NOAA-PMEL / Ferret

The Ferret program from NOAA/PMEL
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overlay on plot/vs map plot #1973

Closed AnsleyManke closed 4 years ago

AnsleyManke commented 4 years ago

The command "PLOT/VS xlon_var, ylat_var" makes a 2D plot with the plot axes labeled as longitudes and latitudes, if the xlon_var and ylat_var have units of longitude and latitude. But then a "go fland" which should be an overlay, is not drawn as an overlay but just draws the whole globe, wiping out the PLOT/VS marks.

yes? let/units=degrees_east/title=lon xlon = {250,300,320,330,340,350,360}
yes? let/units=degrees_north/title=lat ylat = {0,10,20,30,40,50,60}

yes? ! This draws nice lon/lat labeled axes
yes? plot/vs/thick/color=blue/siz=0.2 xlon, ylat

! Check the range of plot axes drawn
yes?  show symbol xax_m*, yax_m*
XAXIS_MIN = "250.000000"
XAXIS_MAX = "360.000000"
YAXIS_MIN = "0.00000000"
YAXIS_MAX = "60.0000000"

yes? ! fland should do an overlay.
yes? go fland

! But it has not done the overlay,  The lon/lat marks are gone and it has not used 
! the X-Y range of the PLOT/VS plot.

yes?  show symbol xax_m*, yax_m*
XAXIS_MIN = "250.000000"
XAXIS_MAX = "360.000000"
YAXIS_MIN = "-90.0000000"
YAXIS_MAX = "89.9999820"
AnsleyManke commented 4 years ago

This is fixed in plot_set_up.F and a new benchmark test added.