The General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment
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How to import netCDF ROMS current in pygnome? #134

Open kinsnow opened 2 years ago

kinsnow commented 2 years ago

Dear all,

I want to input ROMS current data into pygnome. I write this code,

`from gnome.movers import PyCurrentMover

print('adding a current mover:) curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir,'')) model.movers += PyCurrentMover(curr_file)`

But, Error occured. adding a current mover: Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\Pygnome\Temp\script_Temp_Current\", line 90, in model = make_model() File "E:\Pygnome\Temp\script_Temp_Current\", line 71, in make_model curr_file = PyCurrentMover(cf) File "c:\users\ksh\pygnome\py_gnome\gnome\movers\", line 106, in init self.current = GridCurrent.from_netCDF(filename=self.filename, File "c:\users\ksh\pygnome\py_gnome\gnome\environment\", line 893, in from_netCDF var.init_from_netCDF(*args, *kwargs) File "c:\users\ksh\pygnome\py_gnome\gnome\environment\", line 831, in init_from_netCDF depth = Depth.from_netCDF(grid_file=grid_file, File "c:\users\ksh\pygnome\py_gnome\gnome\environment\", line 400, in from_netCDF return gridded.depth.Depth.from_netCDF(args, **kwargs) File "C:\Users\KSH\anaconda3\envs\gnome\lib\site-packages\gridded\", line 677, in from_netCDF cls = Depth._get_depth_type(df, depth_type, topology, _default_types) File "C:\Users\KSH\anaconda3\envs\gnome\lib\site-packages\gridded\", line 725, in _get_depth_type L_Depth.from_netCDF(dataset=dataset) File "C:\Users\KSH\anaconda3\envs\gnome\lib\site-packages\gridded\", line 140, in from_netCDF vname = cls._gen_varname(filename, dataset, [tn], [tln]) File "C:\Users\KSH\anaconda3\envs\gnome\lib\site-packages\gridded\", line 92, in _gen_varname raise KeyError("Default names not found.") KeyError: 'Default names not found.'

How can I fix this error? ROMS NetCDF header is as follows:

dimensions: xi_rho = 700; xi_u = 699; xi_v = 700; xi_psi = 699; eta_rho = 720; eta_u = 720; eta_v = 719; eta_psi = 719; s_rho = 20; s_w = 21; tracer = 2; boundary = 4; ocean_time = UNLIMITED; // (1 currently) variables: int ntimes; :long_name = "number of long time-steps";

int ndtfast;
  :long_name = "number of short time-steps";

double dt;
  :long_name = "size of long time-steps";
  :units = "second";

double dtfast;
  :long_name = "size of short time-steps";
  :units = "second";

double dstart;
  :long_name = "time stamp assigned to model initilization";
  :units = "days since 2021-01-01 00:00:00";
  :calendar = "proleptic_gregorian";

int nHIS;
  :long_name = "number of time-steps between history records";

int ndefHIS;
  :long_name = "number of time-steps between the creation of history files";

int nRST;
  :long_name = "number of time-steps between restart records";
  :cycle = "only latest two records are maintained";

int ntsAVG;
  :long_name = "starting time-step for accumulation of time-averaged fields";

int nAVG;
  :long_name = "number of time-steps between time-averaged records";

int ndefAVG;
  :long_name = "number of time-steps between the creation of average files";

double Falpha;
  :long_name = "Power-law shape barotropic filter parameter";

double Fbeta;
  :long_name = "Power-law shape barotropic filter parameter";

double Fgamma;
  :long_name = "Power-law shape barotropic filter parameter";

double nl_tnu4(tracer=2);
  :long_name = "nonlinear model biharmonic mixing coefficient for tracers";
  :units = "meter4 second-1";

double nl_visc4;
  :long_name = "nonlinear model biharmonic mixing coefficient for momentum";
  :units = "meter4 second-1";

int LuvSponge;
  :long_name = "horizontal viscosity sponge activation switch";
  :flag_values = 0, 1; // int
  :flag_meanings = ".FALSE. .TRUE.";

int LtracerSponge(tracer=2);
  :long_name = "horizontal diffusivity sponge activation switch";
  :flag_values = 0, 1; // int
  :flag_meanings = ".FALSE. .TRUE.";

double Akt_bak(tracer=2);
  :long_name = "background vertical mixing coefficient for tracers";
  :units = "meter2 second-1";

double Akv_bak;
  :long_name = "background vertical mixing coefficient for momentum";
  :units = "meter2 second-1";

