NOAA-MDL / grib2io

Python interface to the NCEP G2C Library for reading and writing GRIB2 messages.
MIT License
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Unable to write out values from URMA qpe01/06 GRIBs #72

Closed kevmcgrath closed 1 year ago

kevmcgrath commented 1 year ago

When I read URMA QPE01 and QPE06 GRIBs using the latest version of grib2io on WCOSS2 (2.0.0b2), all of the values are all 'nan'.

Acquire QPE06 data:

$ wget

Set up environment:

$ module reset
$ module load intel/
$ module load python/3.8.6
$ module load libjpeg
$ module use /lfs/h1/mdl/nbm/save/apps/modulefiles
$ module load grib2io/2.0.0b2

$ which python


>>> import grib2io
>>> sourceGrib='urma2p5.2023042418.pcp_06h.wexp.grb2'
>>> grbs =                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

>>> grbs
mode = rb
name = urma2p5.2023042418.pcp_06h.wexp.grb2
messages = 1
current_message = 0
size = 719080
closed = False
variables = ('APCP',)
levels = ('surface',)

>>> grbs[0]
Section 0: discipline = 0 - Meteorological Products
Section 1: originatingCenter = 7 - US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC)
Section 1: originatingSubCenter = 4 - Environmental Modeling Center
Section 1: masterTableInfo = 2 - Version Implemented on 4 November 2003
Section 1: localTableInfo = 1 - Number of local table version used.
Section 1: significanceOfReferenceTime = 0 - Analysis
Section 1: year = 2023
Section 1: month = 4
Section 1: day = 24
Section 1: hour = 12
Section 1: minute = 0
Section 1: second = 0
Section 1: refDate = 2023-04-24 12:00:00
Section 1: productionStatus = 0 - Operational Products
Section 1: typeOfData = 0 - Analysis Products
Section 3: interpretationOfListOfNumbers = 0 - There is no appended list
Section 3: gridDefinitionTemplateNumber = 30 - Lambert Conformal (Can be Secant, Tangent, Conical, or Bipolar)
Section 3: shapeOfEarth = 1 - Earth assumed spherical with radius specified (in m) by data producer
Section 3: earthRadius = 6371200.0
Section 3: earthMajorAxis = None
Section 3: earthMinorAxis = None
Section 3: resolutionAndComponentFlags = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
Section 3: ny = 1597
Section 3: nx = 2345
Section 3: scanModeFlags = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Section 3: gridOrientation = 265.0
Section 3: gridlengthXDirection = 2539.703
Section 3: gridlengthYDirection = 2539.703
Section 3: latitudeFirstGridpoint = 19.228976
Section 3: latitudeSouthernPole = -90.0
Section 3: latitudeTrueScale = 25.0
Section 3: longitudeFirstGridpoint = 233.723448
Section 3: longitudeSouthernPole = 0.0
Section 3: projParameters = {'a': 6371200.0, 'b': 6371200.0, 'proj': 'lcc', 'lat_1': 25.0, 'lat_2': 25.0, 'lat_0': 25.0, 'lon_0': 265.0}
Section 3: projectionCenterFlag = 0
Section 3: standardLatitude1 = 25.0
Section 3: standardLatitude2 = 25.0
Section 4: productDefinitionTemplateNumber = 8 - Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval. (see Template 4.8)
Section 4: fullName = Total Precipitation
Section 4: units = kg m-2
Section 4: shortName = APCP
Section 4: leadTime = 6:00:00
Section 4: unitOfFirstFixedSurface = unknown
Section 4: valueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0.0
Section 4: unitOfSecondFixedSurface = None
Section 4: valueOfSecondFixedSurface = 0.0
Section 4: validDate = 2023-04-24 18:00:00
Section 4: duration = 6:00:00
Section 4: level = surface
Section 4: backgroundGeneratingProcessIdentifier = 0
Section 4: dayOfEndOfTimePeriod = 24
Section 4: forecastTime = 0
Section 4: generatingProcess = 118 - UnRestricted Mesoscale Analysis (URMA)
Section 4: hourOfEndOfTimePeriod = 18
Section 4: hoursAfterDataCutoff = 0
Section 4: minuteOfEndOfTimePeriod = 0
Section 4: minutesAfterDataCutoff = 0
Section 4: monthOfEndOfTimePeriod = 4
Section 4: numberOfMissingValues = 255
Section 4: numberOfTimeRanges = 1
Section 4: parameterCategory = 1
Section 4: parameterNumber = 8
Section 4: scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0
Section 4: scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = 0
Section 4: scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0
Section 4: scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = 0
Section 4: secondOfEndOfTimePeriod = 0
Section 4: statisticalProcess = 1 - Accumulation
Section 4: timeIncrementOfSuccessiveFields = 0
Section 4: timeRangeOfStatisticalProcess = 6
Section 4: typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 - ['Ground or Water Surface', 'unknown']
Section 4: typeOfGeneratingProcess = 2 - Forecast
Section 4: typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 - ['Missing', 'unknown']
Section 4: typeOfTimeIncrementOfStatisticalProcess = 2 - Successive times processed have same start time of forecast, forecast time is incremented.
Section 4: unitOfTimeRange = 1 - Hour
Section 4: unitOfTimeRangeOfStatisticalProcess = 1 - Hour
Section 4: unitOfTimeRangeOfSuccessiveFields = 255 - Missing
Section 4: yearOfEndOfTimePeriod = 2023
Section 5: dataRepresentationTemplateNumber = 2 - Grid Point Data - Complex Packing (see Template 5.2)
Section 5: numberOfPackedValues = 1383199
Section 5: typeOfValues = 0 - Floating Point
Section 5: binScaleFactor = 5
Section 5: decScaleFactor = 4
Section 5: groupLengthIncrement = 1
Section 5: groupSplittingMethod = 1 - General Group Splitting
Section 5: lengthOfLastGroup = 658
Section 5: nBitsGroupWidth = 5
Section 5: nBitsPacking = 14
Section 5: nBitsScaledGroupLength = 10
Section 5: nGroups = 14496
Section 5: priMissingValue = None
Section 5: refGroupLength = 1
Section 5: refGroupWidth = 0
Section 5: refValue = 0.0
Section 5: secMissingValue = None
Section 5: typeOfMissingValueManagement = 0 - No explicit missing values included within the data values
Section 6: bitMapFlag = 0 - A bit map applies to this product and is specified in this section.

