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Valkyrie GM for Fantasy Flight Board Games
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In the Dark : French translation (beware spoil contained) #709

Closed Indoy closed 6 years ago

Indoy commented 6 years ago

@NicolaZee Hi, After translating your scenario in French, i've 2 questions before uploading the file.

Waiting for your replies! Great job, i can't wait to play your scenario ASAP Best Regards.

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

I'm still adding a few more hints. These will be included in v1.7

Please can you translate the following?

EventDarkDruidDefeatedB.text,The Dark Druid falls to the ground.\n\nOn the body you find a page torn from an ancient tome.\nScribbled notes in the margin describe how a powerful Dark Druid may return to life by possessing the body of a suitable ancestor! EventDarkDruidDefeatedB.button1,Continue EventDarkDruidDefeatedC.text,The Dark Druid falls to the ground.\n\nOn the body you find a hastily scribbled note.\nKeep an eye on {qst:QSTNOVICENAME}!\nHe is a spy who serves Dagon!

Thanks Nicola

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

Sorry - please hold off checking out 1.6 as I'm now onto 1.7. I'm hoping I'll have added enough extra hints to 1.7 that I can leave the scenario alone for awhile!

Thanks Nicola

Indoy commented 6 years ago

Hi ! EventDarkDruidDefeatedB.text,Le Druide Noir s'écroule au sol.\n\nSur son cadavre vous trouvez une page déchirée provenant d'un ouvrage ancien.\nQuelques notes griffonnées dans la marge décrivent comment le puissant Druide Noir a pu revenir à la vie en prenant possession du corps d'un de ses ancêtres! EventDarkDruidDefeatedB.button1,Continuer EventDarkDruidDefeatedC.text,Le Druide Noir s'écroule au sol.\n\nSur son cadavre vous trouvez une note griffonnée à la hâte.\nGarder un œil sur {qst:QSTNOVICENAME}!\nIl est un espion au service de Dagon!

(I didn't manage to insert italic style for the last sentence....)

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Don't worry about the formatting. I can cope with adding things like the mark-up. And even I can translate 'continue'! :)

Thanks once again for your continued hard work

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy Two more hints added.

[AllyCloseFriendFemale] Her limited understanding of Druidic lore annoyed the others.

[AllyCloseFriendMale] His forgetfulness and lapses in concentration was getting worse.

Thanks in advance

Indoy commented 6 years ago

[AllyCloseFriendFemale] Sa compréhension limitée des traditions druidiques embarrassait les autres.

[AllyCloseFriendMale] Ses pertes de mémoire et son manque de concentration empiraient.

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Two final changes for v1.7

[AllyE2AboutCult1] 'Pete told me both of these Druids always told the truth.'

[EventUnderBridgeItem] Beneath the bridge you find something. \n\nGain the {c:QItemElderWard} Item

Thanks for your patience. I will be releasing v1.7 early this week.

Indoy commented 6 years ago

[AllyE2AboutCult1] 'Pete m'a dit que ces deux Druides disaient toujours la vérité.'

[EventUnderBridgeItem] Vous trouvez quelque chose sous le pont.\n\nRécupérez l'Objet Commun {c:QItemElderWard}

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

Version 1.7 now is available live. Please can you try it out? I'm hoping the addition of a number of hints will help people solve the mystery!

Thanks in advance Nicola

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

There's being a lot of changes in this version. For example if the number of investigators is 2 or 3, the plot twist is turned off.

So I've decided to label this version 2.0 instead.

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

I've added yet another hint to make the scenario a bit easier. Please can you translate the following?

In the journal is a phrase which is oddly familiar.

Ia! Ia! Shub-Niggurath! Mother of a thousand young! Fill me with your power!

Suddenly you recall three Druids standing in the middle of the stone circle. One is a woman with red hair tied back by a headband. The faces of the other two are hidden by their robes. One of these two Druids chants the phrase as they whip out a dagger and stabs the woman. She collapses onto the altar stone.

Test ({lore}:1) If you pass, gain 1 {clue}

Indoy commented 6 years ago

Hi !

Dans le journal, des phrases vous semblent étrangement familière. Ia! Ia! Shub-Niggurath! Mère aux mille progénitures! Puisses-tu m'abreuver ton pouvoir!

Vous vous rappelez soudainement de trois druides se tenant au milieu du cercle de pierres. L'une des personnes est une femme aux cheveux roux attachés avec un bandeau. Les visages des deux autres sont cachés par la capuche de leur toge. L'un de ces druides entonne les phrases du journal en même temps qu'il sort une dague et poignarde la femme. Elle s'écroule sur l'autel en pierre.