double Akk_bak;
  :long_name = "background vertical mixing coefficient for turbulent energy";
  :units = "meter2 second-1";

double Akp_bak;
  :long_name = "background vertical mixing coefficient for length scale";
  :units = "meter2 second-1";

double rdrg;
  :long_name = "linear drag coefficient";
  :units = "meter second-1";

double rdrg2;
  :long_name = "quadratic drag coefficient";

double Zob;
  :long_name = "bottom roughness";
  :units = "meter";

double Zos;
  :long_name = "surface roughness";
  :units = "meter";

double gls_p;
  :long_name = "stability exponent";

double gls_m;
  :long_name = "turbulent kinetic energy exponent";

double gls_n;
  :long_name = "turbulent length scale exponent";

double gls_cmu0;
  :long_name = "stability coefficient";

double gls_c1;
  :long_name = "shear production coefficient";

double gls_c2;
  :long_name = "dissipation coefficient";

double gls_c3m;
  :long_name = "buoyancy production coefficient (minus)";

double gls_c3p;
  :long_name = "buoyancy production coefficient (plus)";

double gls_sigk;
  :long_name = "constant Schmidt number for TKE";

double gls_sigp;
  :long_name = "constant Schmidt number for PSI";

double gls_Kmin;
  :long_name = "minimum value of specific turbulent kinetic energy";

double gls_Pmin;
  :long_name = "minimum Value of dissipation";

double Charnok_alpha;
  :long_name = "Charnok factor for surface roughness";

double Zos_hsig_alpha;
  :long_name = "wave amplitude factor for surface roughness";

double sz_alpha;
  :long_name = "surface flux from wave dissipation";

double CrgBan_cw;
  :long_name = "surface flux due to Craig and Banner wave breaking";

double Znudg;
  :long_name = "free-surface nudging/relaxation inverse time scale";
  :units = "day-1";

double M2nudg;
  :long_name = "2D momentum nudging/relaxation inverse time scale";
  :units = "day-1";

double M3nudg;
  :long_name = "3D momentum nudging/relaxation inverse time scale";
  :units = "day-1";

double Tnudg(tracer=2);
  :long_name = "Tracers nudging/relaxation inverse time scale";
  :units = "day-1";

double FSobc_in(boundary=4);
  :long_name = "free-surface inflow, nudging inverse time scale";
  :units = "second-1";

double FSobc_out(boundary=4);
  :long_name = "free-surface outflow, nudging inverse time scale";
  :units = "second-1";

double M2obc_in(boundary=4);
  :long_name = "2D momentum inflow, nudging inverse time scale";
  :units = "second-1";

double M2obc_out(boundary=4);
  :long_name = "2D momentum outflow, nudging inverse time scale";
  :units = "second-1";

double Tobc_in(boundary=4, tracer=2);
  :long_name = "tracers inflow, nudging inverse time scale";
  :units = "second-1";

double Tobc_out(boundary=4, tracer=2);
  :long_name = "tracers outflow, nudging inverse time scale";
  :units = "second-1";

double M3obc_in(boundary=4);
  :long_name = "3D momentum inflow, nudging inverse time scale";
  :units = "second-1";

double M3obc_out(boundary=4);
  :long_name = "3D momentum outflow, nudging inverse time scale";
  :units = "second-1";

double rho0;
  :long_name = "mean density used in Boussinesq approximation";
  :units = "kilogram meter-3";

double gamma2;
  :long_name = "slipperiness parameter";

int LuvSrc;
  :long_name = "momentum point sources and sink activation switch";
  :flag_values = 0, 1; // int
  :flag_meanings = ".FALSE. .TRUE.";

int LwSrc;
  :long_name = "mass point sources and sink activation switch";
  :flag_values = 0, 1; // int
  :flag_meanings = ".FALSE. .TRUE.";

int LtracerSrc(tracer=2);
  :long_name = "tracer point sources and sink activation switch";
  :flag_values = 0, 1; // int
  :flag_meanings = ".FALSE. .TRUE.";

int LsshCLM;
  :long_name = "sea surface height climatology processing switch";
  :flag_values = 0, 1; // int
  :flag_meanings = ".FALSE. .TRUE.";

int Lm2CLM;
  :long_name = "2D momentum climatology processing switch";
  :flag_values = 0, 1; // int
  :flag_meanings = ".FALSE. .TRUE.";

int Lm3CLM;
  :long_name = "3D momentum climatology processing switch";
  :flag_values = 0, 1; // int
  :flag_meanings = ".FALSE. .TRUE.";

