Open fnedez opened 6 years ago
Hello Barbara,
You're right for the first epoch of the two files (p and F values). The meaning of each epoch is the following:
I hope this helps you!
Best, Dounia
Ok thank you! Now it is clear. It helps a lot!
I have another question. When I'm looking at the thresholded p or F values (epoch 2), in some channel the graphic show an orizzontal line without any pick or wave and at the same time I hear a sound and Matlab board shows this message:
Error using ylim (line 31) Limits must be a 2-element vector of increasing numeric values.
Error in CGLW_multi_viewer>update_graph (line 259) ylim(allaxis(1),[str2num(get(handles.yaxis_min_edit,'String')) str2num(get(handles.yaxis_max_edit,'String'))]);
Error in CGLW_multi_viewer>channel_listbox_Callback (line 526) update_graph(handles);
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95) feval(varargin{:});
Error in CGLW_multi_viewer (line 24) gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in>@(hObject,eventdata)CGLW_multi_viewer('channel_listbox_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)) Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.
Do you know what it could mean?
Thanks in advance, Barbara
I guess that this could be due to the fact that the considered epoch is constant along time (and therefore the auto lower and upper y limits are equal). Did you try to display this kind of "problematic epoch" together with another one which does not raise an error, eg epoch 2 for a different channel? Does the problem persist?
Best, Dounia
Matlab shows this message only when there is any significant effect. That is, when there is a significant effect in a specific channel for example between 200 and 300 millisec, there isn't any message. But when there is the orizzontal line on zero, Matlab shows that message.
Best, Barbara
upps sorry "Matlab shows this message only when there isn't any significant effect."
So indeed it's due to the automatic y-limits that are set based on the data that you visualize. You can try to change the y-limits in the GUI in the "y-axis" frame (without ticking "auto").
Yes! You are right!
May I ask you another thing! I'm new with Letswave :-) In the epoch 2 I can see the permutated results of F and p values along the Time. So for example I can see if there is a significative effect between 200 and 300 millsec for a specifical channel, like Cz.
However If I want see the F and the p values of a more general ANOVA in which I have my experimental conditions and I add two topographical factors, like Anterior Posterior and Left and Right Hemisphere groupping together 4 channels for each group (e.g., Left Anterior, Left Posterior, Right Antherior and Right Posterior), how can I do that?
best Barbara
Yes! You are right!
May I ask you another thing! I'm new with Letswave :-) In the epoch 2 I can see the permutated results of F and p values along the Time. So for example I can see if there is a significative effect between 200 and 300 millsec for a specifical channel, like Cz.
However If I want see the F and the p values of a more general ANOVA in which I have my experimental conditions and I add two topographical factors, like Anterior Posterior and Left and Right Hemisphere groupping together 4 channels for each group (e.g., Left Anterior, Left Posterior, Right Antherior and Right Posterior), how can I do that?
best Barbara
I'm using letswave 6. I have a 2X2 design. I run an ANOVA with more than two datasets with 500 permutations. When I open the F and p values, in the epoch I have number 1 which I assume should be the no-corrected values of F or p (it depents which one I selected), then I have number 2, then numer 3 and number 4. What each number should indicate?
best Barbara