Test ({lore}:1) Si vous réussissez, récupérez 1 {clue}

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Thanks. I'm going to release version 2.1 tomorrow. I've noticed the voting scores for 'In the Dark' is going up - so dumbing down is working! :)

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Sorry yet another hint added. Is it just me or am I adding statements of the obvious to the scenario? :) Please can you translate the following:

Warning: the story is a challenging mystery. You will need to put diverse and subtle clues together. Talking to all the characters is recommended. Take notes and use the log to check your deductions.

Indoy commented 6 years ago


Attention : Ce scénario est une énigme complexe. Vous allez devoir faire correspondre des indices divers et parfois subtiles. Il est recommandé de parler à tous les personnages. Prenez des notes et utilisez le log pour affiner vos déductions.

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

I've now done Version 3.0.

Please can you translate the following?

TokenStone2.button1,Perform the Ritual EventPerformRitual2.text,You desperately study the journal to devise a counter-spell to the curse.\n\nTest {lore} EventStone2PerformRitual1.text,You hear a humming coming from the stones.\n\nYou may only click the Continue button\nif you have the {c:QItemCultSigil} Item\nand either the {c:QItemJournal} Item or the {c:QItemCultJournal} Item UIFinaleFlash1Text.uitext,There is a blinding flash of light.\nYour vision blurs and all becomes dark...\n\nWhen you awake in the stone circle you cannot remember anything about why you came here or any of the events of this night!\n\nYou flee in panic. UIFinaleFlash2Text.uitext,For months you suffer nightmares that always start with you crossing an old covered bridge but they eventually fade.\n\nThey come back worse than ever, after you hear rumours Druids are meeting in the dark woods and they may have a Dark Druid in their midst.\n\nYou have a unsettling sense of deju vue and of unfinished business...\n\nThe End

Thanks Nicola

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

Please translate...

'Lift the Curse'

Thanks Nicola

Indoy commented 6 years ago

Hi !

TokenStone2.button1,Procéder au rituel EventPerformRitual2.text,Vous étudiez désespéramment le journal pour mettre au point un contre-sort à la malédiction.\n\nTest {lore} EventStone2PerformRitual1.text,Vous entendez un bourdonnement provenir des pierres.\n\nVous pouvez cliquer sur le bouton Continuer\nseulement si vous avez l'objet {c:QItemCultSigil}\navec, soit l'objet {c:QItemJournal} ou soit l'objet {c:QItemCultJournal}. UIFinaleFlash1Text.uitext,Un éclair de lumière vous aveugle.\nVotre vision se trouble puis tout devient sombre...\n\nEn vous réveillant au milieu du cercle de pierres, vous ne vous souvenez ni des raisons de votre venue en ces lieux, ni des derniers évènements de cette nuit!\n\nVous fuyez, paniqué. UIFinaleFlash2Text.uitext,Durant des mois, vous êtes envahi par des cauchemars qui commencent à chaque fois avec vous traversant un vieux pont couvert. Le temps passe puis ils deviennent de moins en moins fréquents.\n\nIls reviennent alors, pires qu'avant, quand vous entendez des rumeurs à propos de Druides se réunissant dans une forêt sombre et de la présence d'un Druide Noir en leur sein.\n\nVous avez un terrible sentiment de déjà-vu et d'une enquête avortée...\n\nFin

Indoy commented 6 years ago

'Lever la malédiction'


NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Version 3 almost done but there are a few more lines to go! Thanks in advance Nicola

[GraveSearchTrail1] In a sidepocket you find a small notepad. Water damage has erased most of the words written in faint pencil. Only one line is legible. According to Martha, two of the Druids have little actual knowledge of Druidic runes or Druidic magic!

[GiveSigilToFriend2A] You can just rush in and call upon the powers of the stones yourself... but you'd be a darn fool or right desperate to try!

[GiveSigilToFriend2B] You can just ignore me and call upon the stones yourself... but you ain't no Druid!

[GiveSigilToFriend2C] You can invoke the power of the ancient stones without my help but you are not versed in the lore of the forest!

[GiveSigilToFriend2D] You can attempt to lift the curse yourself but that could be reckless. Only a Druid knows the secrets of the stones!

Indoy commented 6 years ago

Hi! [GraveSearchTrail1] Vous trouvez un bloc-note dans une poche latérale. Les mots écrits au crayon fin ont été effacés par l'eau. Une ligne seulement reste lisible. Selon Martha, deux des Druides ont de faibles connaissances effectives en runes ou en magie!

[GiveSigilToFriend2A] Vous pouvez juste vous dépêcher d'invoquer vous-même le pouvoir des pierres... mais cela serait complétement idiot et désespéré de votre part!

