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hydrofabrics derived attributes for developing CONUS 3D channel ML model #18

Open arashmodrad opened 1 year ago

arashmodrad commented 1 year ago

A list of variables needed to develop the ML model for CONUS using ClimateR, Zonal, and Hydrofabrics.

Variable name Aggregation Description Reduction Source Literature
length_divide Divide Length of fowline feature NA Reference Fabric link
length_catchment Catchment Length of fowline feature Sum Reference Fabric link
area_divide Divide Feature area NA Reference Fabric link
area_catchment Catchment Feature area Sum Reference Fabric link
arbolatesu_divide Divide the sum of the lengths of all digitized flowlines upstream from the downstream end of the immediate flowline NA Reference Fabric link
arbolatesu_catchment Catchment the sum of the lengths of all digitized flowlines upstream Sum Reference Fabric link
pathlength_divide Divide The distance from the bottom of a flowline to the bottom of the terminal flowline along the main path NA Reference Fabric link
pathlength_catchment Catchment The distance from the bottom of a flowline to the bottom of the terminal flowline along the main path Sum Reference Fabric link
streamorde_divide Divide Modified Strahler stream order NA Reference Fabric link
streamleve_divide Divide Stream level NA Reference Fabric link
slope_divide Divide Slope of flowline NA Reference Fabric/DEM link
slope_catchment Catchment Slope of flowline Ave Reference Fabric/DEM link
roughness_divide Divide roughness NA Reference Fabric link
roughness_catchment Catchment roughness Ave Reference Fabric link
elevation_divide Divide elevation Ave DEM link
elevation_catchment Catchment elevation Ave DEM link
aspect_ave_divide Divide Average aspect Ave DEM link
aspect_ave_catchment Catchment Average aspect Ave DEM link
flow_acc_sum_divide Divide Flow accumulation sum Sum DEM link
flow_acc_sum_catchment Catchment Flow accumulation sum Sum DEM link
flow_dir_ave_divide Divide Flow direction average Ave DEM link
flow_dir_ave_catchment Catchment Flow direction average Ave DEM link
clay_divide Divide Average % clay Ave POLARIS link
clay_catchment Catchment Average % clay Ave POLARIS link
sand_divide Divide Average % sand Ave POLARIS link
sand_catchment Catchment Average % sand Ave POLARIS link
silt_divide Divide Average % silt Ave POLARIS link
silt_catchment Catchment Average % silt Ave POLARIS link
bd_divide Divide Average soil bulk density, (g cm-3) Ave POLARIS link
bd_catchment Catchment Average soil bulk density, (g cm-3) Ave POLARIS link
ksat_divide Divide Average effective saturated hydraulic conductivity, (cm hr-1) Ave POLARIS link
ksat_catchment Catchment Average effective saturated hydraulic conductivity, Ave POLARIS link
om_divide Divide Average organic matter content, (%) Ave POLARIS link
om_catchment Catchment Average organic matter content, (%) Ave POLARIS link
ph_mean_divide Divide Average soil PH Ave POLARIS link
ph_mean_catchment Catchment Average soil PH Ave POLARIS link
theta_r_divide Divide Average residual soil water content, (cm3 cm-3) Ave POLARIS link
theta_r_catchment Catchment Average residual soil water content, (cm3 cm-3) Ave POLARIS link
theta_s_divide Divide Average saturated soil water content, (cm3 cm-3) Ave POLARIS link
theta_s_catchment Catchment Average saturated soil water content, (cm3 cm-3) Ave POLARIS link
hb_mean_divide Divide Average Brooks-Corey parameter related to the air-entry pressure (cm) Ave POLARIS link
hb_mean_catchment Catchment Average Brooks-Corey parameter related to the air-entry pressure (cm) Ave POLARIS link
lambda_mean_divide Divide Average Brooks-Corey parameter the pore size distribution index, (dimensionless) Ave POLARIS link
lambda_mean_catchment Catchment Average Brooks-Corey parameter the pore size distribution index, (dimensionless) Ave POLARIS link
