Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics Model
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implement weimer 2005 in IPE_refactor code: inside empirical E-field model #4

Closed naomimaruyama closed 4 years ago

naomimaruyama commented 5 years ago

We will need to implement weimer 2005 in IPE_refactor code inside the empirical electric field model (instead of inside the dynamo solver issue#309). branch: “weimer2005_empirical” many neutral features will compare with WAM after this adding.

akubaryk commented 5 years ago

can we close NOAA-SWPC/WAM-IPE#309 or do we need that open still?

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago

The code work to include weimer2005 in ./ipelib/empirical_efield in IPE has been done, the new branch named 'weimer2005_empirical' had been push to NOAA-SWPC/IPE. the validation will start this week. 4 days run for 2013 St. Patrick storm has been performed and the reading of the input varying drivers has been verified. the potential and electric field will be verified later.

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago

output of TEC seems get all NaNs after 53 hrs (from Mar18 06). TEC_2D_IPE_weimer2005_2013Mar16 TEC_2D_IPE_weimer2005_2013Mar17 TEC_2D_IPE_weimer2005_2013Mar18

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago

The following is the comparison of the Neutral Temp & Wind field between the IPE and WAM from the coupling run. T_U_V_250km_2D_coupled_IPE_weimer2005_2013Mar17 T_U_V_250km_2D_WAM_coupled_interp_2013Mar17 T_U_V_400km_2D_coupled_IPE_weimer2005_2013Mar17 T_U_V_400km_2D_WAM_coupled_interp_2013Mar17

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago

The efield and potential calculated by WAM and IPE in the same coupling run has been compared as following and verified that the Werimer2005 in IPE empirical_efield works fine.

ED1_ED2_NH_efield_IPE_weimer2005_coupled_0min ED1_ED2_NH_efield_WAM_weimer2005_coupled ED1_ED2_NH_efield_IPE_weimer2005_coupled_30min ED1_ED2_NH_efield_WAM_weimer2005_couple_30min

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago

After the including of the weimer2005 into empirical_efield in IPE, TEC and the related variables (O_PLUS_2d and N2_PLUS) has been checked in both IPE standalone and coupling storm runs (20130316-0319). It turns out that the output of TEC and related variables have gotten many NaNs at 20130806 suddenly in the 2013 St. Pratrick storm runs (both standalone and coupling). I tried merged the ipe_fixes into the weimer2005_empirical branch with based on the develop branch to do the IPE standalone run, the TEC NaN's problem appeared in the same way.

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago



O_plus_250km_IPE_weimer2005_2013Mar18 O_plus_250km_coupled_efield_IPE_weimer2005_2013Mar17

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago

TEC_IPE_old_weimer_2013Mar17 TEC_coupled_old_weimer_2013Mar17

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago

Based on the comparison between the weimer1996_empirical_IPE and weimer2005_empirical_IPE runs, I found that weimer2005 change the TEC very slightly compared with weimer1996, both in IPE standalone runs and the coupling runs. While the TEC in standalone IPE runs and coupling runs are quite different. (MSIS->WAM)

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago

weimer2005 is supposed to change TEC pattern, right? which IPE output variable should be changed much by the adding of weimer2005 in empirical_efield in IPE?





twfang commented 4 years ago

The difference of TEC at mid- and low-latitudes should be really small since both packages use the same electric field in those regions. The difference should be only at higher latitudes and shouldn't be huge.

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago

With Raffaele's help, now the IPE_weimer2005_empirical in NOAA-SWPC/GSMWAM-IPE is the old_IPE_weimer2005_empirical + ipefixes and can conduct coupling runs. I have merged Gorge's updated 'weimer_ipefixes' into the current IPE_weimer2005_empirical to get rid of the NaNs. It turns out the runs crashed right away after the merging. the run directory is /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Zhuxiao.Li/coupled_20130316_weimer_ipefixes_empirical

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago

the code package is /scratch1/NCEPDEV/swpc/Zhuxiao.Li/save/git/GSMWAM-IPE_weimer_ipe_fixes_empirical

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago

George, could you please to have a look at the fcst file in the run dir to check if the error information was familiar to you? by the way, I set 'dynamo=F' in my run (see code package above if necessary). Thanks in head!

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago

George, the new run with the new IPE IC file didn't crash right away and already got the output for the first hour, thanks!

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago

The good news is that George's updated in weimer_ipe_fixes got rid of the NaNs in the 2013 St. Patrick storm run with the weimer2005_empirical, at least during 20130316-0319, will test for longer time. The following is the TEC plots by the new weimer run and also the old weimer reference run. It seems the new weimer run enhance the features in Tim's validation PPT which by Heelis effect run somewhat, especially at North pole area. will make the polar projection plots later.

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago

TEC_weimer2005 TEC_weimer1996

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago


ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago

The following polar plots for both the empirical new weimer and old weimer runs.

TEC_NH_polar_coupled_weimer_ipefixes_empirical_2013Mar17 TEC_NH_polar_coupled_weimer1996_empirical_2013Mar17

ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago

the border is 60N for the above plots. zoom out the TEC (at 30N) from new weimer run.


ZhuxiaoLi66 commented 4 years ago

Over the south hemisphere, the empirical new weimer also does a good job, we can see the built up TEC tough is very clear on 12 UT of 20130317.


twfang commented 4 years ago

The code has been tested and merged into IPE (PR #28 ).