>>> grbs[0].data
array([[nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
       [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
       [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
       [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
       [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan],
       [nan, nan, nan, ..., nan, nan, nan]], dtype=float32)
>>> grbs[0].data.min()

>>> grbs[0].data.max()                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

I can see via gdalinfo and QGIS that there are valid values in the GRIB file:

$ gdalinfo urma2p5.2023042418.pcp_06h.wexp.grb2 -mm | grep Min/Max
    Computed Min/Max=0.000,131.898
EricEngle-NOAA commented 1 year ago

The min() and max() methods for NumPy arrays do not ignore nans -- similar to np.amin() and np.amax(). To ignore the nans, use np.nanmin() and np.nanmax() and you will see the correct min and max values.

kevmcgrath commented 1 year ago

Ahhh, thanks for pointing me to those NumPy commands. These are now showing the proper values.

I have additional information that will clarify the issue that I'm seeing. While I'm able to read all URMA precip GRIBs with grib2io and the values look good, the problem is that packing and writing to a new GRIB results in a file with all 0 values for some specific input files.

Note that URMA precip GRIBs get updated multiple times after their initial release. I'm finding that grib2io is able to properly pack and write to GRIB when the input data is from the last 24 hours. It's the URMA precip GRIBs that have valid times older than 24 hours that result in grib2io writing out all 0 values.

One possible smoking gun is that initially, the URMA precip GRIBs use this packing:

Section 5: dataRepresentationTemplateNumber = 2 - Grid Point Data - Complex Packing (see Template 5.2)

...but after about a day, it changes to this:

Section 5: dataRepresentationTemplateNumber = 3 - Grid Point Data - Complex Packing and Spatial Differencing (see Template 5.3)

Perhaps there are other differences that don't play nicely with grib2io. Note that pygrib isn't impacted by these differences.

Below I'll include messages for "good" and "bad" URMA precip GRIBs.

"Good" GRIB (grib2io is able to read the data, pack it, and write out the true values to a new GRIB) - AT THE TIME OF THIS WRITING: /lfs/h1/ops/prod/com/urma/v2.10/pcpurma.20230426/pcpurma_wexp.2023042612.06h.grb2

Section 0: discipline = 0 - Meteorological Products
Section 1: originatingCenter = 7 - US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC)
Section 1: originatingSubCenter = 4 - Environmental Modeling Center
Section 1: masterTableInfo = 2 - Version Implemented on 4 November 2003
Section 1: localTableInfo = 1 - Number of local table version used.
Section 1: significanceOfReferenceTime = 0 - Analysis
Section 1: year = 2023
Section 1: month = 4
Section 1: day = 26
Section 1: hour = 6
Section 1: minute = 0
Section 1: second = 0
Section 1: refDate = 2023-04-26 06:00:00
Section 1: productionStatus = 0 - Operational Products
Section 1: typeOfData = 0 - Analysis Products
Section 3: interpretationOfListOfNumbers = 0 - There is no appended list
Section 3: gridDefinitionTemplateNumber = 30 - Lambert Conformal (Can be Secant, Tangent, Conical, or Bipolar)
Section 3: shapeOfEarth = 1 - Earth assumed spherical with radius specified (in m) by data producer
Section 3: earthRadius = 6371200.0
Section 3: earthMajorAxis = None
Section 3: earthMinorAxis = None
Section 3: resolutionAndComponentFlags = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
Section 3: ny = 1597
Section 3: nx = 2345
Section 3: scanModeFlags = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Section 3: gridOrientation = 265.0
Section 3: gridlengthXDirection = 2539.703
Section 3: gridlengthYDirection = 2539.703
Section 3: latitudeFirstGridpoint = 19.228976
Section 3: latitudeSouthernPole = -90.0
Section 3: latitudeTrueScale = 25.0
Section 3: longitudeFirstGridpoint = 233.723448
Section 3: longitudeSouthernPole = 0.0
Section 3: projParameters = {'a': 6371200.0, 'b': 6371200.0, 'proj': 'lcc', 'lat_1': 25.0, 'lat_2': 25.0, 'lat_0': 25.0, 'lon_0': 265.0}
Section 3: projectionCenterFlag = 0
Section 3: standardLatitude1 = 25.0
Section 3: standardLatitude2 = 25.0
Section 4: productDefinitionTemplateNumber = 8 - Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval. (see Template 4.8)
Section 4: fullName = Total Precipitation
Section 4: units = kg m-2
Section 4: shortName = APCP
Section 4: leadTime = 6:00:00
Section 4: unitOfFirstFixedSurface = unknown
Section 4: valueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0.0
Section 4: unitOfSecondFixedSurface = None
Section 4: valueOfSecondFixedSurface = 0.0
Section 4: validDate = 2023-04-26 12:00:00
Section 4: duration = 6:00:00
Section 4: level = surface
Section 4: backgroundGeneratingProcessIdentifier = 0
Section 4: dayOfEndOfTimePeriod = 26
Section 4: forecastTime = 0
Section 4: generatingProcess = 118 - UnRestricted Mesoscale Analysis (URMA)
Section 4: hourOfEndOfTimePeriod = 12
Section 4: hoursAfterDataCutoff = 0
Section 4: minuteOfEndOfTimePeriod = 0
Section 4: minutesAfterDataCutoff = 0
Section 4: monthOfEndOfTimePeriod = 4
Section 4: numberOfMissingValues = 255
Section 4: numberOfTimeRanges = 1
Section 4: parameterCategory = 1
Section 4: parameterNumber = 8
Section 4: scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0
Section 4: scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = 0
Section 4: scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0
Section 4: scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = 0
Section 4: secondOfEndOfTimePeriod = 0
Section 4: statisticalProcess = 1 - Accumulation
Section 4: timeIncrementOfSuccessiveFields = 0
Section 4: timeRangeOfStatisticalProcess = 6
Section 4: typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 - ['Ground or Water Surface', 'unknown']
Section 4: typeOfGeneratingProcess = 2 - Forecast
Section 4: typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 - ['Missing', 'unknown']
Section 4: typeOfTimeIncrementOfStatisticalProcess = 2 - Successive times processed have same start time of forecast, forecast time is incremented.
Section 4: unitOfTimeRange = 1 - Hour
Section 4: unitOfTimeRangeOfStatisticalProcess = 1 - Hour
Section 4: unitOfTimeRangeOfSuccessiveFields = 255 - Missing
Section 4: yearOfEndOfTimePeriod = 2023
Section 5: dataRepresentationTemplateNumber = 2 - Grid Point Data - Complex Packing (see Template 5.2)
Section 5: numberOfPackedValues = 1644513
Section 5: typeOfValues = 0 - Floating Point
Section 5: binScaleFactor = 4
Section 5: decScaleFactor = 4
Section 5: groupLengthIncrement = 1
Section 5: groupSplittingMethod = 1 - General Group Splitting
Section 5: lengthOfLastGroup = 257
Section 5: nBitsGroupWidth = 4
Section 5: nBitsPacking = 15
Section 5: nBitsScaledGroupLength = 10
Section 5: nGroups = 15292
Section 5: priMissingValue = None
Section 5: refGroupLength = 1
Section 5: refGroupWidth = 0
Section 5: refValue = 0.0
Section 5: secMissingValue = None
Section 5: typeOfMissingValueManagement = 0 - No explicit missing values included within the data values
Section 6: bitMapFlag = 0 - A bit map applies to this product and is specified in this section.