int LtracerCLM(tracer=2);
  :long_name = "tracer climatology processing switch";
  :flag_values = 0, 1; // int
  :flag_meanings = ".FALSE. .TRUE.";

int LnudgeM2CLM;
  :long_name = "2D momentum climatology nudging activation switch";
  :flag_values = 0, 1; // int
  :flag_meanings = ".FALSE. .TRUE.";

int LnudgeM3CLM;
  :long_name = "3D momentum climatology nudging activation switch";
  :flag_values = 0, 1; // int
  :flag_meanings = ".FALSE. .TRUE.";

int LnudgeTCLM(tracer=2);
  :long_name = "tracer climatology nudging activation switch";
  :flag_values = 0, 1; // int
  :flag_meanings = ".FALSE. .TRUE.";

int spherical;
  :long_name = "grid type logical switch";
  :flag_values = 0, 1; // int
  :flag_meanings = "Cartesian spherical";

double xl;
  :long_name = "domain length in the XI-direction";
  :units = "meter";

double el;
  :long_name = "domain length in the ETA-direction";
  :units = "meter";

int Vtransform;
  :long_name = "vertical terrain-following transformation equation";

int Vstretching;
  :long_name = "vertical terrain-following stretching function";

double theta_s;
  :long_name = "S-coordinate surface control parameter";

double theta_b;
  :long_name = "S-coordinate bottom control parameter";

double Tcline;
  :long_name = "S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width";
  :units = "meter";

double hc;
  :long_name = "S-coordinate parameter, critical depth";
  :units = "meter";

int grid;
  :cf_role = "grid_topology";
  :topology_dimension = 2; // int
  :node_dimensions = "xi_psi eta_psi";
  :face_dimensions = "xi_rho: xi_psi (padding: both) eta_rho: eta_psi (padding: both)";
  :edge1_dimensions = "xi_u: xi_psi eta_u: eta_psi (padding: both)";
  :edge2_dimensions = "xi_v: xi_psi (padding: both) eta_v: eta_psi";
  :node_coordinates = "lon_psi lat_psi";
  :face_coordinates = "lon_rho lat_rho";
  :edge1_coordinates = "lon_u lat_u";
  :edge2_coordinates = "lon_v lat_v";
  :vertical_dimensions = "s_rho: s_w (padding: none)";

double Cs_r(s_rho=20);
  :long_name = "S-coordinate stretching curves at RHO-points";
  :valid_min = -1.0; // double
  :valid_max = 0.0; // double
  :field = "Cs_r, scalar";

double Cs_w(s_w=21);
  :long_name = "S-coordinate stretching curves at W-points";
  :valid_min = -1.0; // double
  :valid_max = 0.0; // double
  :field = "Cs_w, scalar";

double h(eta_rho=720, xi_rho=700);
  :long_name = "bathymetry at RHO-points";
  :units = "meter";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "face";
  :coordinates = "lon_rho lat_rho";
  :field = "bath, scalar";

double f(eta_rho=720, xi_rho=700);
  :long_name = "Coriolis parameter at RHO-points";
  :units = "second-1";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "face";
  :coordinates = "lon_rho lat_rho";
  :field = "coriolis, scalar";

double pm(eta_rho=720, xi_rho=700);
  :long_name = "curvilinear coordinate metric in XI";
  :units = "meter-1";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "face";
  :coordinates = "lon_rho lat_rho";
  :field = "pm, scalar";

double pn(eta_rho=720, xi_rho=700);
  :long_name = "curvilinear coordinate metric in ETA";
  :units = "meter-1";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "face";
  :coordinates = "lon_rho lat_rho";
  :field = "pn, scalar";

double angle(eta_rho=720, xi_rho=700);
  :long_name = "angle between XI-axis and EAST";
  :units = "radians";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "face";
  :coordinates = "lon_rho lat_rho";
  :field = "angle, scalar";

double mask_rho(eta_rho=720, xi_rho=700);
  :long_name = "mask on RHO-points";
  :flag_values = 0.0, 1.0; // double
  :flag_meanings = "land water";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "face";
  :coordinates = "lon_rho lat_rho";

double mask_u(eta_u=720, xi_u=699);
  :long_name = "mask on U-points";
  :flag_values = 0.0, 1.0; // double
  :flag_meanings = "land water";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "edge1";
  :coordinates = "lon_u lat_u";

