NOD507 / SenseDateRangePicker

A date range picker extension for qliksense
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How to make title smaller? #18

Open clairestreb opened 7 years ago

clairestreb commented 7 years ago

The title of the extension is larger than that of the other filter panes. This makes it not only stand out from the other filter panes, but it also chops off part of the calendar icon.

I have attached an image to show the problem.

I also think that if there wasn't so much padding around the title, that the entire calendar icon could be seen. But as a matter of fact, I do not see the reason for the calendar icon and arrowhead anyway, because the other filter panes do not have those.

So, 1) How can I make the font of the title smaller? 2) How can I remove the calendar icon and arrowhead?


Thank you, great extension!

clairestreb commented 7 years ago

So, I thought outside of the box, and added my Transaction Date filter pane back in, removed your extension's title altogether, and it looked good (because the full calendar icon was displayed), but then I couldn't select it, because the snapshot and full screen elements took over (see attached image)

datepickertitle2 .