n_mean_divide Divide Average empirical shape-defining parameters in the van Genuchten equation, (dimensionless) Ave POLARIS link
n_mean_catchment Catchment Average empirical shape-defining parameters in the van Genuchten equation, (dimensionless) Ave POLARIS link
alpha_mean_divide Divide Average parameter of the van Genuchten equation corresponding approximately to the inverse of the air-entry value, (cm-1) Ave POLARIS link
alpha_mean_catchment Catchment Average parameter of the van Genuchten equation corresponding approximately to the inverse of the air-entry value, (cm-1) Ave POLARIS link
LAI_ave_divide Divide Average Leaf Area Index Ave MODIS link
LAI_ave_catchment Catchment Average Leaf Area Index Ave MODIS link
LAI_min_divide Divide Sum of areas with Leaf Area Index <= 5 Sum MODIS link
LAI_min_catchment Catchment Sum of areas with Leaf Area Index <= 5 Sum MODIS link
LAI_max_divide Divide Sum of areas with Leaf Area Index >= 15 Sum MODIS link
LAI_max_catchment Catchment Sum of areas with Leaf Area Index >= 15 Sum MODIS link
NDVI_ave_divide Divide Average Normalized difference vegetation index Ave MODIS link
NDVI_ave_catchment Catchment Average Normalized difference vegetation index Ave MODIS link
NDVI_min_divide Divide Sum of areas with Normalized difference vegetation index <= 0.2 Sum MODIS link
NDVI_min_catchment Catchment Sum of areas with Normalized difference vegetation index <= 0.2 Sum MODIS link
NDVI_max_divide Divide Sum of areas with Normalized difference vegetation index > 0.2 Sum MODIS link
NDVI_max_catchment Catchment Sum of areas with Normalized difference vegetation index <= 0.2 Sum MODIS link
humid_divide Divide Average specific_humidity Ave NLDAS link
humid_catchment Catchment Average specific_humidity Ave NLDAS link
temperature_ave_divide Divide Average temperature Ave NLDAS link
temperature_ave_catchment Catchment Average temperature Ave NLDAS link
temperature_min_divide Divide Minimum temperature Min NLDAS link
temperature_min_catchment Catchment Minimum temperature Min NLDAS link
wind_u_divide Divide Average U wind component at 10 meters above the surface Ave NLDAS link
wind_u_catchment Catchment Average U wind component at 10 meters above the surface Ave NLDAS link
wind_v_divide Divide Average V wind component at 10 meters above the surface Ave NLDAS link
wind_v_catchment Catchment Average V wind component at 10 meters above the surface Ave NLDAS link
SoilMoi0_10cm_inst_min_divide Divide Minimum soil moister Min GLDAS link
SoilMoi0_10cm_inst_min_catchment Catchment Minimum soil moister Min GLDAS link
SoilMoi0_10cm_inst_ave_divide Divide average soil moister Ave GLDAS link
SoilMoi0_10cm_inst_ave_catchment Catchment average soil moister Ave GLDAS link
SoilMoi0_10cm_inst_max_divide Divide maximum soil moister Max GLDAS link
SoilMoi0_10cm_inst_max_catchment Catchment maximum soil moister Max GLDAS link
SoilTMP0_10cm_inst_min_divide Divide Area of soil temperature less than or qual to zero Sum GLDAS link
SoilTMP0_10cm_inst_min_divide Catchment Area of soil temperature less than or qual to zero Sum GLDAS link
SoilTMP0_10cm_inst_ave_divide Divide Average soil temperature Ave GLDAS link
SoilTMP0_10cm_inst_ave_divide Catchment Average soil temperature Ave GLDAS link
ESoil_tavg_divide Divide Average Direct evaporation from bare soil Ave GLDAS link
ESoil_tavg_catchment Catchment Average Direct evaporation from bare soil Ave GLDAS link
Evap_tavg_divide Divide Average Evapotranspiration Ave GLDAS link
Evap_tavg_catchment Catchment Average Evapotranspiration Ave GLDAS link
Qs_acc_ave_divide Divide Average Storm surface runoff Ave GLDAS link
Qs_acc_ave_catchment Catchment Average Storm surface runoff Ave GLDAS link
Qs_acc_sum_divide Divide Sum Storm surface runoff Sum GLDAS link
Qs_acc_sum_catchment Catchment Sum Storm surface runoff Sum GLDAS link
Qsb_acc_ave_divide Divide Average Baseflow- Ave groundwater runoff Ave GLDAS link
Qsb_acc_ave_catchment Catchment Average Baseflow-groundwater runoff Ave GLDAS link