double mask_v(eta_v=719, xi_v=700);
  :long_name = "mask on V-points";
  :flag_values = 0.0, 1.0; // double
  :flag_meanings = "land water";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "edge2";
  :coordinates = "lon_v lat_v";

double mask_psi(eta_psi=719, xi_psi=699);
  :long_name = "mask on psi-points";
  :flag_values = 0.0, 1.0; // double
  :flag_meanings = "land water";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "node";
  :coordinates = "lon_psi lat_psi";

float zeta(ocean_time=1, eta_rho=720, xi_rho=700);
  :long_name = "time-averaged free-surface";
  :units = "meter";
  :time = "ocean_time";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "face";
  :coordinates = "lon_rho lat_rho ocean_time";
  :field = "free-surface, scalar, series";
  :_FillValue = 1.0E37f; // float

float ubar(ocean_time=1, eta_u=720, xi_u=699);
  :long_name = "time-averaged vertically integrated u-momentum component";
  :units = "meter second-1";
  :time = "ocean_time";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "edge1";
  :coordinates = "lon_u lat_u ocean_time";
  :field = "ubar-velocity, scalar, series";
  :_FillValue = 1.0E37f; // float

float vbar(ocean_time=1, eta_v=719, xi_v=700);
  :long_name = "time-averaged vertically integrated v-momentum component";
  :units = "meter second-1";
  :time = "ocean_time";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "edge2";
  :coordinates = "lon_v lat_v ocean_time";
  :field = "vbar-velocity, scalar, series";
  :_FillValue = 1.0E37f; // float

float u(ocean_time=1, s_rho=20, eta_u=720, xi_u=699);
  :long_name = "time-averaged u-momentum component";
  :units = "meter second-1";
  :time = "ocean_time";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "edge1";
  :coordinates = "lon_u lat_u s_rho ocean_time";
  :field = "u-velocity, scalar, series";
  :_FillValue = 1.0E37f; // float

float v(ocean_time=1, s_rho=20, eta_v=719, xi_v=700);
  :long_name = "time-averaged v-momentum component";
  :units = "meter second-1";
  :time = "ocean_time";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "edge2";
  :coordinates = "lon_v lat_v s_rho ocean_time";
  :field = "v-velocity, scalar, series";
  :_FillValue = 1.0E37f; // float

float omega(ocean_time=1, s_w=21, eta_rho=720, xi_rho=700);
  :long_name = "time-averaged S-coordinate vertical momentum component";
  :units = "meter3 second-1";
  :time = "ocean_time";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "face";
  :coordinates = "lon_rho lat_rho s_w ocean_time";
  :field = "omega, scalar, series";
  :_FillValue = 1.0E37f; // float

float w(ocean_time=1, s_w=21, eta_rho=720, xi_rho=700);
  :long_name = "time-averaged vertical momentum component";
  :units = "meter second-1";
  :time = "ocean_time";
  :standard_name = "upward_sea_water_velocity";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "face";
  :coordinates = "lon_rho lat_rho s_w ocean_time";
  :field = "w-velocity, scalar, series";
  :_FillValue = 1.0E37f; // float

float temp(ocean_time=1, s_rho=20, eta_rho=720, xi_rho=700);
  :long_name = "time-averaged potential temperature";
  :units = "Celsius";
  :time = "ocean_time";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "face";
  :coordinates = "lon_rho lat_rho s_rho ocean_time";
  :field = "temperature, scalar, series";
  :_FillValue = 1.0E37f; // float

float salt(ocean_time=1, s_rho=20, eta_rho=720, xi_rho=700);
  :long_name = "time-averaged salinity";
  :time = "ocean_time";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "face";
  :coordinates = "lon_rho lat_rho s_rho ocean_time";
  :field = "salinity, scalar, series";
  :_FillValue = 1.0E37f; // float

float rho(ocean_time=1, s_rho=20, eta_rho=720, xi_rho=700);
  :long_name = "time-averaged density anomaly";
  :units = "kilogram meter-3";
  :time = "ocean_time";
  :grid = "grid";
  :location = "face";
  :coordinates = "lon_rho lat_rho s_rho ocean_time";
  :field = "density, scalar, series";
  :_FillValue = 1.0E37f; // float

double s_rho(s_rho=20);
  :long_name = "S-coordinate at RHO-points";
  :valid_min = -1.0; // double
  :valid_max = 0.0; // double
  :positive = "up";
  :standard_name = "ocean_s_coordinate_g2";
  :formula_terms = "s: s_rho C: Cs_r eta: zeta depth: h depth_c: hc";
  :field = "s_rho, scalar";
  :_CoordinateTransformType = "Vertical";
  :_CoordinateAxes = "s_rho";
  :_CoordinateAxisType = "GeoZ";
  :_CoordinateZisPositive = "up";

