NOXCIS / Wiregate

"WireGate: Secure Intranet Deployment with WireGuard, Docker, and Enhanced Network Controls"
MIT License
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Not Working on Ubuntu 22.04 #11

Closed Kapyyyy closed 11 months ago

Kapyyyy commented 1 year ago

First of all I'm pretty inexperienced with linux etc so I'm sorry if this is somehow my fault :/

Here's what I did

First I installed docker and I set it up to run as root.

Then I installed Worm-hole using the script (in auto mode, but I also tried manual) on an oracle vps running [Canonical-Ubuntu-22.04-2023.06.30-0] on x64 cpu

Checking with docker ps looks like this and checking trough portainer (which I'm slightly more familiar with compared to interacting with docker trough the cli) for the container logs on the wg_dashboard container shows it generating new master keys once a minute, but there's no errors or anything extra being printed

I also tried to set this up trough portainers custom templates using the compose.yml and ran into the same issue

any solution to get this running would be nice and I can provide more info if necessary

NOXCIS commented 12 months ago

Which release are you using

Kapyyyy commented 12 months ago

If you're asking which release of worm-hole I'm using, I just used git to clone the latest(?) version on the day of opening this issue.

NOXCIS commented 12 months ago

Might use a release. I test in prod sometimes. Also if using a release modify the compose to build instead of pulling the image.

Kapyyyy commented 12 months ago

I deleted all the containers and images I had as well as the worm-hole folder, Re-installed using the commands in the instructions, but before running the install script I opened up the docker-compose file and un-commented the line with "build: ./WG-Dash" on it, which is what I'm assuming you were telling me to do, but the end result is still the same, the wg-dashboard keeps restarting every minute just like before. edit was for fixing typos.

NOXCIS commented 12 months ago

Did you do a docker compose down before removing the worm-hole folder?

NOXCIS commented 12 months ago

Also, try this:

- cd Worm_Hole
- docker compose down
- cd ..
- rm -r  Worm-Hole
- git clone
- cd Worm-Hole
- sudo chmod +x ./
- sudo ./ 
- Reset Wireguard
- Auto Install Option 2
Kapyyyy commented 12 months ago
  1. I used portainer to stop and remove the containers and the downloaded docker images, since I'm not that familiar with using docker trough the terminal

  2. I followed your new instructions and I'm still stuck with the same issue as before I also tried the new instructions + uncommenting the build line to see if that would make a difference, but no

NOXCIS commented 12 months ago

Can you attach your logs.

Kapyyyy commented 11 months ago

How would I go about doing that?

NOXCIS commented 11 months ago

docker ps Get the container ID of wg-dashboard docker logs

Kapyyyy commented 11 months ago

Like I said in the original post, the wg-dashboard just keeps printing new qr codes and keys once a minute with nothing in the logs

NOXCIS commented 11 months ago

What are you running it on

Kapyyyy commented 11 months ago

from my original post "on an oracle vps running [Canonical-Ubuntu-22.04-2023.06.30-0] on x64 cpu"

Kapyyyy commented 11 months ago

I switched to ubuntu 20.04 and wg-dashboard is not crashing anymore

NOXCIS commented 11 months ago
