Coupled NEMS app for WAM-IPE
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Validations: WAM-IPE operational outputs #56

Open twfang opened 3 years ago

twfang commented 3 years ago

It appears that we need to create an issue to track all the WAM-IPE validation activities. Below is the list. Each item will have an issue associated with it and be linked back to this issue.


  1. Neutral density
  2. O/N2, Temp


  1. NmF2/hmF2 from ionosondes
  2. MUF from ionosonde
  3. TEC from GloTEC, MIT-TEC, and LISN (#55, #54)
  4. the bottomside ionosphere
  5. Plasma drift velocity from ISR

NOTE: JRO ISR campaign will take place between 9/21-9/26. We should plan to have all the ionospheric parameters validated.

twfang commented 3 years ago

For IPE item 5: Plasma drift velocity from ISR in 6/22-6/27, 2021

ISR drift is obtained from one altitude (397 km) ISR vertical drift at 397 km comparison with WAM-IPE at 398 km with error bars

ISR drift is averaged for all altitudes. ISR altitude average vertical drift at 397 km comparison with WAM-IPE at 398 km

The drift velocity from WAM-IPE is slightly overestimated compared to ISR observations at equatorail region for these few days.

twfang commented 2 years ago

@gmillward has established a real-time system that compares the NmF2 from WAM-IPE at 50 ionosonde stations. Next, we need to figure out a good matrix to evaluate our model outputs. fig1 (1)

mfswpc commented 1 year ago

chilton_hmf2_nov2021 chilton_nmf2_nov2021 hermanus_hmf2_nov2021 hermanus_nmf2_nov2021 icheon_hmf2_nov2021 icheon_nmf2_nov2021 mhill_hmf2_nov2021 mhill_nmf2_nov2021 perth_hmf2_nov2021 perth_nmf2_nov2021

mfswpc commented 1 year ago

Midlatitude ionosonde and WAM-IPE comparisons for Nov 2021 storm period.

mfswpc commented 1 year ago


mfswpc commented 1 year ago

Global maps NmF2 for storm period (at 12UT).

NmF2_in_ipe05 20211029_120000

mfswpc commented 1 year ago

NmF2_in_ipe05 20211030_120000 NmF2_in_ipe05 20211031_120000 NmF2_in_ipe05 20211101_120000 NmF2_in_ipe05 20211102_120000 NmF2_in_ipe05 20211103_120000 NmF2_in_ipe05 20211104_120000 NmF2_in_ipe05 20211105_120000 NmF2_in_ipe05 20211106_120000 NmF2_in_ipe05 20211107_120000 NmF2_in_ipe05 20211108_120000

gmillward commented 1 year ago


gmillward commented 1 year ago


gmillward commented 1 year ago

^^ Useful for ionosondes context ...

gmillward commented 1 year ago


gmillward commented 1 year ago

^^ Having done all the heavy lifting, the Europe stations drop out easy ^^ This is NmF2 btw - new parameter instead of fof2

gmillward commented 1 year ago

I'll do MUF as well, and hmF2, and then go on to %-age differences

mfswpc commented 1 year ago

I have plotted CTIPe results from Adam's files on the top of the previous plots. Comparing Chilton results with George's plots, they look about the same (see pict). So, I guess there is no point in uploading them here, since George's code is doing it for many more stations.