double s_w(s_w=21);
  :long_name = "S-coordinate at W-points";
  :valid_min = -1.0; // double
  :valid_max = 0.0; // double
  :positive = "up";
  :standard_name = "ocean_s_coordinate_g2";
  :formula_terms = "s: s_w C: Cs_w eta: zeta depth: h depth_c: hc";
  :field = "s_w, scalar";
  :_CoordinateTransformType = "Vertical";
  :_CoordinateAxes = "s_w";
  :_CoordinateAxisType = "GeoZ";
  :_CoordinateZisPositive = "up";

double lon_rho(eta_rho=720, xi_rho=700);
  :long_name = "longitude of RHO-points";
  :units = "degree_east";
  :standard_name = "longitude";
  :field = "lon_rho, scalar";
  :_CoordinateAxisType = "Lon";

double lat_rho(eta_rho=720, xi_rho=700);
  :long_name = "latitude of RHO-points";
  :units = "degree_north";
  :standard_name = "latitude";
  :field = "lat_rho, scalar";
  :_CoordinateAxisType = "Lat";

double lon_u(eta_u=720, xi_u=699);
  :long_name = "longitude of U-points";
  :units = "degree_east";
  :standard_name = "longitude";
  :field = "lon_u, scalar";
  :_CoordinateAxisType = "Lon";

double lat_u(eta_u=720, xi_u=699);
  :long_name = "latitude of U-points";
  :units = "degree_north";
  :standard_name = "latitude";
  :field = "lat_u, scalar";
  :_CoordinateAxisType = "Lat";

double lon_v(eta_v=719, xi_v=700);
  :long_name = "longitude of V-points";
  :units = "degree_east";
  :standard_name = "longitude";
  :field = "lon_v, scalar";
  :_CoordinateAxisType = "Lon";

double lat_v(eta_v=719, xi_v=700);
  :long_name = "latitude of V-points";
  :units = "degree_north";
  :standard_name = "latitude";
  :field = "lat_v, scalar";
  :_CoordinateAxisType = "Lat";

double lon_psi(eta_psi=719, xi_psi=699);
  :long_name = "longitude of PSI-points";
  :units = "degree_east";
  :standard_name = "longitude";
  :field = "lon_psi, scalar";
  :_CoordinateAxisType = "Lon";

double lat_psi(eta_psi=719, xi_psi=699);
  :long_name = "latitude of PSI-points";
  :units = "degree_north";
  :standard_name = "latitude";
  :field = "lat_psi, scalar";
  :_CoordinateAxisType = "Lat";

double ocean_time(ocean_time=1);
  :long_name = "averaged time since initialization";
  :units = "seconds since 2021-01-01 00:00:00";
  :calendar = "proleptic_gregorian";
  :field = "time, scalar, series";
  :_CoordinateAxisType = "Time";

