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V7 UI in situ use case snippits and requirements (based on underway cruise data) #250

Open karlmsmith opened 6 years ago

karlmsmith commented 6 years ago

Reported by steven.c.hankin on 12 Sep 2007 17:10 UTC The following use cases are based upon the needs of the underway data, specifically, but should have broader applicability to other in situ data types

Definition: A "trackPlot" (see attached image) refers to a map showing where the ship has been, with the track color or style serving to communicate the value of some variable.

Use Case snippits & Requirements

  1. obtain data file (choice of formats) for a single named cruise (scientists insist that it be easy to get back to the individual cruises easily)
  2. view trackPlot for a single named cruise
  3. view metadata product (new product -- a summary from database) for a single named cruise
  4. provide link to cruise logs (e.g. Mercury system) from metadata summary
  5. produce trackPlot of all cruises in a space-time bounding box (see attached image)
    • support data constraints -- ship ID, PI, etc.
    • support Julian day as a constraint (sensitive to modulo)
      • (low priority) could envision a specialized widget that offered calendar date formatting
  6. color the trackPlot by choice of parameters in list -- include cruiseID, Date, julianDay among the options
  7. include appropriate standard options of the trackPlot
    • graticule, size, margins, land fill style, ocean fill style ...
    • (low priority) option to select a gridded plot as the ocean background
  8. accept mouse click on trackPlot
    • provide text summary of that single point - location and list of dates, cruises and all values measured on each
  9. accept mouse-rectangle
    1. zoom into trackPlot. Offer unzoom and full-region functionality, too or
    2. request a '''dataPlot''' for indicated bounding box (see below)
  10. (low priority) ability to define gridded fields from data on a trackPlot

'''dataPlot''' (a concept for discussion - see attached prototype image)

The dataPlot product combines property-property plots, Hofmuller plots, and line plots into a single interactive interface

The default state of the dataPlot should be sensitive to the context from which it was selected. For example, if it came up from a trackPlot colored by pCO2 then by default the selected axes would be lat and long colored by pCO2.

* In three places on the interface (each axis and the plot color_by control) the same parameter list will be offered
      * all of the normal dataset variables (when selected the legend for a variable will be a color bar)
      * cruiseID (when selected the legend is a cruise color key)
      * date (effects axis formatting.  or if color-bay color bar is date formatted)
      * julianDate (color bar optionally date formatted)
      * longitude (effects axis formatting)
      * latitude (like longitude)
      * (for other in situ data collections, depth, too)

* Offer horizontal and vertical axis controls.
      * offer parameter list to select from
      * optionally set low/high axis limits)
* offer "color_by" (with parameter list)
* offer plot options (typical LAS options)
      * plot style (symbols, line, symbols connected with line)
      * graticule, symbol size, ...
* somewhere a reference map showing the cruise tracks should be visible (sufficient solution if the trackPlot remains visible somewhere)
* user can change the data constraints and regenerate the plot
* user can drag a rectangle on it to zoom (simple solution might need only for the mouse drag to set the optional hlimits and vlimits of the plot and re-request the image.  That could ensure a cache hit on the data file -- no need to make a new SQL database request.)
* (next version) user can request multiple variables on a single horizontal axis by specifying multiple choices on the vertical axis.  On the prototype image the "+" icon is for this purpose.  Note that when multiple variables are selected the color_by option needs to be dropped, since color presumably needs to be used to distinguish the different variables that are shown


karlmsmith commented 6 years ago

Attachment from steven.c.hankin on 12 Sep 2007 17:10 UTC trackPlot trackplot

karlmsmith commented 6 years ago

Attachment from steven.c.hankin on 12 Sep 2007 17:11 UTC conceptual dataPlot dataplot-concept

karlmsmith commented 6 years ago

Modified by @kevin-obrien on 7 Feb 2008 22:31 UTC