There are some IDEA_SOLAR related former substitutive subroutines and some old input data files are not used in the current version of WAM any more. The current small project will clean up the IDEA_SOLAR related codes, idea_solar_heating.f, idea_solar_init.f, idea_solar_input.f, including improving the commented information part in the codes, make the necessary marked comments neater&more helpful and delete the uncessary ones.
There are some IDEA_SOLAR related former substitutive subroutines and some old input data files are not used in the current version of WAM any more. The current small project will clean up the IDEA_SOLAR related codes, idea_solar_heating.f, idea_solar_init.f, idea_solar_input.f, including improving the commented information part in the codes, make the necessary marked comments neater&more helpful and delete the uncessary ones.