[GiveSigilToFriend2B] Vous pouvez juste m'ignorer et invoquer le pouvoir des pierres vous-même... mais vous n'êtes en rien un Druide!

[GiveSigilToFriend2C] Vous pouvez invoquez le pouvoir des anciennes pierres sans mon aide, mais vous n'êtes pas suffisamment initié aux traditions de la forêt!

[GiveSigilToFriend2D] Vous pouvez tenter de lever la malédiction par vous-même mais cela pourrait être imprudent. Seul un Druide connait les secrets des pierres!

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your patience. Version 3.0 now released. I'm hoping this is the final version!

The map is slightly smaller. There is an alternative ending. The scenario is slightly easier. There are now a lot more images.

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

I've had very helpful feedback from Scrubbless. So there are some text changes for version 3.1 Please can you translate the following?

[EventSigilAboutSylvia.text] As you hold the sigil, your mind becomes less clouded.\nYou remember coming to this place with Sylvia Marsh to meet Pete Barker and confront the evil powerful Dark Druid.\n

[UIEliminatedText.uitext] You are unable to resist the effects of the transformation spell cast by the Dark Druid.\n\nYou double over in pain and start to crawl along the ground on all fours.\nWiry black hairs sprout over your lower body.\nYour bones crack as they visibly move under your skin and drops of blood ooze from every pore.\nSoon your cries become the bleating of an animal.\nYour last conscious sight is of your companions transforming into Goat Spawn.

[EventAllyE2AboutCult1.text] The locals say the Druids are not evil.\nThey do charity work and help out at the local orphanage.\nThere are even rumours the order contains the last of the White Druids who were known as healers of great power.\n\nThis morning I met Pete Barker here.\nHe said the group was likely to split up after tonight because two feared a powerful evil Dark Druid had infiltrated the order!\nPete told me he was persuaded they were right because he found both of them trustworthy and helpful.\n\nPete claimed the Dark Druid not only exists but is training up another to become an acolyte of the Black Goat.\nHe first became suspicious because of the evil Dark Druid's past - even as a child they were in trouble with the law.

[EventStone1SearchDone.text,] \nOnce the humming sound has died down, you briefly hear shouting coming from the South.\nSomeone is calling out your name.\n

[quest.description] In the Dark\n\nAn adventure for Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition.\nThis scenario requires the Tiles & Figures Expansion Suppressed Memories.\n\nDeep in a forest clearing pale moonlight illuminates a stone circle.\nWill you be able to solve the mystery of the stones?\n\nWarning: the story is a challenging mystery.\nYou will need to put diverse and subtle clues together.\nTalking to all the characters is recommended.\nTake notes and use the log to check your deductions.\nA blank crib sheet called 'InTheDarkClueCribSheet.pdf' can be found in the scenario folder or downloaded from\n\n\nIn this scenario, there is a special rule regarding Darkness Tokens.\nWhen a Darkness Token is placed on a Border (white or yellow line), all spaces on that Tile are in Darkness.

Thanks in advance Nicola

Indoy commented 6 years ago

Hello !

[EventSigilAboutSylvia.text] En tenant le Sigil, votre esprit est moins brumeux.\nVous vous souvenez être venu à cet endroit avec Sylvia Marsh pour rencontrer Pete Barker et vous confronter au puissant et maléfique Druide Noir.\n

[UIEliminatedText.uitext] Vous êtes incapable de résister au sort de transformation que vous lance le Druide Noir.\n\nVous redoublez de souffrance et commencez à ramper à quatre pattes sur le sol.\nDe petits poils noirs se mettent à pousser sur le bas du corps.\nVos os craquent en se déplaçant sous votre peau et à mesure que du sang perle à travers chacune de vos pores.\nVos hurlements deviennent bientôt le bêlement d'un animal.\nVotre dernier souvenir conscient est la vision de vos compagnons se transformant en Rejeton de la Chèvre.

[EventAllyE2AboutCult1.text] Les habitants s'accordent à dire que les Druides ne sont pas maléfiques.\nIls contribuent à des œuvres de charité et s'investissent dans l'orphelinat du coin.\nIl y a même des rumeurs qui laissent entendre que l'Ordre abrite en son sein le dernier des Druides Blancs, reconnus pour leur grand talent de guérisseurs.\n\nJ'ai rencontré Pete Barker ce matin ici-même.\nIl disait que le groupe était ce soir au bord de l'implosion, car deux d'entre eux craignaient qu'un Druide Noir n'ait réussi à infiltrer l'Ordre!\nPete m'a dit être persuadé de leur bonne foi, car il les a trouvés particulièrement sincères et fiables.\n\nPete n'a pas juste revendiqué l'existence du Druide Noir, mais a également affirmé qu'il tentait de convertir d'autres personnes pour devenir des acolytes de la Chèvre Noire.\nSes premiers doutes sont reliés au passé même du Druide Noir maléfique - even as a child they were in trouble with the law. (Cf. PS)

