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Valkyrie GM for Fantasy Flight Board Games
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UI image names don't match images #1248

Open jlederer2 opened 4 years ago

jlederer2 commented 4 years ago

Description of Problem or Question

I noticed that with the latest version of Valkyrie, the opening UI image for my existing published scenario from August of 2019 is no longer the one I selected when I built the module. Upon further investigation, I have found that for most of the images, after selecting an image for the UI "Image" field, the image title that appears doesn't seem to be the correct one for the image. I have all of the expansions including Path of the Serpent installed in my collection and imported.

This problem can be replicated by creating a New Scenario, adding a new UI component, clicking on the image field and then the "None" list item, and selecting, for example, the image of a train on a trestle. The image title that appears is "ImageOfficeWithBlood".

I tried running the MoM app, disabling PoTS in my collection, then restarting Valkyrie and re-importing my collection. That didn't fix the problem.

Valkyrie Version


scrubbless commented 4 years ago

When the official app is updated it can jumble the image content. This is why we moved from using the apps official tokens and redwolf opted to create new tokens to ensure they wouldnt get jumbled again. This is the first time I've seen it happening to images, but I noticed the same problem.

Personally I've opted to source my own images in the scenarios to avoid this.

redwolf2 commented 4 years ago

All Images with a non unique filename like {import}/img/Image_*_* might be affected.


I crawled for problematic images using all available scenarios and this table:

Click to expand! ``` ImageChurch ImageMurderInvestigation ImageSlime ImageOfficeWithBlood ImageDunwichHorror ImageDarkReflections ImageRitualGoneWrong ImageBuriedAlive ImageArtRoom ImageGoodNowStayDead ImageWounded ImageBloodyKukri ImageHexagramRitual ImageDrHenryArmitage ImageScream ImageOfficeLazy ImageLibary ImageMuseum ImageSpell ImageWorkroom ImageFogWindy ImageMuseumHuntingHorror ImageDeepOnes ImageDocks ImageArmStuck ImageSpellCaster ImageOfficeAsleep ImageVillageDecayed ImageWoodsDogingBullets ImageCoveredBodyWithBlood ImageFogMansion ImageLibaryResearch ImageFightingTentacles ImageMuseumRobber ImageCityMessedUpWithBlood ImageGunThemDown ImageDissectionRoom ImageDocksBuringBoat ImageSpellMindtrick ImageBookHolder ImageSyringe ImageBustedOpen ImageHillStreetPolicePatrol ImageBook ImageNightWatch ImageCarTentacleEscape ImageChurchDecayed ImageMuseumInvitation ImageFogVillage ImageInnsmouthHorror ImageDinnerInvitation ImageStarVampire ImagePortal ImageBoatRide ImageTome ImageMiskatonicCampus ImageClueFound ImageDarkReflections2 ImageMiGoSneakUp ImagePortalSpell ImageOfficeTypewriter ImageRoomVineCovered ImageFogCityStreets ImageHandcuffed ImageDarkReflections3 ImageOfficeBriefing ImageDinnerParty ImageInnsmouthCity ImageMurderInvestigationBedroom ImagePoliceMan ImageSpellVision ImageFogWoods ImageBurningHouseRuneStone ImageFlashlightScared ImageRitualOnDeadBody ImagePoliceBuilding ImageLabStudy ImageMeeting ImageZombieKill ImageMuseumHall ImageFogWoods2 ImageDarkReflections4 ImageBackShot ImageMotorcycle ImageBarricadeBreaks ImageDispute ImageGraveyard ImageRitualStone ImageSpellMindtrick2 ImageAmulet ImageKillItWithFire ImageHandcuffed2 ImageFarmDarkYoung ImageMuseumExhibition ImageDeepOne ImageZombie ImageSpellLightning ImageRitualPentagramCultists ImageBook2 ImageCityAlleyway ImageMuseumBloodTrail ImageWoodsSwathOfDestruction ImageAngryMob ImageDocks2 ImageVillage ImageDog ImageDeepOne2 ImageZombieGirl ImageStrangeSky ImageYogSothoth ImageMuseumArchive ImageTentacleAttack ImageCityAtNight ImageDriveBy ImageLetTheMotherfuckerBurn ImagePlaza ImageCityStreets ImageMuseumBuilding ImageTank ImagePoliceMan2 ImageMuseumExhibitionAtNight ImageThisIsYouLastChance ImageDunwichCultists ImageWeirdStorage ImageRitualNeedsBlood ImageInnsmouthStreets ImageLockedAway ImageWeirdStorage2 ImagePoliceConfession ImageDocksKiller ImageBadNews ImageMansionAtNight ImageSpellMoon ImageYouAreFinished ImageDissectionMiGo ImageYogSothothPlanet ImageHotelRoom ImageMausoleum ImageSewerInvestigation ImageThrall ImageFogGarden ImageYogSothoth2 ImageZombiesAtTheWindow ImageTentaclePalms ImageDarkReflections5 ImageGraveyard2 ImageCarDriver ImagePoliceMythosCreaturesAttack ImageFoundTheKey ImageOvergrowth ImageCar ImageHotelRoomDark ImageSyringeDoctor ImageAlienClockwork ImageDoorOpening ```

