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Comparisons of WAM-IPE performances on WCOSS-Phase 3 and WCOSS2 #60

Closed twfang closed 2 years ago

twfang commented 2 years ago

In this issue, we document the differences in model results from two different machines as part of transition validation.

The branches ops/wcoss2 and develop gets exactly the same results on phase wirSignificant differences are found between these two machines. These differences come from different compilers and differences in libraries (ESMF), and WAM driver broadcast through updated COMIO. To isolate where the differences come from, several tests were carried out with ICs from 2015031600 with fixed drivers (F10.7=120 and Kp=3).

1. Standalone WAM (no ESMF and no COMIO) sigfiles. 62 days (hr 1489 to 1508) after 2015/03/16. The global mean temperature is included on top of each subplot.

WAM Tn (level 135) on WCOSS 1 phase 3: standalone_Tn_wcoss_fixdrivers

WAM Tn (leven 135) on WCOSS2: standalone_Tn_wcoss2_fixdrivers

WAM Tn difference (WCOSS2-Phase3) standalone_Tn_diff_fixdrivers

In summary, the temperature differences from the standalone WAM are ranging between -100K to 100K. The larger differences often are associated with the polar cap boundary. Smaller differences are more random and scattered around the globe. The global means from these two runs are very close and are within 4K differences. The differences mainly come from the machine change and are within the acceptable range.

2. WAM-IPE with the same modulefiles and libraries. Results are from netcdf outputs (SWIO). TEC and Tn from WCOSS2 (1st column), WCOSS Phase 3 (2nd column), and differences (3rd column, wcoss2-phase3) are shown in these plots. Global mean TEC and Tn (level 135) are also marked in some of these plots.

2015/03/16 TEC 20150316 Tn Tn_20150316

2015/04/15 TEC 20150415_fixdrivers Tn Tn_20150415_fixdrivers

2015/05/25 TEC 20150525_fixdrivers Tn Tn_20150525_fixdrivers

In summary, the Tn values change are roughly +-100K and TEC changes are around 20-30 TECu depending on the locations. Stronger changes are found at the low-latitude ionosphere. However, the results of the global mean of Tn and TEC are very similar from both machines. The changes do grow with a longer run (2 months in this test case) but don't seem to continue growing. With these results, we conclude that the differences in model results from these two machines are acceptable. The WAM-IPE ops/wcoss2 branch perform consistently between WCOSS Phase 3 and WCOSS2.