NOAA-PMEL / PyFerret

The PyFerret program and Python module from NOAA/PMEL
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SET VARIABLE/NAME= fails for ensemble datasets #119

Open ACManke opened 2 years ago

ACManke commented 2 years ago

This was reported by Ryo Furue @ryofurue 8/7/2022 @ryofurue

Here is his example script:

! create sample datasets
set data coads_climatology
let myvar = sst[L=@MAX]
save/clobber/file=[]( myvar
let myvar = sst[L=@MIN]
save/clobber/file=[]( myvar
cancel data/all
cancel var/all

! testing renaming for a single dataset.
set data [](
set var/name=myvar_org myvar
let myvar = myvar_org/2
save/clobber/file=[]( myvar
cancel data/all
cancel var/all

! testing renaming for an ensemble.
ensemble a = {"[](", "[]("}
set var/name=myvar_org myvar
let myvar = myvar_org/2
save/clobber/file=[]( myvar

which results in the error, **ERROR: variable unknown or not in data set: MYVAR_ORG

Variable renaming works by replacing the variable with the desired new name in the data structures that describe a dataset that is open in PyFerret. The solution here would for the code in set_var.F that does SET VARIABLE/NAME check whether the dataset is an ensemble, and change the variable-names in the member files using CD_RENAME_VAR . This would be in addition to the name change in the ensemble dataset.

The same would also apply to Timeseries and Forecast aggregations; and for Union aggregations we'd need to go find the member dataset with the variable to be renamed.