My results are:

Click to expand! ``` ALittleNightMusic\ui.ini at line 8 with image ImageDarkReflections ALittleNightMusic\ui.ini at line 8 with image ImageDarkReflections4 BirdsShop\ui.ini at line 80 with image ImagePortal BirdsShop\ui.ini at line 131 with image ImageTome CasadelasSirenas\ui.ini at line 8 with image ImageChurch DesaparicionBosque\ui.ini at line 16 with image ImageKillItWithFire DesaparicionBosque\ui.ini at line 135 with image ImageHillStreetPolicePatrol EditorAlpine\ui.ini at line 19 with image ImageRitualGoneWrong EditorAlpine\ui.ini at line 50 with image ImageHotelRoom EditorAlpine\ui.ini at line 50 with image ImageHotelRoomDark EditorAlpine\ui.ini at line 120 with image ImageYogSothoth EditorAlpine\ui.ini at line 120 with image ImageYogSothoth2 EditorDelveTooDeep\ui.ini at line 8 with image ImageOfficeWithBlood EditorDelveTooDeep\ui.ini at line 38 with image ImageYogSothoth EditorDelveTooDeep\ui.ini at line 38 with image ImageYogSothothPlanet EditorEscenario1\ui.ini at line 10 with image ImageFogGarden EditorEscenario1\ui.ini at line 19 with image ImageBook EditorEscenario1\ui.ini at line 28 with image ImageDarkReflections EditorEscenario1\ui.ini at line 28 with image ImageDarkReflections3 EditorEscenario1\ui.ini at line 36 with image ImagePoliceMan EditorEscenario1\ui.ini at line 36 with image ImagePoliceMan2 EditorEscenario5\ui.ini at line 48 with image ImageSpell EditorEscenario5\ui.ini at line 48 with image ImageSpellCaster EditorEscenario5\ui.ini at line 65 with image ImageSpell EditorEscenario5\ui.ini at line 100 with image ImageFlashlightScared EditorEscenario5\ui.ini at line 178 with image ImageSpell EditorEscenario5\ui.ini at line 178 with image ImageSpellCaster EditorFootsteps\ui.ini at line 56 with image ImageRitualStone EditorFootsteps\ui.ini at line 75 with image ImageTank EditorFootsteps\ui.ini at line 103 with image ImageSpell EditorFootsteps\ui.ini at line 103 with image ImageSpellMindtrick EditorMuseum\ui.ini at line 16 with image ImageDeepOnes EditorMuseum\ui.ini at line 16 with image ImageDeepOne EditorMuseum\ui.ini at line 46 with image ImageMuseum EditorMuseum\ui.ini at line 46 with image ImageMuseumHuntingHorror EditorMuseum\ui.ini at line 65 with image ImageChurch EditorScenario3\ui.ini at line 11 with image ImageLabStudy EditorScenario3\ui.ini at line 23 with image ImageZombie EditorScenario3\ui.ini at line 23 with image ImageZombiesAtTheWindow EditorScenario3\ui.ini at line 133 with image ImageRitualPentagramCultists EditorScenario3\ui.ini at line 153 with image ImageSpell EditorScenario3\ui.ini at line 153 with image ImageSpellCaster Eldurmiente\ui.ini at line 478 with image ImageChurch Il_Mistero_della_Villa_Parcival\ui.ini at line 16 with image ImageFogGarden Il_Mistero_della_Villa_Parcival\ui.ini at line 43 with image ImageDocks Il_Mistero_della_Villa_Parcival\ui.ini at line 43 with image ImageDocks2 Il_Mistero_della_Villa_Parcival\ui.ini at line 106 with image ImageDarkReflections Il_Mistero_della_Villa_Parcival\ui.ini at line 106 with image ImageDarkReflections3 La_Follia_di_Arkham\ui.ini at line 384 with image ImageMuseum La_Mascarada\ui.ini at line 8 with image ImageSpell La_Mascarada\ui.ini at line 8 with