"Bad" GRIB (grib2io is able to read the data, pack it, but writing the data out to GRIB results in all 0 values): /lfs/h1/ops/prod/com/urma/v2.10/pcpurma.20230425/pcpurma_wexp.2023042512.06h.grb2

Section 0: discipline = 0 - Meteorological Products
Section 1: originatingCenter = 7 - US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC)
Section 1: originatingSubCenter = 4 - Environmental Modeling Center
Section 1: masterTableInfo = 1 - Version Implemented on 7 November 2001
Section 1: localTableInfo = 0 - Local tables not used. Only table entries and templates from the current master table are valid.
Section 1: significanceOfReferenceTime = 0 - Analysis
Section 1: year = 2023
Section 1: month = 4
Section 1: day = 25
Section 1: hour = 6
Section 1: minute = 0
Section 1: second = 0
Section 1: refDate = 2023-04-25 06:00:00
Section 1: productionStatus = 0 - Operational Products
Section 1: typeOfData = 0 - Analysis Products
Section 3: interpretationOfListOfNumbers = 0 - There is no appended list
Section 3: gridDefinitionTemplateNumber = 30 - Lambert Conformal (Can be Secant, Tangent, Conical, or Bipolar)
Section 3: shapeOfEarth = 1 - Earth assumed spherical with radius specified (in m) by data producer
Section 3: earthRadius = 6371200.0
Section 3: earthMajorAxis = None
Section 3: earthMinorAxis = None
Section 3: resolutionAndComponentFlags = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
Section 3: ny = 1597
Section 3: nx = 2345
Section 3: scanModeFlags = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Section 3: gridOrientation = 265.0
Section 3: gridlengthXDirection = 2539.703
Section 3: gridlengthYDirection = 2539.703
Section 3: latitudeFirstGridpoint = 19.228976
Section 3: latitudeSouthernPole = -90.0
Section 3: latitudeTrueScale = 25.0
Section 3: longitudeFirstGridpoint = 233.723448
Section 3: longitudeSouthernPole = 0.0
Section 3: projParameters = {'a': 6371200.0, 'b': 6371200.0, 'proj': 'lcc', 'lat_1': 25.0, 'lat_2': 25.0, 'lat_0': 25.0, 'lon_0': 265.0}
Section 3: projectionCenterFlag = 0
Section 3: standardLatitude1 = 25.0
Section 3: standardLatitude2 = 25.0
Section 4: productDefinitionTemplateNumber = 8 - Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval. (see Template 4.8)
Section 4: fullName = Total Precipitation
Section 4: units = kg m-2
Section 4: shortName = APCP
Section 4: leadTime = 6:00:00
Section 4: unitOfFirstFixedSurface = unknown
Section 4: valueOfFirstFixedSurface = 2550.0
Section 4: unitOfSecondFixedSurface = None
Section 4: valueOfSecondFixedSurface = 2550.0
Section 4: validDate = 2023-04-25 12:00:00
Section 4: duration = 6:00:00
Section 4: level = surface
Section 4: backgroundGeneratingProcessIdentifier = 0
Section 4: dayOfEndOfTimePeriod = 25
Section 4: forecastTime = 0
Section 4: generatingProcess = 118 - UnRestricted Mesoscale Analysis (URMA)
Section 4: hourOfEndOfTimePeriod = 12
Section 4: hoursAfterDataCutoff = 0
Section 4: minuteOfEndOfTimePeriod = 0
Section 4: minutesAfterDataCutoff = 0
Section 4: monthOfEndOfTimePeriod = 4
Section 4: numberOfMissingValues = 0
Section 4: numberOfTimeRanges = 1
Section 4: parameterCategory = 1
Section 4: parameterNumber = 8
Section 4: scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = -1
Section 4: scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = -127
Section 4: scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 255
Section 4: scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = -2147483647
Section 4: secondOfEndOfTimePeriod = 0
Section 4: statisticalProcess = 1 - Accumulation
Section 4: timeIncrementOfSuccessiveFields = 0
Section 4: timeRangeOfStatisticalProcess = 6
Section 4: typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 - ['Ground or Water Surface', 'unknown']
Section 4: typeOfGeneratingProcess = 2 - Forecast
Section 4: typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 - ['Missing', 'unknown']
Section 4: typeOfTimeIncrementOfStatisticalProcess = 2 - Successive times processed have same start time of forecast, forecast time is incremented.
Section 4: unitOfTimeRange = 1 - Hour
Section 4: unitOfTimeRangeOfStatisticalProcess = 1 - Hour
Section 4: unitOfTimeRangeOfSuccessiveFields = 255 - Missing
Section 4: yearOfEndOfTimePeriod = 2023
Section 5: dataRepresentationTemplateNumber = 3 - Grid Point Data - Complex Packing and Spatial Differencing (see Template 5.3)
Section 5: numberOfPackedValues = 3744965
Section 5: typeOfValues = 0 - Floating Point
Section 5: binScaleFactor = -5
Section 5: decScaleFactor = 0
Section 5: groupLengthIncrement = 1
Section 5: groupSplittingMethod = 1 - General Group Splitting
Section 5: lengthOfLastGroup = 167
Section 5: nBitsGroupWidth = 4
Section 5: nBitsPacking = 11
Section 5: nBitsScaledGroupLength = 10
Section 5: nBytesSpatialDifference = 2
Section 5: nGroups = 43341
Section 5: priMissingValue = 9.999000260554009e+20
Section 5: refGroupLength = 1
Section 5: refGroupWidth = 0
Section 5: refValue = 0.0
Section 5: secMissingValue = nan
Section 5: spatialDifferenceOrder = 1 - First-Order Spatial Differencing
Section 5: typeOfMissingValueManagement = 1 - Primary missing values included within the data values
Section 6: bitMapFlag = 255 - A bit map does not apply to this product.
EricEngle-NOAA commented 1 year ago

