Shelf Enabled Global NEMO
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Generate SE-NEMO configurations using local-ME s-cordinates #72

Closed oceandie closed 2 years ago

oceandie commented 3 years ago
  1. An SE-NEMO configuration employing localised Multi-Envelope (ME) s-coordinates is generated.
  2. The Antarctic shelf is treated using a particular setting of the ME, i.e. we use one setting of the ME for the Antarctic shelf and another setting for the other shelves (hereinafter they are named global shelves).
  3. This model will use ME s-coord near the coast (up to isobath 2600m in Antarctica and 1650m in the rest of the Globe) while it will use the standard eORCA025 z-partial steps grid everywhere else.
oceandie commented 3 years ago

All the developments and code can be found in this repo .

oceandie commented 3 years ago


An SE-NEMO configuration employing localised Multi-Envelope (ME) s-coordinates is developed. This configuration uses 4 envelopes to discretise the domain excluding the shelves of Antarctica, which will be discretised using a specific setting of ME described later.

The configuration, named ME-300, uses the following setting for the envelopes:

1 8m 300m 0.2 37
2 108m 1650m 0.2 13
3 608m 2000m 0.03 7
4 5750m 5750m n.a. 18

After some preliminary sensitivity test, this seems to be a quite good setting (especially the max depth of the upper envelope) able to describe quite faithfully the real bottom topography and not intruducing too many step-like structures.

The localisation works with the same approach employed for improving Nordic-OVF in orca025. The following is the mask showing where the model will use ME s-coordinate (red), standard orca025 z-partial step coordinate (blue) and a linear combination of the two to transition from one type to another (green):


As we can see, ME s-coord are used in regions where the topography is shallower than 1650m .

oceandie commented 3 years ago

The following are selected cross sections showing how the localised ME s-coord looks like.


1) Gulf stream region sec__vertical_levels_lon_819-882_lat_824-795__maxdepth_6000 sec__vertical_levels_lon_819-882_lat_824-795__maxdepth_600

2) Gulf of Mexico sec__vertical_levels_lon_778-789_lat_811-770__maxdepth_6000 sec__vertical_levels_lon_778-789_lat_811-770__maxdepth_600

3) Labrador Sea sec__vertical_levels_lon_929-954_lat_1039-971__maxdepth_6000 sec__vertical_levels_lon_929-954_lat_1039-971__maxdepth_600

4) Norwegian sea sec__vertical_levels_lon_1061-1123_lat_1097-1114__maxdepth_6000 sec__vertical_levels_lon_1061-1123_lat_1097-1114__maxdepth_600

5) European North West Shelf sec__vertical_levels_lon_1123-1101_lat_918-888__maxdepth_6000 sec__vertical_levels_lon_1123-1101_lat_918-888__maxdepth_600

6) North Sea sec__vertical_levels_lon_1163-1129_lat_942-1006__maxdepth_6000 sec__vertical_levels_lon_1163-1129_lat_942-1006__maxdepth_600

oceandie commented 3 years ago


The SE-NEMO configuration employing localised Multi-Envelope (ME) s-coordinates uses 4 envelopes to discretise the Antarctic shelf. Envelopes and model levels for Antarctica are set as follows (ME-800 setting):

1 8m 800m 0.2 42
2 358m 2600m 0.2 13
3 858m 4500m 0.03 7
4 5750m 5750m n.a. 13

This setting is chosen to have model levels that nicely follow the Antarctic shelf genlty sloping up to 800 m.

The following is the mask showing where the model will use ME s-coordinate with the ANTARCTIC setting (red), standard orca025 z-partial step coordinate or local ME s-coord with ME-300 setting (blue) and a linear combination of the two to transition from one type to another (green):


As we can see, ME s-coord are used in regions where the topography is shallower than 2600m . Also, the transition zone (green) is slightly wider than the transition zone used in the ME-300 setting for the global shelves.

oceandie commented 3 years ago

The following are selected cross sections showing how the localised ME s-coord looks like.


1) Antartctic peninsula sec__vertical_levels_lon_830-963_lat_341-334__maxdepth_6000 sec__vertical_levels_lon_830-963_lat_341-334__maxdepth_600

2) Weddel Sea sec__vertical_levels_lon_911-1005_lat_207-329__maxdepth_6000 sec__vertical_levels_lon_911-1005_lat_207-329__maxdepth_600

3) Ross Sea sec__vertical_levels_lon_434-433_lat_160-305__maxdepth_6000 sec__vertical_levels_lon_434-433_lat_160-305__maxdepth_600

4) Bellingshausen Sea sec__vertical_levels_lon_833-807_lat_256-324__maxdepth_6000 sec__vertical_levels_lon_833-807_lat_256-324__maxdepth_600

oceandie commented 3 years ago


To get a sense of the HPGE associated with our local-ME s-coord grid, a one month run where the model is initialised with a stable stratification only function of depth is conducted.