[EventStone1SearchDone.text,] \nUne fois que le bourdonnement a disparu, vous entendez brièvement crier en direction du Sud.\nQuelqu'un vous appelle par votre nom.\n

[quest.description] Dans les Ténèbres\n\nUne aventure pour Les Demeures de l'Épouvante 2ème Édition.\nCe scénario requiert les tuiles et figurines de l'extension Souvenirs Refoulés.\n\nAu fond d'une forêt, un pale clair de lune illumine un cercle de pierres.\nParviendrez-vous à résoudre le mystère des pierres?\n\nAttention: Cette histoire est un mystère complexe à résoudre.\nVous devrez faire correspondre divers subtiles indices.\nIl est recommandé de parler avec tous les personnages.\nPrenez des notes et utilisez le journal pour régulièrement affiner vos déductions.\nUne feuille vierge de vérification nommée 'InTheDarkClueCribSheet.pdf' se trouve dans le répertoire du scénario, ou bien peut être téléchargée à l'adresse suivante :\n\nDans ce scénario, il y une règle spéciale concernant le jeton Obscurité.\nQuand il est placé sur une bordure (ligne blanche ou jaune), toutes les cases de la tuile sont considérées dans l'Obscurité.

PS : I have a doubt about this and don't understand what the "they" refers to. Parents? Or the text should "be even as a child he was in trouble with the law"


NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

PS : I have a doubt about this and don't understand what the "they" refers to. Parents? Or the text should "be even as a child he was in trouble with the law"

Thanks for raising this as an issue. This whole passage is key to solving the mystery and has to be completely right. How about the following to make the key passage clearer?

\nPete was making good progress with his investigations. He told me he had discovered even in the Dark Druid's childhood the Dark Druid was evil and in trouble with the law.\n

I've also rearranged the last couple of sentences.

The locals say the Druids are not evil.\nThey do charity work and help out at the local orphanage.\nThere are even rumours the order contains the last of the White Druids who were known as healers of great power.\n\nThis morning I met Pete Barker here.\nHe said the group was likely to split up after tonight because two feared a powerful evil Dark Druid had infiltrated the order!\nPete told me he was persuaded they were right because he found both of them trustworthy and helpful.\n\nPete was making good progress with his investigations. He told me he had discovered even in the Dark Druid's childhood the Dark Druid was evil and in trouble with the law.\n\nPete claimed the evil Dark Druid is training up another to become an acolyte of the Black Goat.\n

Indoy commented 6 years ago

Hi ok i've also understood like that. But because of random dark Druid identity i also understand the necessary condition of treating the character as "the dark druid". I said "he" a bit fast because in french "il" could refer to non-sexual identity =p

However, the sentence is now \nPete avançait grandement dans ses investigations. Il me racontait avoir découvert que, même durant son enfance, le Druide Noir était déjà quelqu'un de maléfique qui avait des problèmes avec le respect de la loi.\n


NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

Sorry but please can you have another go at translating the following:

The locals say the Druids are not evil.\nThey do charity work and help out at the local orphanage.\nThere are even rumours the order contains the last of the White Druids who were known as healers of great power.\n\nThis morning I met Pete Barker here.\nHe said the group was likely to split up after tonight because two of the group feared a powerful evil Dark Druid had infiltrated the order!\nPete told me he was persuaded they were right because he found both of them trustworthy and helpful.\n\nPete was making good progress with his investigations. He told me he had discovered even in the Dark Druid's childhood the Dark Druid was evil and in trouble with the law.\n\nPete claimed the evil Dark Druid is training up another Druid to become an acolyte of the Black Goat.\n

The reason why I am asking for this is that there can be no ambiguity of any kind for this key passage. Otherwise the players may end up not being able to make the correct deductions and the whole scenario won't work.

Sorry for being a nuisance but I think Scrubbless will agree this is a passage that cannot contain any ambiguity. From this single passage the players must be able to deduce the following critical information: 1) There is a single evil and powerful Dark Druid. 2) There is a single good and powerful White Druid. 3) There is a Druid being trained by the evil Dark Druid. 4) There are two Druids who are honest.