What is your process for writing out the "bad" GRIB message?

kevmcgrath commented 1 year ago

Here are examples of reading/writing/reading both a "good" and a "bad" URMA precip GRIB.

"Good" GRIB (at the time of this writing): /lfs/h1/ops/prod/com/urma/v2.10/pcpurma.20230427/pcpurma_wexp.2023042706.06h.grb2

* Examine source GRIB

$ ll /lfs/h1/ops/prod/com/urma/v2.10/pcpurma.20230427/pcpurma_wexp.2023042706.06h.grb2
-rw-rw-r-- 1 prod 881599 Apr 27 12:02 /lfs/h1/ops/prod/com/urma/v2.10/pcpurma.20230427/pcpurma_wexp.2023042706.06h.grb2

$ gdalinfo /lfs/h1/ops/prod/com/urma/v2.10/pcpurma.20230427/pcpurma_wexp.2023042706.06h.grb2 -mm | grep Min
    Computed Min/Max=0.000,114.899

$ degrib /lfs/h1/ops/prod/com/urma/v2.10/pcpurma.20230427/pcpurma_wexp.2023042706.06h.grb2 -C -stdout | grep Packing                                                                                
Info | Packing that was used | 2 (Grid point data - complex packing)

* Open source GRIB with grib2io and write to new GRIB

>>> import grib2io
>>> import numpy as np
>>> sourceGrib='/lfs/h1/ops/prod/com/urma/v2.10/pcpurma.20230427/pcpurma_wexp.2023042706.06h.grb2'
>>> grbs = 
>>> grbs
mode = rb
name = /lfs/h1/ops/prod/com/urma/v2.10/pcpurma.20230427/pcpurma_wexp.2023042706.06h.grb2
messages = 1
current_message = 0
size = 881599
closed = False
variables = ('APCP',)
levels = ('surface',)

