The General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment
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Model Environment (water+wind+wave) #34

Open amirheidari opened 6 years ago

amirheidari commented 6 years ago

Dear all, I have prepared my thesis model for final run, and everything has been good ( for the 2D part). I have some questions regarding the weathering part of the model. It seems that this part of the model covers less details, compared to other parts. I want to know what are the most advanced capabilities that I can use for getting the most realistic results. For example: 1- For "water" environment, I define water with a fixed temperature and salinity as a global object:

water = Water(temperature=280.928, salinity=35)

Is it possible to define water object based on gridded field of temperature? (temperature variable in space and time, or only variable in time)

2- For "wind" environment, can I use the gridded wind data set which I use as wind mover? Is wind direction a very important parameter?

3- How does the "waves" environment function work? does it generate wave data based on defined wind and water environment? Which method does it use?

4- Is there a weathering module for considering the effect of photo-oxidation or sedimentation?

Best regards Payam

jay-hennen commented 6 years ago

Hi Payam,

Unfortunately, the weatherers are generally not usable with gridded data yet. They are on the roadmap, however, and many are under active development.

To your questions: 1 & 2. Gridded temperature is not yet supported and gridded wind is under active development.

  1. It does use the wind and water objects provided to generate wave data. For specific algorithms of the wave model itself and other weathering processes, you would need to talk to or They're more equipped to answer questions on that front.
  2. Sedimentation is currently part of the NaturalDispersion module. There is no photo-oxidation as of yet.

I suggest taking a look at '' if you want to use weathering in scripting.

amirheidari commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much for the information.

Best, Payam