/kv_ops.cxx:212>) 
2024-02-16T10:16:40+0000 [INFO] <VxIngestManager-24> (vxingest.ctc_to_cb.ctc_builder): Looking up observation document: DD:V01:METAR:obs:1708063200
2024-02-16T10:16:41+0000 [ERROR] <VxIngestManager-20> (vxingest.ctc_to_cb.ctc_builder): CTCModelObsBuilderV01 problem getting obs document: UnAmbiguousTimeoutException(<ec=14, category=couchbase.common, message=unambiguous_timeout (14), context=KeyValueErrorContext:{'retry_attempts': 0, 'key': 'DD:V01:METAR:obs:1708066800', 'bucket_name': 'vxdata', 'scope_name': '_default', 'collection_name': 'METAR', 'opaque': 90}, C Source=/couchbase-python-client/src/kv_ops.cxx:212>)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/vxingest/ctc_to_cb/", line 375, in handle_fcstValidEpochs
    _obs_doc = self.load_spec["collection"].get(obs_id)
  File "/app/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/couchbase/", line 176, in get
    return self._get_internal(key, **final_args)
  File "/app/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/couchbase/logic/", line 138, in wrapped_fn
    raise e
  File "/app/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/couchbase/logic/", line 116, in wrapped_fn
    raise ErrorMapper.build_exception(ret)
couchbase.exceptions.UnAmbiguousTimeoutException: UnAmbiguousTimeoutException(<ec=14, category=couchbase.common, message=unambiguous_timeout (14), context=KeyValueErrorContext:{'retry_attempts': 0, 'key': 'DD:V01:METAR:obs:1708066800', 'bucket_name': 'vxdata', 'scope_name': '_default', 'collection_name': 'METAR', 'opaque': 90}, C Source=/couchbase-python-client/src/kv_ops.cxx:212>)
2024-02-16T10:16:41+0000 [INFO] <VxIngestManager-23> (vxingest.ctc_to_cb.ctc_builder): Looking up model document: DD:V01:METAR:HRRR_OPS:1708063200:36

These indicate a timeout problem talking to the database on adb-cb1. This also happened with connections and we fixed that problem with a retry. Perhaps the same thing is needed here, although it would be good to know why we are getting timeouts talking to the database.

randytpierce commented 6 months ago

We encountered an alert on Feb 22 and investigation turned up... I did look into the log message for this error and indeed it is due to a query timeout while querying for a region (metadata). The log file is in this archive (you can find the appropriate archive in /data-ingest/data/xfer/archive by comparing the dates of the tar.gz files) ... /data-ingest/data/xfer/archive/success-job_v01_metar_partial__sums_surface_model_hrrrrap130_1708611006.tar.gz

And this is the error... 2024-02-22T14:25:32+0000 [ERROR] (vxingest.partial_sums_to_cb.partial_sums_builder): PartialSumsSurfaceModelObsBuilderV01: Exception with builder: error: UnAmbiguousTimeoutException(<ec=14, category=couchbase.common, message=unambiguous_timeout (14), context=QueryErrorContext({'last_dispatched_to': '', 'last_dispatched_from': '', 'retry_attempts': 0, 'client_context_id': 'e273cf-d29c-ab48-fc8f-41c30db8743250', 'method': 'POST', 'path': '/query/service', 'http_status': 0, 'http_body': '', 'first_error_code': 0, 'first_error_message': '', 'statement': "SELECT as br_lat,\n geo.bottom_right.lon as br_lon,\n as tl_lat,\n geo.top_left.lon as tl_lon\n FROM vxdata._default.METAR\n WHERE type='MD'\n and docType='region'\n and subset='COMMON'\n and version='V01'\n and name='E_US'", 'parameters': '{"client_context_id":"e273cf-d29c-ab48-fc8f-41c30db8743250","metrics":false,"readonly":true,"statement":"SELECT as br_lat,\n geo.bottom_right.lon as br_lon,\n as tl_lat,\n geo.top_left.lon as tl_lon\n FROM vxdata._default.METAR\n WHERE type=\'MD\'\n and docType=\'region\'\n and subset=\'COMMON\'\n and version=\'V01\'\n and name=\'E_US\'","timeout":"119500ms"}', 'context_type': 'QueryErrorContext'}), C Source=/couchbase-python-client/src/n1ql.cxx:277>) ...

From which I extracted the queries...

SELECT as br_lat, geo.bottom_right.lon as br_lon, as tl_lat, geo.top_left.lon as tl_lon FROM vxdata._default.METAR WHERE type = 'MD' and docType = 'region' and subset = 'COMMON' and version = 'V01' and name = 'E_US'


SELECT as br_lat, geo.bottom_right.lon as br_lon, as tl_lat, geo.top_left.lon as tl_lon FROM vxdata._default.METAR WHERE type = 'MD' AND docType='region' AND subset='COMMON' AND version='V01'

which are valid queries and work otherwise.

So we are seeing query timeouts against adb-cb1 from the python client in the ingest code.

randytpierce commented 5 months ago

There was some retry code added to a couple of problematic areas but this problem seems to have been resolved. We are not getting these alerts anymore.