NOD507 / SenseDateRangePicker

A date range picker extension for qliksense
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Selected values not binding to data #19

Open PriyanGit opened 6 years ago

PriyanGit commented 6 years ago

Hi, First of all this extension was seen very helpful for a business requirement. Hence we decided to adopt it. Unfortunately we are faced with some issues running it on v3.2 SR4. Once we pick the dates for the first time it behaves as expected. But subsequent date range selection are not binding to the data. It just removes the previous selection and after many attempts it starts working again. I have not been able to identify what cause it to run in some instances and not in other instances. Appreciate your help to get this issue fixed.

monica-labrador commented 6 years ago

I am experiencing the same issue, the date selector is not consistently binding to the underlying data, even though the selection has populated in the date box. I have an attached link showing the behavior. You can see that sometime I can get the selection to work on the first attempt, but other times it takes 4 times (and even longer) to grab a selection.

SDCreswell commented 6 years ago

I'm also experiencing this problem using qliksensedesktop: 11.11.1