>>> message = grbs[0]
>>> message
Section 0: discipline = 0 - Meteorological Products
Section 1: originatingCenter = 7 - US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC)
Section 1: originatingSubCenter = 4 - Environmental Modeling Center
Section 1: masterTableInfo = 2 - Version Implemented on 4 November 2003
Section 1: localTableInfo = 1 - Number of local table version used.
Section 1: significanceOfReferenceTime = 0 - Analysis
Section 1: year = 2023
Section 1: month = 4
Section 1: day = 27
Section 1: hour = 0
Section 1: minute = 0
Section 1: second = 0
Section 1: refDate = 2023-04-27 00:00:00
Section 1: productionStatus = 0 - Operational Products
Section 1: typeOfData = 0 - Analysis Products
Section 3: interpretationOfListOfNumbers = 0 - There is no appended list
Section 3: gridDefinitionTemplateNumber = 30 - Lambert Conformal (Can be Secant, Tangent, Conical, or Bipolar)
Section 3: shapeOfEarth = 1 - Earth assumed spherical with radius specified (in m) by data producer
Section 3: earthRadius = 6371200.0
Section 3: earthMajorAxis = None
Section 3: earthMinorAxis = None
Section 3: resolutionAndComponentFlags = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
Section 3: ny = 1597
Section 3: nx = 2345
Section 3: scanModeFlags = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Section 3: gridOrientation = 265.0
Section 3: gridlengthXDirection = 2539.703
Section 3: gridlengthYDirection = 2539.703
Section 3: latitudeFirstGridpoint = 19.228976
Section 3: latitudeSouthernPole = -90.0
Section 3: latitudeTrueScale = 25.0
Section 3: longitudeFirstGridpoint = 233.723448
Section 3: longitudeSouthernPole = 0.0
Section 3: projParameters = {'a': 6371200.0, 'b': 6371200.0, 'proj': 'lcc', 'lat_1': 25.0, 'lat_2': 25.0, 'lat_0': 25.0, 'lon_0': 265.0}
Section 3: projectionCenterFlag = 0
Section 3: standardLatitude1 = 25.0
Section 3: standardLatitude2 = 25.0
Section 4: productDefinitionTemplateNumber = 8 - Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval. (see Template 4.8)
Section 4: fullName = Total Precipitation
Section 4: units = kg m-2
Section 4: shortName = APCP
Section 4: leadTime = 6:00:00
Section 4: unitOfFirstFixedSurface = unknown
Section 4: valueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0.0
Section 4: unitOfSecondFixedSurface = None
Section 4: valueOfSecondFixedSurface = 0.0
Section 4: validDate = 2023-04-27 06:00:00
Section 4: duration = 6:00:00
Section 4: level = surface
Section 4: backgroundGeneratingProcessIdentifier = 0
Section 4: dayOfEndOfTimePeriod = 27
Section 4: forecastTime = 0
Section 4: generatingProcess = 118 - UnRestricted Mesoscale Analysis (URMA)
Section 4: hourOfEndOfTimePeriod = 6
Section 4: hoursAfterDataCutoff = 0
Section 4: minuteOfEndOfTimePeriod = 0
Section 4: minutesAfterDataCutoff = 0
Section 4: monthOfEndOfTimePeriod = 4
Section 4: numberOfMissingValues = 255
Section 4: numberOfTimeRanges = 1
Section 4: parameterCategory = 1
Section 4: parameterNumber = 8
Section 4: scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0
Section 4: scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = 0
Section 4: scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0
Section 4: scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = 0
Section 4: secondOfEndOfTimePeriod = 0
Section 4: statisticalProcess = 1 - Accumulation
Section 4: timeIncrementOfSuccessiveFields = 0
Section 4: timeRangeOfStatisticalProcess = 6
Section 4: typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 - ['Ground or Water Surface', 'unknown']
Section 4: typeOfGeneratingProcess = 2 - Forecast
Section 4: typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 - ['Missing', 'unknown']
Section 4: typeOfTimeIncrementOfStatisticalProcess = 2 - Successive times processed have same start time of forecast, forecast time is incremented.
Section 4: unitOfTimeRange = 1 - Hour
Section 4: unitOfTimeRangeOfStatisticalProcess = 1 - Hour
Section 4: unitOfTimeRangeOfSuccessiveFields = 255 - Missing
Section 4: yearOfEndOfTimePeriod = 2023
Section 5: dataRepresentationTemplateNumber = 2 - Grid Point Data - Complex Packing (see Template 5.2)
Section 5: numberOfPackedValues = 1383199
Section 5: typeOfValues = 0 - Floating Point
Section 5: binScaleFactor = 5
Section 5: decScaleFactor = 4
Section 5: groupLengthIncrement = 1
Section 5: groupSplittingMethod = 1 - General Group Splitting
Section 5: lengthOfLastGroup = 212
Section 5: nBitsGroupWidth = 4
Section 5: nBitsPacking = 15
Section 5: nBitsScaledGroupLength = 10
Section 5: nGroups = 18182
Section 5: priMissingValue = None
Section 5: refGroupLength = 1
Section 5: refGroupWidth = 0
Section 5: refValue = 0.0
Section 5: secMissingValue = None
Section 5: typeOfMissingValueManagement = 0 - No explicit missing values included within the data values
Section 6: bitMapFlag = 0 - A bit map applies to this product and is specified in this section.

>>> np.nanmin(
>>> np.nanmax(
>>> message.pack()
>>> grbout ='/u/mdl.wsup/scratch/grib1.out', mode='w')
>>> grbout.write(message)
>>> grbout.close()

* Examine new GRIB from the CLI (looks good)

$ ll /u/mdl.wsup/scratch/grib1.out
-rw-r--r-- 1 mdl.wsup mdl 895549 Apr 27 12:59 /u/mdl.wsup/scratch/grib1.out

$ gdalinfo /u/mdl.wsup/scratch/grib1.out -mm|grep Min
    Computed Min/Max=0.000,114.899

$ degrib /u/mdl.wsup/scratch/grib1.out -C -stdout | grep Packing
Info | Packing that was used | 2 (Grid point data - complex packing)

* Examine new GRIB with grib2io (looks good)

>>> sourceGrib='/u/mdl.wsup/scratch/grib1.out'
>>> grbs =
>>> grbs                
mode = rb
name = /u/mdl.wsup/scratch/grib1.out
messages = 1
current_message = 0
size = 895549
closed = False
variables = ('APCP',)
levels = ('surface',)