// global attributes: :file = "rst/L1/"; :format = "netCDF-3 64bit offset file"; :Conventions = "CF-1.4, SGRID-0.3"; :type = "ROMS/TOMS nonlinear model averages file"; :title = "test07"; :var_info = "varinfo.dat"; :rst_file = "rst/L1/"; :his_base = "rst/L1/ROMS_2021_his_L1"; :avg_base = "rst/L1/ROMS_2021_avg_L1"; :grd_file = ""; :ini_file = ""; :frc_file_01 = ""; :frc_file_02 = ""; :frc_file_03 = ""; :frc_file_04 = ""; :frc_file_05 = ""; :frc_file_06 = ""; :frc_file_07 = ""; :bry_file = ""; :script_file = ""; :NLM_LBC = "\nEDGE: WEST SOUTH EAST NORTH \nzeta: Cha Cha Cha Cha \nubar: Fla Fla Fla Fla \nvbar: Fla Fla Fla Fla \nu: RadNud RadNud RadNud RadNud \nv: RadNud RadNud RadNud RadNud \ntemp: RadNud RadNud RadNud RadNud \nsalt: RadNud RadNud RadNud RadNud \ntke: Cha Cha Cha Cha"; :svn_url = ""; :svn_rev = "980"; :code_dir = "/home/snr-2019/ROMS/trunk"; :header_dir = "/data2/ROMS/2021_02-12"; :header_file = "test07.h"; :os = "Linux"; :cpu = "x86_64"; :compiler_system = "ifort"; :compiler_command = "/usr/local/mpi/intel18/mvapich2-2.2/bin/mpif90"; :compiler_flags = "-fp-model precise -heap-arrays -ip -O3 -traceback -check uninit"; :tiling = "010x010"; :history = "ROMS/TOMS, Version 3.8, Wednesday - September 21, 2022 - 10:38:00 PM"; :ana_file = "ROMS/Functionals/ana_btflux.h, ROMS/Functionals/ana_cloud.h, ROMS/Functionals/ana_tobc.h"; :CPP_options = "test07, ANA_BSFLUX, ANA_BTFLUX, ANA_CLOUD, ANA_TOBC, !ASSEMBLE_ALL..., ASSUMED_SHAPE, ATM_PRESS, AVERAGES, !BOUNDARY_A BULK_FLUXES, CANUTO_A !COLLECT_ALL..., CHARNOK, CRAIG_BANNER, CURVGRID, DIFF_GRID, DJ_GRADPS, DOUBLE_PRECISION, EMINUSP, GLS_MIXING, IMPLICIT_NUDGING, LIMIT_BSTRESS, LIMIT_STFLX_COOLING, KANTHA_CLAYSON, LONGWAVE, MASKING, MIX_ISO_TS, MIX_GEO_UV, MPI, NESTING, NONLINEAR, NONLIN_EOS, N2S2_HORAVG, ONE_WAY, PRESS_COMPENSATE, POWER_LAW, PROFILE, K_GSCHEME, REDUCE_ALLGATHER, RI_SPLINES, !RST_SINGLE, SALINITY, SOLAR_SOURCE, SOLVE3D, SPLINES_VDIFF, SPLINES_VVISC, TS_U3HADVECTION, TS_C4VADVECTION, TS_DIF4, UV_ADV, UV_COR, UV_U3HADVECTION, UV_C4VADVECTION, UV_LOGDRAG, UV_VIS4, VAR_RHO_2D, VISC_GRID"; :_CoordSysBuilder = "ucar.nc2.dataset.conv.CF1Convention"; }

jay-hennen commented 2 years ago

The error is stating that it is trying to create a L_Depth (level depth) object, when the correct type of object for this file would be a S_Depth (sigma layer depth) object. Unfortunately I haven't yet pinpointed what exactly is causing this misidentification, but I hope the explanation of the error helps.

jay-hennen commented 2 years ago

I believe the error can be circumvented by doing the following:

d_obj = gnome.environment.gridded_objects_base.Depth.from_netCDF(filename=filename, depth_type = 'sigma')
current = gnome.environment.environment_objects.GridCurrent.from_netCDF(filename=filename, depth=d_obj)
mover = gnome.mover.py_current_mover.PyCurrentMover.from_netCDF(current=current)
kinsnow commented 2 years ago

I believe the error can be circumvented by doing the following:

d_obj = gnome.environment.gridded_objects_base.Depth.from_netCDF(filename=filename, depth_type = 'sigma')
current = gnome.environment.environment_objects.GridCurrent.from_netCDF(filename=filename, depth=d_obj)
mover = gnome.mover.py_current_mover.PyCurrentMover.from_netCDF(current=current)

@jay-hennen Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, the problem was not resolved.. I modified the code as follows: curr_obj = gnome.environment.gridded_objects_base.Depth.from_netCDF( filename='', depth_type='sigma' ) current = gnome.environment.environment_objects.GridCurrent.from_netCDF( filename='', depth=curr_obj ) curr_file = PyCurrentMover.from_netCDF(current=current) model.movers += curr_file

and the following error message appears: "Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\Pygnome\Temp\script_Temp_Current\", line 102, in model = make_model() File "E:\Pygnome\Temp\script_Temp_Current\", line 77, in make_model curr_obj = gnome.environment.gridded_objects_base.Depth.from_netCDF( File "c:\users\ksh\pygnome\py_gnome\gnome\environment\", line 400, in from_netCDF return gridded.depth.Depth.from_netCDF(*args, **kwargs) File "C:\Users\KSH\anaconda3\envs\gnome\lib\site-packages\gridded\", line 679, in from_netCDF return cls.from_netCDF(filename=filename, File "C:\Users\KSH\anaconda3\envs\gnome\lib\site-packages\gridded\", line 348, in from_netCDF bathy_name = varnames.get('bathymetry', None) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

Process finished with exit code 1"

Is there any problem my NetCDF ROMS output file's variables name? If not, how can I solve these problem?

Thank you.