Qsb_acc_sum_divide Divide Sum Baseflow-groundwater runoff Sum GLDAS link
Qsb_acc_sum_catchment Catchment Sum Baseflow-groundwater runoff Sum GLDAS link
Qsm_acc_ave_divide Divide Average Snow melt Ave GLDAS link
Qsm_acc_ave_catchment Catchment Average Snow melt Ave GLDAS link
Qsm_acc_sum_divide Divide Sum Snow melt Sum GLDAS link
Qsm_acc_sum_catchment Catchment Sum Snow melt Sum GLDAS link
Snowf_tavg_ave_divide Divide Average Snow precipitation rate Ave GLDAS link
Snowf_tavg_ave_catchment Catchment Average Snow precipitation rate Ave GLDAS link
Snowf_tavg_max_divide Divide Max Snow precipitation rate Max GLDAS link
Snowf_tavg_max_catchment Catchment Max Snow precipitation rate Max GLDAS link
SnowDepth_inst_ave_divide Divide Average Snow depth Ave GLDAS link
SnowDepth_inst_ave_catchment Catchment Average Snow depth Ave GLDAS link
SnowDepth_inst_max_divide Divide Max Snow depth Max GLDAS link
arashmodrad commented 1 year ago


Variable name Aggregation Description Reduction Source Literature
SnowDepth_inst_max_catchment Catchment Max Snow depth Max GLDAS link
SWE_inst_sum_divide Divide Sum Snow depth water equivalent Sum GLDAS link
SWE_inst_sum_catchment Catchment Sum Snow depth water equivalent Sum GLDAS link
precip_sum_divide Divide Sum of annual precipitation Sum PRISM link
precip_sum_catchment Catchment Sum of annual precipitation Sum TerraClimate link
Pdsi_divide Divide Average Palmer Drought Severity Index Ave PRISM link
Pdsi_catchment Catchment Average Palmer Drought Severity Index Ave TerraClimate link
CompStrgthCat Cat Mean lithological uniaxial compressive strength (megaPascals) content in surface or near surface geology NA StreamCat link
CompStrgthWs Ws Mean lithological uniaxial compressive strength (megaPascals) content in surface or near surface geology NA StreamCat link
HydrlCondCat Cat Mean lithological hydraulic conductivity (micrometers per second) content in surface or near surface geology NA StreamCat link
HydrlCondWs Ws Mean lithological hydraulic conductivity (micrometers per second) content in surface or near surface geology NA StreamCat link
K2OCat Cat Mean % of lithological potassium oxide (K2O) content in surface or near surface geology NA StreamCat link
K2OWs Ws Mean % of lithological potassium oxide (K2O) content in surface or near surface geology NA StreamCat link
Fe2O3Cat Cat Mean % of lithological ferric oxide (Fe2O3) content in surface or near surface geology NA StreamCat link
Fe2O3Ws Ws Mean % of lithological ferric oxide (Fe2O3) content in surface or near surface geology NA StreamCat link
PctAlkIntruVolCat Cat % of AOI area classified as lithology type: alkaline intrusive volcanic rock NA StreamCat link
PctAlkIntruVolWs Ws % of AOI area classified as lithology type: alkaline intrusive volcanic rock NA StreamCat link
PctAlluvCoastCat Cat % of AOI area classified as lithology type: alluvium and fine-textured coastal zone sediment NA StreamCat link
PctAlluvCoastWs Ws % of AOI area classified as lithology type: alluvium and fine-textured coastal zone sediment NA StreamCat link
PctCarbResidCat Cat % of AOI area classified as lithology type: carbonate residual material NA StreamCat link
PctCarbResidWs Ws % of AOI area classified as lithology type: carbonate residual material NA StreamCat link
PctCoastCrsCat Cat % of AOI area classified as lithology type: coastal zone sediment, coarse-textured NA StreamCat link
PctCoastCrsWs Ws % of AOI area classified as lithology type: coastal zone sediment, coarse-textured NA StreamCat link
PctColluvSedCat Cat % of AOI area classified as lithology type: colluvial sediment NA StreamCat link
PctColluvSedWs Ws % of AOI area classified as lithology type: colluvial sediment NA StreamCat link
PctEolCrsCat Cat % of AOI area classified as lithology type: eolian sediment, coarse-textured (sand dunes) NA StreamCat link