>>> grbs[0]
Section 0: discipline = 0 - Meteorological Products
Section 1: originatingCenter = 7 - US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC)
Section 1: originatingSubCenter = 4 - Environmental Modeling Center
Section 1: masterTableInfo = 2 - Version Implemented on 4 November 2003
Section 1: localTableInfo = 1 - Number of local table version used.
Section 1: significanceOfReferenceTime = 0 - Analysis
Section 1: year = 2023
Section 1: month = 4
Section 1: day = 27
Section 1: hour = 0
Section 1: minute = 0
Section 1: second = 0
Section 1: refDate = 2023-04-27 00:00:00
Section 1: productionStatus = 0 - Operational Products
Section 1: typeOfData = 0 - Analysis Products
Section 3: interpretationOfListOfNumbers = 0 - There is no appended list
Section 3: gridDefinitionTemplateNumber = 30 - Lambert Conformal (Can be Secant, Tangent, Conical, or Bipolar)
Section 3: shapeOfEarth = 1 - Earth assumed spherical with radius specified (in m) by data producer
Section 3: earthRadius = 6371200.0
Section 3: earthMajorAxis = None
Section 3: earthMinorAxis = None
Section 3: resolutionAndComponentFlags = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
Section 3: ny = 1597
Section 3: nx = 2345
Section 3: scanModeFlags = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Section 3: gridOrientation = 265.0
Section 3: gridlengthXDirection = 2539.703
Section 3: gridlengthYDirection = 2539.703
Section 3: latitudeFirstGridpoint = 19.228976
Section 3: latitudeSouthernPole = -90.0
Section 3: latitudeTrueScale = 25.0
Section 3: longitudeFirstGridpoint = 233.723448
Section 3: longitudeSouthernPole = 0.0
Section 3: projParameters = {'a': 6371200.0, 'b': 6371200.0, 'proj': 'lcc', 'lat_1': 25.0, 'lat_2': 25.0, 'lat_0': 25.0, 'lon_0': 265.0}
Section 3: projectionCenterFlag = 0
Section 3: standardLatitude1 = 25.0
Section 3: standardLatitude2 = 25.0
Section 4: productDefinitionTemplateNumber = 8 - Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval. (see Template 4.8)
Section 4: fullName = Total Precipitation
Section 4: units = kg m-2
Section 4: shortName = APCP
Section 4: leadTime = 6:00:00
Section 4: unitOfFirstFixedSurface = unknown
Section 4: valueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0.0
Section 4: unitOfSecondFixedSurface = None
Section 4: valueOfSecondFixedSurface = 0.0
Section 4: validDate = 2023-04-27 06:00:00
Section 4: duration = 6:00:00
Section 4: level = surface
Section 4: backgroundGeneratingProcessIdentifier = 0
Section 4: dayOfEndOfTimePeriod = 27
Section 4: forecastTime = 0
Section 4: generatingProcess = 118 - UnRestricted Mesoscale Analysis (URMA)
Section 4: hourOfEndOfTimePeriod = 6
Section 4: hoursAfterDataCutoff = 0
Section 4: minuteOfEndOfTimePeriod = 0
Section 4: minutesAfterDataCutoff = 0
Section 4: monthOfEndOfTimePeriod = 4
Section 4: numberOfMissingValues = 255
Section 4: numberOfTimeRanges = 1
Section 4: parameterCategory = 1
Section 4: parameterNumber = 8
Section 4: scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0
Section 4: scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = 0
Section 4: scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 0
Section 4: scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = 0
Section 4: secondOfEndOfTimePeriod = 0
Section 4: statisticalProcess = 1 - Accumulation
Section 4: timeIncrementOfSuccessiveFields = 0
Section 4: timeRangeOfStatisticalProcess = 6
Section 4: typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 - ['Ground or Water Surface', 'unknown']
Section 4: typeOfGeneratingProcess = 2 - Forecast
Section 4: typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 - ['Missing', 'unknown']
Section 4: typeOfTimeIncrementOfStatisticalProcess = 2 - Successive times processed have same start time of forecast, forecast time is incremented.
Section 4: unitOfTimeRange = 1 - Hour
Section 4: unitOfTimeRangeOfStatisticalProcess = 1 - Hour
Section 4: unitOfTimeRangeOfSuccessiveFields = 255 - Missing
Section 4: yearOfEndOfTimePeriod = 2023
Section 5: dataRepresentationTemplateNumber = 2 - Grid Point Data - Complex Packing (see Template 5.2)
Section 5: numberOfPackedValues = 1383199
Section 5: typeOfValues = 0 - Floating Point
Section 5: binScaleFactor = 5
Section 5: decScaleFactor = 4
Section 5: groupLengthIncrement = 1
Section 5: groupSplittingMethod = 1 - General Group Splitting
Section 5: lengthOfLastGroup = 212
Section 5: nBitsGroupWidth = 4
Section 5: nBitsPacking = 15
Section 5: nBitsScaledGroupLength = 9
Section 5: nGroups = 32622
Section 5: priMissingValue = None
Section 5: refGroupLength = 1
Section 5: refGroupWidth = 0
Section 5: refValue = 0.0
Section 5: secMissingValue = None
Section 5: typeOfMissingValueManagement = 0 - No explicit missing values included within the data values
Section 6: bitMapFlag = 0 - A bit map applies to this product and is specified in this section.

>>> np.nanmin(grbs[0].data)
>>> np.nanmax(grbs[0].data)

"Bad" GRIB (grib2io is able to read the data, pack it, but writing the data out to GRIB results in a very small file containing values of 0): /lfs/h1/ops/prod/com/urma/v2.10/pcpurma.20230426/pcpurma_wexp.2023042600.06h.grb2

* Examine source GRIB

$ ll /lfs/h1/ops/prod/com/urma/v2.10/pcpurma.20230426/pcpurma_wexp.2023042600.06h.grb2
-rw-rw-r-- 1 prod 541324 Apr 27 03:04 /lfs/h1/ops/prod/com/urma/v2.10/pcpurma.20230426/pcpurma_wexp.2023042600.06h.grb2

$ gdalinfo /lfs/h1/ops/prod/com/urma/v2.10/pcpurma.20230426/pcpurma_wexp.2023042600.06h.grb2 -mm|grep Min
    Computed Min/Max=0.000,81.188

$ degrib /lfs/h1/ops/prod/com/urma/v2.10/pcpurma.20230426/pcpurma_wexp.2023042600.06h.grb2 -C -stdout | grep Packing                                                                                
Info | Packing that was used | 3 (Grid point data - complex packing and spatial differencing)

* Open source GRIB with grib2io and write to new GRIB

>>> sourceGrib='/lfs/h1/ops/prod/com/urma/v2.10/pcpurma.20230426/pcpurma_wexp.2023042600.06h.grb2'
>>> grbs = 
>>> grbs
mode = rb
name = /lfs/h1/ops/prod/com/urma/v2.10/pcpurma.20230426/pcpurma_wexp.2023042600.06h.grb2
messages = 1
current_message = 0
size = 541324
closed = False
variables = ('APCP',)
levels = ('surface',)