For this run, we use the same initial profile used for HPGE test in the Europoean north-west shelf (see EGU-2021 presentation ). This profile is considered to be representative of winter off-shelf stratification. Of course, it cannot be considered representative of locations other than the North Atlantic. However, it is characterised by a quite strong gradient in corrispondence of the seasonal thermocline, which makes it a good initial test.

1) MAX (in the vertical and time) HPGE for GLOBAL SHELVES: msk_GLO_max_hpge_1_r02-r02

The blue line identifies the 300m isobath, i.e. the maximum depth of the upper envelope in the ME-300 setting.

2) MAX (in the vertical and time) HPGE for ANTARCTIC SHELF: msk_ANT_max_hpge_1_r02-r02

The blue line identifies the 800m isobath, i.e. the maximum depth of the upper envelope in the Antarctic shelf.

oceandie commented 2 years ago


Previous HPGE test showed that spurious numerical currents are generated off the 300m and 800m (in Antarctica) isobaths: this means that HPGE are driven mainly by the rmax of the second envelope.

Therefore, we decide

1) to apply a global rmax of 0.15 and 0.1 to the upper and the second envelope, respectively. In the case of the upper envelope, the slightly smaller rmax is just a precaution.

2) to optimise the second envelope for HPGE with the following itearative smoothing process:


After 3 iterations, we have (max HPGE = 0.011 m/s) :



The following are selected cross-sections to show how they look like after optimisation of the second envelope:


1) Gulf stream region sec__vertical_levels_lon_819-882_lat_824-795__maxdepth_600 sec__vertical_levels_lon_819-882_lat_824-795__maxdepth_6000

2) Gulf of Mexico sec__vertical_levels_lon_778-789_lat_811-770__maxdepth_600 sec__vertical_levels_lon_778-789_lat_811-770__maxdepth_6000

3) Labrador Sea sec__vertical_levels_lon_929-954_lat_1039-971__maxdepth_600 sec__vertical_levels_lon_929-954_lat_1039-971__maxdepth_6000

4) Norwegian sea sec__vertical_levels_lon_1061-1123_lat_1097-1114__maxdepth_600 sec__vertical_levels_lon_1061-1123_lat_1097-1114__maxdepth_6000

5) European North West Shelf sec__vertical_levels_lon_1123-1101_lat_918-888__maxdepth_600 sec__vertical_levels_lon_1123-1101_lat_918-888__maxdepth_6000

6) North Sea sec__vertical_levels_lon_1163-1129_lat_942-1006__maxdepth_600 sec__vertical_levels_lon_1163-1129_lat_942-1006__maxdepth_6000


1) Antartctic peninsula sec__vertical_levels_lon_830-963_lat_341-334__maxdepth_600 sec__vertical_levels_lon_830-963_lat_341-334__maxdepth_6000

2) Weddel Sea sec__vertical_levels_lon_911-1005_lat_207-329__maxdepth_600 sec__vertical_levels_lon_911-1005_lat_207-329__maxdepth_6000

3) Ross Sea sec__vertical_levels_lon_434-433_lat_160-305__maxdepth_600 sec__vertical_levels_lon_434-433_lat_160-305__maxdepth_6000

4) Bellingshausen Sea sec__vertical_levels_lon_833-807_lat_256-324__maxdepth_600 sec__vertical_levels_lon_833-807_lat_256-324__maxdepth_6000

oceandie commented 2 years ago

Just for refernce, the following are the HPGE developed by two James' hybrid s-z configurations:

1) hsz-39_ztaper (max HPGE = 0.036 m/s): msk_GLO_max_hpge_1_hsz_39_ztap msk_ANT_max_hpge_1_hsz_39_ztap

2) hsz-51_ztaper (max HPGE = 1.42 m/s): msk_GLO_max_hpge_1_hsz_51_ztap msk_ANT_max_hpge_1_hsz_51_ztap

jdha commented 2 years ago

I just need to double check which SZT-51 you have: p3 or p15

oceandie commented 2 years ago

I just need to double check which SZT-51 you have: p3 or p15

Not sure - I picked up the one in /gws/nopw/j04/jmmp_collab/se-orca025/se-nemo-domain_cfg, but there is not p3 or p15.

jdha commented 2 years ago

I think this task is complete - although we drifted into the SZT at the end which has since been updated (probably should open a separate issue for this)