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scaling tests on forcasted neutral density by new solar winds (newBz, etc) algorithem in WAM-IPE #73

Open ZhuxiaoLi66 opened 1 year ago

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 1 year ago

The new solar-wind deriving algorithm from Kp in WAM-IPE has been verified to improve the neutral density forecast largely against the old algorithm, especially during storm time. While it is still lower than the WAM-IPE results with the observational solar winds input. we plan to do more investigation on the simulation results and do the comparison to check the possibility and rationality to scale the forecasted neutral density by the new algorithm.

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 1 year ago

The following plot is the neutral density comparisons along GRACE orbits within several settings & versions of WAM-IPE for 2015 St. Patrick storm case, which indicates the validation of the new algorithm (newBz). Den_20150316_storm_para3_newBz_ori_msis2_GRACE_orbit_mean300_6lines

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 1 year ago

The followings are the 3hrly 2D neutral density maps during the 20150316-0319 storm time from the newBz run and obs-input run.
Den_400km_newBz_20150316 Den_400km_obs_drivers_20150316 Den_400km_newBz_20150317 Den_400km_obs_drivers_20150317 Den_400km_newBz_20150318 Den_400km_obs_drivers_20150318 Den_400km_newBz_20150319 Den_400km_obs_drivers_20150319

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 1 year ago

the following is the neutral density ratio for obs_driver/newBz_driver Den_rato_400km_obs_newBz_20150316 Den_rato_400km_obs_newBz_20150317 Den_rato_400km_obs_newBz_20150318 Den_rato_400km_obs_newBz_20150319

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 1 year ago

The followings are the 3hrly 2D neutral density maps during the 20150316-0319 storm time from the newBz run and obs-input run, the corresponding mean and standard deviation values of the maps are shown on the right top of each map.
Den_newBz_maps_400km_20150316 Den_obs_maps_400km_20150316 Den_newBz_maps_400km_20150317 Den_obs_maps_400km_20150317 Den_newBz_maps_400km_20150318 Den_obs_maps_400km_20150318 Den_newBz_maps_400km_20150319 Den_obs_maps_400km_20150319

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 1 year ago

The following is the plot for the normalized standard deviation of DEN at 400km with the corresponding Bz for 2015 St. Patrick storm case. Den_norm_stddev_xy_400km_obs_newBz_20150316-0319_y2