PctEolCrsWs Ws % of AOI area classified as lithology type: eolian sediment, coarse-textured (sand dunes) NA StreamCat link
PctEolFineCat Cat % of AOI area classified as lithology type: eolian sediment, fine-textured (glacial loess) NA StreamCat link
PctEolFineWs Ws % of AOI area classified as lithology type: eolian sediment, fine-textured (glacial loess) NA StreamCat link
PctExtruVolCat Cat % of AOI area classified as lithology type: extrusive volcanic rock NA StreamCat link
PctExtruVolWs Ws % of AOI area classified as lithology type: extrusive volcanic rock NA StreamCat link
PctGlacLakeCrsCat Cat % of AOI area classified as lithology type: glacial outwash and glacial lake sediment, coarse-textured NA StreamCat link
PctGlacLakeCrsWs Ws % of AOI area classified as lithology type: glacial outwash and glacial lake sediment, coarse-textured NA StreamCat link
PctGlacLakeFineCat Cat % of AOI area classified as lithology type: glacial lake sediment, fine-textured NA StreamCat link
PctGlacLakeFineWs Ws % of AOI area classified as lithology type: glacial lake sediment, fine-textured NA StreamCat link
PctGlacTilClayCat Cat % of AOI area classified as lithology type: glacial till, clayey NA StreamCat link
PctGlacTilClayWs Ws % of AOI area classified as lithology type: glacial till, clayey NA StreamCat link
PctGlacTilCrsCat Cat % of AOI area classified as lithology type: glacial till, coarse-textured NA StreamCat link
PctGlacTilCrsWs Ws % of AOI area classified as lithology type: glacial till, coarse-textured NA StreamCat link
PctGlacTilLoamCat Cat % of AOI area classified as lithology type: glacial till, loamy NA StreamCat link
PctGlacTilLoamWs Ws % of AOI area classified as lithology type: glacial till, loamy NA StreamCat link
PctHydricCat Cat % of AOI area classified as lithology type: hydric, peat and muck NA StreamCat link
PctHydricWs Ws % of AOI area classified as lithology type: hydric, peat and muck NA StreamCat link
PctNonCarbResidCat Cat % of AOI area classified as lithology type: non-carbonate residual material NA StreamCat link
PctNonCarbResidWs Ws % of AOI area classified as lithology type: non-carbonate residual material NA StreamCat link
PctSalLakeCat Cat % of AOI area classified as lithology type: saline like sediment NA StreamCat link
PctSalLakeWs Ws % of AOI area classified as lithology type: saline like sediment NA StreamCat link
PctSilicicCat Cat % of AOI area classified as lithology type: silicic residual material NA StreamCat link
PctSilicicWs Ws % of AOI area classified as lithology type: silicic residual material NA StreamCat link
FertCat Cat Mean rate of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer application to agricultural land in kg N/ha/yr NA StreamCat link
FertWs Ws Mean rate of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer application to agricultural land in kg N/ha/yr NA StreamCat link
ManureCat Cat Mean rate of manure application to agricultural land from confined animal feeding operations in kg N/ha/yr NA StreamCat link
ManureWs Ws Mean rate of manure application to agricultural land from confined animal feeding operations in kg N/ha/yr NA StreamCat link
AgKffactCat Cat Mean soil erodibility (Kf) factor (unitless) of soils within AOI on agricultural land. The Kf factor is used in the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and represents a relative index of susceptibility of bare, cultivated soil to particle detachment and transport by rainfall NA StreamCat link
AgKffactWs Ws Mean soil erodibility (Kf) factor (unitless) of soils within AOI on agricultural land. The Kf factor is used in the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and represents a relative index of susceptibility of bare, cultivated soil to particle detachment and transport by rainfall NA StreamCat link
CanalDensCat Cat Density of NHDPlus line features classified as canal, ditch, or pipeline NA StreamCat link
CanalDensWs Ws Density of NHDPlus line features classified as canal, ditch, or pipeline NA StreamCat link