image ImageSpellMindtrick La_Mascarada\ui.ini at line 62 with image ImageMausoleum La_Mascarada\ui.ini at line 92 with image ImageLibary La_Mascarada\ui.ini at line 92 with image ImageLibaryResearch LlamadaInnsmouth\ui.ini at line 8 with image ImageDissectionRoom LlamadaInnsmouth\ui.ini at line 51 with image ImageBook LlamadaInnsmouth\ui.ini at line 78 with image ImageLabStudy MansionColeman\ui.ini at line 38 with image ImageCarDriver MansionColeman\ui.ini at line 38 with image ImageCar MansionColeman\ui.ini at line 46 with image ImageThisIsYouLastChance MansionColeman\ui.ini at line 75 with image ImageCityAtNight MansionColeman\ui.ini at line 110 with image ImageBuriedAlive Massachusetts\ui.ini at line 25 with image ImageMuseum Massachusetts\ui.ini at line 25 with image ImageMuseumHall Saviors\ui.ini at line 8 with image ImageMuseum Saviors\ui.ini at line 8 with image ImageMuseumInvitation Saviors\ui.ini at line 31 with image ImageBustedOpen Saviors\ui.ini at line 53 with image ImageWeirdStorage Saviors\ui.ini at line 53 with image ImageWeirdStorage2 Saviors\ui.ini at line 97 with image ImageOfficeTypewriter Saviors\ui.ini at line 107 with image ImageSpell TheExperiment\ui.ini at line 52 with image ImageVillage TheExperiment\ui.ini at line 162 with image ImageOvergrowth TheRobberyOfTheKadakianIdol\ui.ini at line 8 with image ImageOvergrowth TrasLaPuerta\ui.ini at line 81 with image ImageSyringe TrasLaPuerta\ui.ini at line 81 with image ImageSyringeDoctor TrasLaPuerta\ui.ini at line 112 with image ImageThisIsYouLastChance TrasLaPuerta\ui.ini at line 142 with image ImageBuriedAlive TrasLaPuerta\ui.ini at line 159 with image ImageBook TrasLaPuerta\ui.ini at line 159 with image ImageBook2 UnaTristeVerità2\ui.ini at line 56 with image ImageVillage wiltshire\ui.ini at line 40 with image ImageDarkReflections wiltshire\ui.ini at line 40 with image ImageDarkReflections3 wiltshire\ui.ini at line 67 with image ImagePlaza wiltshire\ui.ini at line 76 with image ImageDarkReflections wiltshire\ui.ini at line 76 with image ImageDarkReflections3 wiltshire\ui.ini at line 95 with image ImageCar wiltshire\ui.ini at line 116 with image ImageFarmDarkYoung Demo\features\1.1\ui.ini at line 17 with image ImageCar Problematic images: ImageDarkReflections ImageDarkReflections4 ImagePortal ImageTome ImageChurch ImageKillItWithFire ImageHillStreetPolicePatrol ImageRitualGoneWrong ImageHotelRoom ImageHotelRoomDark ImageYogSothoth ImageYogSothoth2 ImageOfficeWithBlood ImageYogSothothPlanet ImageFogGarden ImageBook ImageDarkReflections3 ImagePoliceMan ImagePoliceMan2 ImageSpell ImageSpellCaster ImageFlashlightScared ImageRitualStone ImageTank ImageSpellMindtrick ImageDeepOnes ImageDeepOne ImageMuseum ImageMuseumHuntingHorror ImageLabStudy ImageZombie ImageZombiesAtTheWindow ImageRitualPentagramCultists ImageDocks ImageDocks2 ImageMausoleum ImageLibary ImageLibaryResearch ImageDissectionRoom ImageCarDriver ImageCar ImageThisIsYouLastChance ImageCityAtNight ImageBuriedAlive ImageMuseumHall ImageMuseumInvitation ImageBustedOpen ImageWeirdStorage ImageWeirdStorage2 ImageOfficeTypewriter ImageVillage ImageOvergrowth ImageSyringe ImageSyringeDoctor ImageBook2 ImagePlaza ImageFarmDarkYoung ```

