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Add time axis transformations in the GFDL portal #230

Open karlmsmith opened 6 years ago

karlmsmith commented 6 years ago

Reported by steven.c.hankin on 31 Aug 2007 17:19 UTC from Keith and Balaji:

''(2) Adding Some New LAS Functionality. The first thing we'd like to be considered is a bundle of related issues we've talked about, on and off, for some time...''

We prototyped these capabilities using the V6 UI some time back. We were successful at the level of providing the functionality. But we were not happy with the flavor of the solution. Here's the deal. When you request striding to get januaries-only or averaging to convert monthly data to seasonal you are implicitly changing the time axis of the data. The new time axis becomes jan-1980, jan-1981, jan-1982, ...
or JFM-1980, AMJ-1980, JAS-1980, ... respectively. But the V6 UI always maintains a rigid association between variables and their axes. So the user sees a standard monthly axis even though (s)he has requested something else.

To solve this problem nicely, we need to present the user with an altered time menu based upon the requested transformation. Using Armstrong 1.0 interactive products we have new approaches to this. As part of the visualization output we could, for example, offer options to transform to different axes with more dynamic menus.

Something to consider, though, is the slippery-slope problem. Once a user can visualize the January-only time series he will want to (say) take an average over a decade, or compare to another January-only time series. To do this means that we have to get the transformation definition back into the pipeline of LAS other products. I do not see a reasonable way to achieve this through interactive products. The UI needs to provide the foundation.

Can we reasonably achieve this level of functionality with the V6 UI? If we were to stick with the Data Constraints approach that we prototyped a year+ ago, those constraints would need to travel with the requested variable into (say) the Define Variables interface. Can the V6UI-to-productServer communication readily be made to support this? Or do such transformation have to wait to be solved properly through the V7 UI?


karlmsmith commented 6 years ago

Comment by @kevin-obrien on 23 Oct 2007 16:31 UTC

We have added the ability to average on one, three or five months in the GFDL data portal and have demonstrated this capability to some of the folks at GFDL. Other time axis transformations were discussed (such as 4 month, h averages)so I think I will move this to the 1.2 milestone for now.....

karlmsmith commented 6 years ago

Comment by steven.c.hankin on 23 Oct 2007 18:34 UTC An easy solution to handling even-length averaging intervals in the UI would be

"single month per year" = Jan/Feb/Mar/... "2 month average centered at start of" = ... "3 month average centered on middle of" = ... "4 month average centered at start of" = ... "5 month average centered on middle of" = ... "6 month average centered at start of" = ...

karlmsmith commented 6 years ago

Modified by @kevin-obrien on 8 Feb 2008 17:30 UTC