Short description explaining the high-level reason for the new issue.
Current behavior
Storing values as individual attributes of the BMI model:
self.total_precipitation or self.atmosphere_waterliquid_equivalent_precipitation_rate
And as part of a dictionary:
Expected behavior
Just store the value in one place or another.
Also, we don't need the dictionary all_lstm_input_values_dict, we'll just include everything in _values
Short description explaining the high-level reason for the new issue.
Current behavior
Storing values as individual attributes of the BMI model: self.total_precipitation or self.atmosphere_waterliquid_equivalent_precipitation_rate And as part of a dictionary: self.all_lstm_input_values_dict['atmosphere_waterliquid_equivalent_precipitation_rate']
Expected behavior
Just store the value in one place or another. Also, we don't need the dictionary all_lstm_input_values_dict, we'll just include everything in _values