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F-TDS problem with JPL ECCO data #548

Open karlmsmith opened 6 years ago

karlmsmith commented 6 years ago

Reported by on 3 Oct 2008 18:23 UTC I have a few ECCO datasets having trouble with F-TDS. These datasets all have 'extra' axis, which I think F-TDS doesn't like.

For example, the Sea Surface Height has DEPTH axis.

yes? use ""
yes? show axis/all
name       axis              # pts   start                end
PSXT      LONGITUDE          160mr   130.5E               70.5W
PSXU      LONGITUDE          160mr   131E                 70W
PSYT      LATITUDE           100 i   28.836S              48.567N
PSYU      LATITUDE           100 i   27.672S              50N
PSZT      DEPTH (m)           27 i-  5                    3824
PSZW      DEPTH (m)           27 i-  10                   4149
ABSTRACT                 9999999 r   1                     9999999
EZ                         20480 r   1                    20480
LAT       LATITUDE           224 i   79.5S                78.5N
LON       LONGITUDE          360mr   0.5E                 0.5W
DEPTH     DEPTH (m)           46 i-  5                    5615
TIME      TIME               147 i   06-JAN-1997 00:00    21-DEC-2000 00:00
yes? show data/all
    currently SET data sets:
   1>  (default)
name     title                                          I            J           K        L
HAVE     Sea Surface Height               1:360     1:224     ...       1:147

The header.xml generated by F-TDS has the axis for DEPTH. If I manually remove the DEPTH axis from header.xml. Then, the F-TDS works.

The config xml file is /home/porter/webuser/html/armstrong_jing/nvods/baker/conf/server/DODS_IPRC_jpl_ecco_adjoint.xml

The f-tds log file, /home/porter/webuser/html/tomcat_jing2/apache-tomcat-5.5.25/content/thredds/logs/ferretIOSP.log, has something like:

2008-08-12T14:06:43.254 -0700 [ 1131873][ 20] DEBUG - gov.noaa.pmel.tmap.iosp.FerretIOServiceProvider - Working on axis: DEPTH 2008-08-12T14:06:43.255 -0700 [ 1131874][ 20] DEBUG - gov.noaa.pmel.tmap.iosp.FerretIOServiceProvider - New dim with size: 46


karlmsmith commented 6 years ago

Modified by @noaaroland on 6 Jan 2011 18:13 UTC