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The Upload Dashbord for the Ocean Acidifiation Project
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New user case pointing the need of a more flexible data file uploading interface #45

Open lqjiang opened 2 years ago

lqjiang commented 2 years ago

Not something new. We've discussed over this issue before. Here I just want to document a user case.

In this user case, Christopher Hunt had to make 4 submissions because he has 4 Excel files that need to be archived in one NCEI Accession. It seems that he was unable to figure out the fact that he could use one of them as the "main" Excel file and treat the rest of the 3 files as supporting files.


As a result, we had to reject 3 of the submissions and manually put all 4 data files into one accession and merge their metadata.

As we discussed, we'll make the data file uploading interface more flexible so that a user does not have to start their submission by uploading an Excel file. Instead, they could create a new package by clicking a button, and then have the choice of either inputting metadata info first or upload the files first. When they upload the files, they can upload as many files as they need, all from one interface.

Once uploaded, either of these files can be linked to the QC program for QC purposes one by one.


lqjiang commented 7 months ago

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Liqing JIANG - NOAA Affiliate Date: Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 10:56 AM Subject: Fwd: OAP SDIS question To: Eugene Burger - NOAA Federal, Linus Kamb - NOAA Affiliate

Hi Eugene,

How have you been doing?

Here is another real world example. Due to the current file uploading setup, Jon mistakenly created 8 submissions, instead of just one.

As you may recall, the SDIS project initially started off as a QC interface for discrete bottle-based data, similar in concept to the SOCAT Dashboard, which is designed for underway data. Over time, the SDIS metamorphosed into a submission interface. This is why I've been emphasizing the importance of creating a versatile interface that allows users to initiate a new submission package easily, without the necessity of uploading a data file first. Furthermore, when they choose to upload files, they should have the flexibility to upload one or multiple files, rather than being limited to designating one as the 'main' file with others as supplementary. In this case, all uploaded files are considered equally significant, with no distinction between a 'main' file and supplementary files.



lqjiang commented 7 months ago

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Liqing JIANG - NOAA Affiliate Date: Mon, Feb 5, 2024 at 9:56 AM Subject: Urgent issue Fwd: SDIS Package BHBZS7GG0/1 needs appraisal To: Eugene Burger - NOAA Federal, Linus Kamb - NOAA Affiliate

Hi Eugene and Linus,

I think there is an urgent need to address the file uploading flexibility issue. More and more data providers are getting confused by this.

Can we set up a timeline to address this issue?



---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Alex Kozyr - NOAA Affiliate []( Date: Mon, Feb 5, 2024 at 9:51 AM Subject: Re: SDIS Package BHBZS7GG0/1 needs appraisal To: Christopher Hunt [](, Linus Kamb - NOAA Affiliate []( Cc: [](, [](, [](

Hi Chris, Yes, it does make sense. I think we should combine all 7 cruise data files in one accession. Linus, could you please help to figure out how to submit all files in one submission, so SDIS would create one accession? Thank you, Alex.

On Mon, Feb 5, 2024 at 9:46 AM Christopher Hunt []( wrote: Hi Alex, The submission is a collection of 7 cruises, where we deployed the same instrument aboard the same ship in the same year. Previously I have submitted a couple of collections of data like this one, with one metadata file. This metadata file has dates which span the first cruise to the last cruise, but the data in each cruise data file are unique in time and space. Does that make sense?
