NOVACProject / NOVACProgram

This program works together with the NOVAC Scanning DOAS system (Scanning Dualbeam miniature Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy system).
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Settings for activating automatic generation of references (with line shape) do not save in configuration file #165

Open christophkern opened 1 month ago

christophkern commented 1 month ago

One of the new features of the NOVAC Program is that the user can choose to have reference cross sections automatically generated and used for the evaluation process. However, there is a bug that prevents the user from enabling this feature from the Configuration dialog. The feature should be available in the Configuration -> Scanning Instrument -> Calibration dialog. There, a user can click to "Fit a Super Gaussian Instrument Line Shape" and "Generate references and use for evaluation". However, after clicking "Save" and restarting the NOVAC Program, these features are still turned off, even if they had previously been toggled on. The bug appears to be in the saving of the setting to the configuration.xml file. We manually edited the configuration file entries "generateReferences" and "instrumentLineShapeFitOption", setting them both to 1. When we then opened the NOVAC Program, the options were indeed enabled as desired. Image1