DamDensCat Cat Density of georeferenced dams within AOI (dams/ square km) based on the National Inventory of Dams ( NA StreamCat link
DamDensWs Ws Density of georeferenced dams within AOI (dams/ square km) based on the National Inventory of Dams ( NA StreamCat link
DamNIDStorCat Cat Total possible volume of all reservoirs (NID_STORA in NID) per unit area of AOI (cubic meters/square km) based on the National Inventory of Dams ( NA StreamCat link
DamNIDStorWs Ws Total possible volume of all reservoirs (NID_STORA in NID) per unit area of AOI (cubic meters/square km) based on the National Inventory of Dams ( NA StreamCat link
DamNrmStorCat Cat Normal (most common) volume of all reservoirs (NORM_STORA in NID) per unit area of AOI (cubic meters/square km) based on the National Inventory of Dams ( NA StreamCat link
DamNrmStorWs Ws Normal (most common) volume of all reservoirs (NORM_STORA in NID) per unit area of AOI (cubic meters/square km) based on the National Inventory of Dams ( NA StreamCat link
HUDen2010Cat Cat Mean housing unit density (housing units/square km) year 2010 NA StreamCat link
HUDen2010Ws Ws Mean housing unit density (housing units/square km) year 2010 NA StreamCat link
PopDen2010Cat Cat Mean Population Density year 2010 NA StreamCat link
PopDen2010Ws Ws Mean Population Density year 2010 NA StreamCat link
RdCrsCat Cat Density of roads-stream intersections (2010 Census Tiger Lines-NHD stream lines) NA StreamCat link
RdCrsWs Ws Density of roads-stream intersections (2010 Census Tiger Lines-NHD stream lines) NA StreamCat link
RdCrsSlpWtdCat Cat Density of roads-stream intersections (2010 Census Tiger Lines-NHD stream lines) multiplied by NHDPlusV21 slope within AOI (crossings*slope/square km) NA StreamCat link
RdCrsSlpWtdWs Ws Density of roads-stream intersections (2010 Census Tiger Lines-NHD stream lines) multiplied by NHDPlusV21 slope within AOI (crossings*slope/square km) NA StreamCat link
RdDensCat Cat Density of roads (2010 Census Tiger Lines) within AOI (km/square km) NA StreamCat link
RdDensWs Ws Density of roads (2010 Census Tiger Lines) within AOI (km/square km) NA StreamCat link
PctBlCat Cat Percent of AOI classified as barren land cover (NLCD class 31) NA StreamCat link
PctBlWs Ws Percent of AOI classified as barren land cover (NLCD class 31) NA StreamCat link
PctConifCat Cat Percent of AOI classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD class 42) NA StreamCat link
PctConifWs Ws Percent of AOI classified as evergreen forest land cover (NLCD class 42) NA StreamCat link
PctCropCat Cat Percent of AOI area classified as crop land use (NLCD class 82) NA StreamCat link
PctCropWs Ws Percent of AOI area classified as crop land use (NLCD class 82) NA StreamCat link
PctDecidCat Cat Percent of AOI area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD class 41) NA StreamCat link
PctDecidWs Ws Percent of AOI area classified as deciduous forest land cover (NLCD class 41) NA StreamCat link
PctFireCat Cat % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for each year NA StreamCat link
arashmodrad commented 1 year ago

Part 3

Variable name Aggregation Description Reduction Source Literature
PctFireWs Ws % Forest loss to fire (fire perimeter) for each year NA StreamCat link
PctFrstLossCat Cat NA StreamCat link
PctFrstLossWs Ws NA StreamCat link
PctGrsCat Cat Percent of AOI classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD class 71) NA StreamCat link
PctGrsWs Ws Percent of AOI classified as grassland/herbaceous land cover (NLCD class 71) NA StreamCat link
PctHayCat Cat Percent of AOI classified as hay land use (NLCD class 81) NA StreamCat link
PctHayWs Ws Percent of AOI classified as hay land use (NLCD class 81) NA StreamCat link
PctHbWetCat Cat Percent of AOI classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD class 95) NA StreamCat link