>>> message = grbs[0]
>>> message
Section 0: discipline = 0 - Meteorological Products
Section 1: originatingCenter = 7 - US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC)
Section 1: originatingSubCenter = 4 - Environmental Modeling Center
Section 1: masterTableInfo = 1 - Version Implemented on 7 November 2001
Section 1: localTableInfo = 0 - Local tables not used. Only table entries and templates from the current master table are valid.
Section 1: significanceOfReferenceTime = 0 - Analysis
Section 1: year = 2023
Section 1: month = 4
Section 1: day = 25
Section 1: hour = 18
Section 1: minute = 0
Section 1: second = 0
Section 1: refDate = 2023-04-25 18:00:00
Section 1: productionStatus = 0 - Operational Products
Section 1: typeOfData = 0 - Analysis Products
Section 3: interpretationOfListOfNumbers = 0 - There is no appended list
Section 3: gridDefinitionTemplateNumber = 30 - Lambert Conformal (Can be Secant, Tangent, Conical, or Bipolar)
Section 3: shapeOfEarth = 1 - Earth assumed spherical with radius specified (in m) by data producer
Section 3: earthRadius = 6371200.0
Section 3: earthMajorAxis = None
Section 3: earthMinorAxis = None
Section 3: resolutionAndComponentFlags = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
Section 3: ny = 1597
Section 3: nx = 2345
Section 3: scanModeFlags = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Section 3: gridOrientation = 265.0
Section 3: gridlengthXDirection = 2539.703
Section 3: gridlengthYDirection = 2539.703
Section 3: latitudeFirstGridpoint = 19.228976
Section 3: latitudeSouthernPole = -90.0
Section 3: latitudeTrueScale = 25.0
Section 3: longitudeFirstGridpoint = 233.723448
Section 3: longitudeSouthernPole = 0.0
Section 3: projParameters = {'a': 6371200.0, 'b': 6371200.0, 'proj': 'lcc', 'lat_1': 25.0, 'lat_2': 25.0, 'lat_0': 25.0, 'lon_0': 265.0}
Section 3: projectionCenterFlag = 0
Section 3: standardLatitude1 = 25.0
Section 3: standardLatitude2 = 25.0
Section 4: productDefinitionTemplateNumber = 8 - Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval. (see Template 4.8)
Section 4: fullName = Total Precipitation
Section 4: units = kg m-2
Section 4: shortName = APCP
Section 4: leadTime = 6:00:00
Section 4: unitOfFirstFixedSurface = unknown
Section 4: valueOfFirstFixedSurface = 2550.0
Section 4: unitOfSecondFixedSurface = None
Section 4: valueOfSecondFixedSurface = 2550.0
Section 4: validDate = 2023-04-26 00:00:00
Section 4: duration = 6:00:00
Section 4: level = surface
Section 4: backgroundGeneratingProcessIdentifier = 0
Section 4: dayOfEndOfTimePeriod = 26
Section 4: forecastTime = 0
Section 4: generatingProcess = 118 - UnRestricted Mesoscale Analysis (URMA)
Section 4: hourOfEndOfTimePeriod = 0
Section 4: hoursAfterDataCutoff = 0
Section 4: minuteOfEndOfTimePeriod = 0
Section 4: minutesAfterDataCutoff = 0
Section 4: monthOfEndOfTimePeriod = 4
Section 4: numberOfMissingValues = 0
Section 4: numberOfTimeRanges = 1
Section 4: parameterCategory = 1
Section 4: parameterNumber = 8
Section 4: scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = -1
Section 4: scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = -127
Section 4: scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 255
Section 4: scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = -2147483647
Section 4: secondOfEndOfTimePeriod = 0
Section 4: statisticalProcess = 1 - Accumulation
Section 4: timeIncrementOfSuccessiveFields = 0
Section 4: timeRangeOfStatisticalProcess = 6
Section 4: typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 - ['Ground or Water Surface', 'unknown']
Section 4: typeOfGeneratingProcess = 2 - Forecast
Section 4: typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 - ['Missing', 'unknown']
Section 4: typeOfTimeIncrementOfStatisticalProcess = 2 - Successive times processed have same start time of forecast, forecast time is incremented.
Section 4: unitOfTimeRange = 1 - Hour
Section 4: unitOfTimeRangeOfStatisticalProcess = 1 - Hour
Section 4: unitOfTimeRangeOfSuccessiveFields = 255 - Missing
Section 4: yearOfEndOfTimePeriod = 2023
Section 5: dataRepresentationTemplateNumber = 3 - Grid Point Data - Complex Packing and Spatial Differencing (see Template 5.3)
Section 5: numberOfPackedValues = 3744965
Section 5: typeOfValues = 0 - Floating Point
Section 5: binScaleFactor = -5
Section 5: decScaleFactor = 0
Section 5: groupLengthIncrement = 1
Section 5: groupSplittingMethod = 1 - General Group Splitting
Section 5: lengthOfLastGroup = 29959729
Section 5: nBitsGroupWidth = 0
Section 5: nBitsPacking = 1
Section 5: nBitsScaledGroupLength = 0
Section 5: nBytesSpatialDifference = 1
Section 5: nGroups = 0
Section 5: priMissingValue = 9.999000260554009e+20
Section 5: refGroupLength = 0
Section 5: refGroupWidth = 0
Section 5: refValue = 0.0
Section 5: secMissingValue = nan
Section 5: spatialDifferenceOrder = 1 - First-Order Spatial Differencing
Section 5: typeOfMissingValueManagement = 1 - Primary missing values included within the data values
Section 6: bitMapFlag = 255 - A bit map does not apply to this product.

>>> np.nanmin(
>>> np.nanmax(
>>> message.pack()
>>> grbout ='/u/mdl.wsup/scratch/grib2.out',mode='w')
>>> grbout.write(message)
>>> grbout.close()

* Examine new GRIB from the CLI - File size is very small and max value is 0

$ ll /u/mdl.wsup/scratch/grib2.out
-rw-r--r-- 1 mdl.wsup mdl 242 Apr 27 13:12 /u/mdl.wsup/scratch/grib2.out

$ gdalinfo /u/mdl.wsup/scratch/grib2.out -mm|grep Min
    Computed Min/Max=0.000,0.000

$ degrib /u/mdl.wsup/scratch/grib2.out -C -stdout | grep Packing                   
Info | Packing that was used | 3 (Grid point data - complex packing and spatial differencing)

* Examine new GRIB with grib2io - Max value is 0

>>> sourceGrib='/u/mdl.wsup/scratch/grib2.out'
>>> grbs =
>>> grbs
mode = rb
name = /u/mdl.wsup/scratch/grib2.out
messages = 1
current_message = 0
size = 242
closed = False
variables = ('APCP',)
levels = ('surface',)