I found this using this code:

Click to expand! ```csharp namespace ImageSearch { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(new System.Uri(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase).LocalPath); var scenarioDir = Path.Combine(path, "scenarios"); var problemsFile = Path.Combine(path, "problems.txt"); var problems = File.ReadAllLines(problemsFile); var iniFiles = Directory.GetFiles(scenarioDir,"*.ini", SearchOption.AllDirectories); var problematicImages = new List(); foreach(var iniFile in iniFiles) { var lines = File.ReadAllLines(iniFile); int lineCount = 0; foreach(var line in lines) { lineCount++; foreach(var problem in problems) { if (line.Contains(problem)) { var filename = Path.GetRelativePath(scenarioDir, iniFile); Console.WriteLine(filename + " at line " + lineCount + " with image " + problem); if (!problematicImages.Contains(problem)) { problematicImages.Add(problem); } } } } } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Problematic images:"); foreach (var problematicImage in problematicImages) { Console.WriteLine(problematicImage); } } } } ```

Click to expand! And here are the problematic images. Count hints how much they were used. ``` ImageDarkReflections count = 5 ImageDarkReflections4 count = 1 ImagePortal count = 1 ImageTome count = 1 ImageChurch count = 3 ImageKillItWithFire count = 1 ImageHillStreetPolicePatrol count = 1 ImageRitualGoneWrong count = 1 ImageHotelRoom count = 1 ImageHotelRoomDark count = 1 ImageYogSothoth count = 2 ImageYogSothoth2 count = 1 ImageOfficeWithBlood count = 1 ImageYogSothothPlanet count = 1 ImageFogGarden count = 2 ImageBook count = 3 ImageDarkReflections3 count = 4 ImagePoliceMan count = 1 ImagePoliceMan2 count = 1 ImageSpell count = 7 ImageSpellCaster count = 3 ImageFlashlightScared count = 1 ImageRitualStone count = 1 ImageTank count = 1 ImageSpellMindtrick count = 2 ImageDeepOnes count = 1 ImageDeepOne count = 1 ImageMuseum count = 4 ImageMuseumHuntingHorror count = 1 ImageLabStudy count = 2 ImageZombie count = 1 ImageZombiesAtTheWindow count = 1 ```

I would suggest replacing all images with a generic one like this:


I created a pull request for it:

The impact is quite big:


jlederer2 commented 4 years ago

Nice work. Perhaps it would be best to remove the ability to use any of the FF images so no new dependencies on the remaining FF images are created by scenario authors in the future.

redwolf2 commented 4 years ago

This removes all images without a unique name, so some images can still be used.

scrubbless commented 4 years ago

Ouch, it's frustrating that the images keep getting jumbled.

redwolf2 commented 4 years ago

A better but time consuming solution would be to readd support one by one. But this is the best quickfix besides adding the orifinal FFG images, we have for now.