PctHbWetWs Ws Percent of AOI classified as herbaceous wetland land cover (NLCD class 95) NA StreamCat link
PctIceCat Cat Percent of AOI classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD class 12) NA StreamCat link
PctIceWs Ws Percent of AOI classified as ice/snow land cover (NLCD class 12) NA StreamCat link
PctImpCat Cat Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD) NA StreamCat link
PctImpWs Ws Mean imperviousness of anthropogenic surfaces (NLCD) NA StreamCat link
PctMxFstCat Cat Percent of AOI classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD class 43) NA StreamCat link
PctMxFstWs Ws Percent of AOI classified as mixed deciduous/evergreen forest land cover (NLCD class 43) NA StreamCat link
PctOwCat Cat Percent of AOI classified as open water land cover (NLCD class 11) NA StreamCat link
PctOwWs Ws Percent of AOI classified as open water land cover (NLCD class 11) NA StreamCat link
PctShrbCat Cat Percent of AOI classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD class 52) NA StreamCat link
PctShrbWs Ws Percent of AOI classified as shrub/scrub land cover (NLCD class 52) NA StreamCat link
PctUrbHiCat Cat % of AOI area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD class 24) NA StreamCat link
PctUrbHiWs Ws % of AOI area classified as developed, high-intensity land use (NLCD class 24) NA StreamCat link
PctUrbLoCat Cat Percent of AOI classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD class 22) NA StreamCat link
PctUrbLoWs Ws Percent of AOI classified as developed, low-intensity land use (NLCD class 22) NA StreamCat link
PctUrbMdCat Cat Percent of AOI classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD class 23) NA StreamCat link
PctUrbMdWs Ws Percent of AOI classified as developed, medium-intensity land use (NLCD class 23) NA StreamCat link
PctUrbOpCat Cat Percent of AOI classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD class 21) NA StreamCat link
PctUrbOpWs Ws Percent of AOI classified as developed, open space land use (NLCD class 21) NA StreamCat link
PctWdWetCat Cat Percent of AOI classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD class 90) NA StreamCat link
PctWdWetWs Ws Percent of AOI classified as woody wetland land cover (NLCD class 90) NA StreamCat link
BFICat Cat Baseflow is the component of streamflow that can be attributed to ground-water discharge into streams. The Baseflow Index (BFI) is the ratio of baseflow to total flow, expressed as a percentage NA StreamCat link
BFIWs Ws Baseflow is the component of streamflow that can be attributed to ground-water discharge into streams. The Baseflow Index (BFI) is the ratio of baseflow to total flow, expressed as a percentage NA StreamCat link
CatAreaSqKm Cat Catchment area in SqKm NA StreamCat link
WsAreaSqKm Ws Watershed area in SqKm NA StreamCat link
PctWaterCat Cat % of AOI area classified as lithology type: water NA StreamCat link
PctWaterWs Ws % of AOI area classified as lithology type: water NA StreamCat link
RckDepCat Cat Mean depth (cm) to bedrock of soils (STATSGO) NA StreamCat link
RckDepWs Ws Mean depth (cm) to bedrock of soils (STATSGO) NA StreamCat link
RockNCat Cat N from rock weathering (kg/ km2) NA StreamCat link
RockNWs Ws N from rock weathering (kg/ km2) NA StreamCat link
RunoffCat Cat Mean runoff (mm) NA StreamCat link
RunoffWs Ws Mean runoff (mm) NA StreamCat link
WaterInputCat Cat Water Input (km2/cm): Ratio of the total area of irrigated land to precipitation NA StreamCat link
WaterInputWs Ws Water Input (km2/cm): Ratio of the total area of irrigated land to precipitation NA StreamCat link
WetIndexCat Cat Mean Composite Topographic Index (CTI) [Wetness Index] NA StreamCat link
WetIndexWs Ws Mean Composite Topographic Index (CTI) [Wetness Index] NA StreamCat link
WtDepCat Cat Mean seasonal water table depth (cm) of soils (STATSGO) NA StreamCat link
WtDepWs Ws Mean seasonal water table depth (cm) of soils (STATSGO) NA StreamCat link