>>> grbs[0]
Section 0: discipline = 0 - Meteorological Products
Section 1: originatingCenter = 7 - US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC)
Section 1: originatingSubCenter = 4 - Environmental Modeling Center
Section 1: masterTableInfo = 1 - Version Implemented on 7 November 2001
Section 1: localTableInfo = 0 - Local tables not used. Only table entries and templates from the current master table are valid.
Section 1: significanceOfReferenceTime = 0 - Analysis
Section 1: year = 2023
Section 1: month = 4
Section 1: day = 25
Section 1: hour = 18
Section 1: minute = 0
Section 1: second = 0
Section 1: refDate = 2023-04-25 18:00:00
Section 1: productionStatus = 0 - Operational Products
Section 1: typeOfData = 0 - Analysis Products
Section 3: interpretationOfListOfNumbers = 0 - There is no appended list
Section 3: gridDefinitionTemplateNumber = 30 - Lambert Conformal (Can be Secant, Tangent, Conical, or Bipolar)
Section 3: shapeOfEarth = 1 - Earth assumed spherical with radius specified (in m) by data producer
Section 3: earthRadius = 6371200.0
Section 3: earthMajorAxis = None
Section 3: earthMinorAxis = None
Section 3: resolutionAndComponentFlags = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
Section 3: ny = 1597
Section 3: nx = 2345
Section 3: scanModeFlags = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Section 3: gridOrientation = 265.0
Section 3: gridlengthXDirection = 2539.703
Section 3: gridlengthYDirection = 2539.703
Section 3: latitudeFirstGridpoint = 19.228976
Section 3: latitudeSouthernPole = -90.0
Section 3: latitudeTrueScale = 25.0
Section 3: longitudeFirstGridpoint = 233.723448
Section 3: longitudeSouthernPole = 0.0
Section 3: projParameters = {'a': 6371200.0, 'b': 6371200.0, 'proj': 'lcc', 'lat_1': 25.0, 'lat_2': 25.0, 'lat_0': 25.0, 'lon_0': 265.0}
Section 3: projectionCenterFlag = 0
Section 3: standardLatitude1 = 25.0
Section 3: standardLatitude2 = 25.0
Section 4: productDefinitionTemplateNumber = 8 - Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval. (see Template 4.8)
Section 4: fullName = Total Precipitation
Section 4: units = kg m-2
Section 4: shortName = APCP
Section 4: leadTime = 6:00:00
Section 4: unitOfFirstFixedSurface = unknown
Section 4: valueOfFirstFixedSurface = 2550.0
Section 4: unitOfSecondFixedSurface = None
Section 4: valueOfSecondFixedSurface = 2550.0
Section 4: validDate = 2023-04-26 00:00:00
Section 4: duration = 6:00:00
Section 4: level = surface
Section 4: backgroundGeneratingProcessIdentifier = 0
Section 4: dayOfEndOfTimePeriod = 26
Section 4: forecastTime = 0
Section 4: generatingProcess = 118 - UnRestricted Mesoscale Analysis (URMA)
Section 4: hourOfEndOfTimePeriod = 0
Section 4: hoursAfterDataCutoff = 0
Section 4: minuteOfEndOfTimePeriod = 0
Section 4: minutesAfterDataCutoff = 0
Section 4: monthOfEndOfTimePeriod = 4
Section 4: numberOfMissingValues = 0
Section 4: numberOfTimeRanges = 1
Section 4: parameterCategory = 1
Section 4: parameterNumber = 8
Section 4: scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = -1
Section 4: scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = -127
Section 4: scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 255
Section 4: scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = -2147483647
Section 4: secondOfEndOfTimePeriod = 0
Section 4: statisticalProcess = 1 - Accumulation
Section 4: timeIncrementOfSuccessiveFields = 0
Section 4: timeRangeOfStatisticalProcess = 6
Section 4: typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 - ['Ground or Water Surface', 'unknown']
Section 4: typeOfGeneratingProcess = 2 - Forecast
Section 4: typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 - ['Missing', 'unknown']
Section 4: typeOfTimeIncrementOfStatisticalProcess = 2 - Successive times processed have same start time of forecast, forecast time is incremented.
Section 4: unitOfTimeRange = 1 - Hour
Section 4: unitOfTimeRangeOfStatisticalProcess = 1 - Hour
Section 4: unitOfTimeRangeOfSuccessiveFields = 255 - Missing
Section 4: yearOfEndOfTimePeriod = 2023
Section 5: dataRepresentationTemplateNumber = 3 - Grid Point Data - Complex Packing and Spatial Differencing (see Template 5.3)
Section 5: numberOfPackedValues = 3744965
Section 5: typeOfValues = 0 - Floating Point
Section 5: binScaleFactor = -5
Section 5: decScaleFactor = 0
Section 5: groupLengthIncrement = 1
Section 5: groupSplittingMethod = 1 - General Group Splitting
Section 5: lengthOfLastGroup = 29959729
Section 5: nBitsGroupWidth = 0
Section 5: nBitsPacking = 1
Section 5: nBitsScaledGroupLength = 0
Section 5: nBytesSpatialDifference = 1
Section 5: nGroups = 0
Section 5: priMissingValue = 9.999000260554009e+20
Section 5: refGroupLength = 0
Section 5: refGroupWidth = 0
Section 5: refValue = 0.0
Section 5: secMissingValue = nan
Section 5: spatialDifferenceOrder = 1 - First-Order Spatial Differencing
Section 5: typeOfMissingValueManagement = 1 - Primary missing values included within the data values
Section 6: bitMapFlag = 255 - A bit map does not apply to this product.

>>> np.nanmin(grbs[0].data)
>>> np.nanmax(grbs[0].data)
EricEngle-NOAA commented 1 year ago

Got this working...see above commit references.

Note that the output GRIB2 message is larger than the input, despite being the same data and using the same packing scheme. wgrib2 does not use the g2clib library and instead has it own packing/unpacking routines.

kevmcgrath commented 1 year ago

Excellent! The WSUP team appreciates you addressing this and have taken note about output file sizes. Larger files full of good data are better than smaller sizes containing bad data, but that's just me.