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Investigation into Python Web Frameworks #12

Closed haskone closed 8 years ago

haskone commented 8 years ago

We need to choose what exactly web framework should use in our project. Main ideas:

haskone commented 8 years ago


AFAIU we need only rest api on server side (front-end shoud be the thick) + we needn't to send\receive big pieces of data (only code diffs, comments, etc) mostly time.

So, I guess we can use Tornado. It's already have many examples of rabbit/rest usage + it's asynchronous framework (looks like this feature can be useful for our distributed network stuff). @NODCode/devs Anyway, what do you think about it? BTW, we can (should) use asynchronous driver for mongodb in that case

haskone commented 8 years ago

Approved after a discussion with back-end team (@chinskiy, @h-ann). Closed