Thanks in advance Nicola

Indoy commented 6 years ago

Hi I thought i did it in my upper reply under [EventAllyE2AboutCult1.text], but no problem, here's in a better translation after rereading my former translation :

Les habitants s'accordent à dire que les Druides ne sont pas mauvais.\nIls contribuent à des œuvres de charité et s'investissent dans l'orphelinat du coin.\nIl y a même des rumeurs qui laissent entendre que l'Ordre abrite en son sein le dernier des Druides Blancs, reconnus d'ailleurs pour leur grand talent de guérisseurs.\n\nJ'ai rencontré Pete Barker ce matin ici-même.\nIl disait que le groupe allait probablement imploser après ce soir, car deux d'entre eux craignaient qu'un puissant et maléfique Druide Noir n'ait infiltré l'Ordre!\nPete m'a dit être persuadé de leur bonne foi, car il les a trouvés particulièrement sincères et fiables.\n\nPete a fait de grandes avancées dans ses investigations. Il me racontait aussi avoir découvert que, même durant son enfance, le Druide Noir était déjà quelqu'un de mauvais ayant des difficultés avec le respect de la loi.\n\nPete a affirmé que le maléfique Druide Noir tentait en ce moment-même de convertir une autre personne en acolyte de la Chèvre Noire.\n

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

I think that translation is less ambiguous.


NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

A new version of In the Dark has been released which is version 3.1. It might be worthwhile sometime checking the French translation file to check if it is OK. It is not urgent because (as far as know) nobody has played it in French or plans to play it in French.

Thanks Nicola

Indoy commented 6 years ago

I'll do!

You're welcome!

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

All the hard work with the changes are starting to pay off. The ratings are going up! Please can you translate the following?

Few know Corrina Jones is the half-sister of Martha Beck.\nHer mother Bettina Beck took the sigil from a hobo who claimed to be the last of the true White Druids.\nMartha inherited the sigil after Bettina killed herself.\nCorrina regards the sigil as rightfully hers.\n\nCorrina is older than she seems.\nIn her childhood, she learned to use the power of the Black Goat to prolong her life abnormally. EventPlaceAllyA.text,The old white haired guy walks to the bench firmly leaning on his walking stick using his left hand.\n\nHe sits down on the bench and places his stick within reach.\nHe uses his left hand to get out a hip flask from his worn jacket pocket and takes a quick swig.

EventAllyMonologueGeneral.text,I'm not certain what happened!\nAn evil powerful Dark Druid cast a spell of forgetfulness on us!\nI remember something grabbing Martha and dragging her eastward into the forest.\nIf you give me the sigil I will use its powers to restore our memories.\n

EventAllyHelpedSylviaA.text,I remember Sylvia grabbing the sigil and fleeing in panic.\nShe almost ran head first into a stone but Ammi just managed to stop her in time.

EventAllyHelpedSylviaB.text,I remember Sylvia grabbing the sigil and fleeing in panic.\nAt the edge of the stone circle, she fell and almost brained herself on a stone.\nEric caught her and helped her to her feet.

EventAllyHelpedSylviaC.text,I remember Sylvia grabbing the sigil and fleeing in panic.\nAt the edge of the stone circle, she fell and almost brained herself on a stone.\nOthera caught her and helped her to get up.

EventAllyHelpedSylviaD.text,I remember Sylvia grabbing the sigil and fleeing in panic.\nAt the edge of the stone circle, she fell and almost brained herself on a stone.\nCorrina caught her and helped her to get up.

Thanks Nicola

scrubbless commented 6 years ago

We are getting some serious traction on the reviews thread now. With so many well rated scenarios it may encourage people to over look their prejudice of UGC and give it a shot.

Great work with the translations Indoy! Keep up the good work.

Indoy commented 6 years ago

Hi !

Peu savent que Corrina Jones est la demi-sœur de Martha Beck.\nSa mère, Bettina Beck, a pris le sceau à un clochard qui se disait être le dernier des vrais Druides Blancs.\nMartha a hérité du sceau après le suicide de Bettina.\nCorrina considère que le sceau lui revient légitimement.\n\nCorrina est plus âgée qu'elle n'y parait.\nDurant son enfance, elle a appris à maîtriser le pouvoir de la Chèvre Noire pour prolonger sa vie de manière inhabituelle. EventPlaceAllyA.text,Le vieux type aux cheveux blancs marche vers le banc, penché, mais fermement appuyé sur sa canne de marche avec sa main gauche.\n\nIl s'assoit sur le banc et pose sa canne à portée.\nDe sa main gauche, il sort une petite flasque de son blouson usé, puis boit une rapide lampée.

EventAllyMonologueGeneral.text,Je ne sais pas trop ce qu'il s'est passé!\nUn maléfique et puissant Druide Noir nous a jeté un sort d'amnésie!\nJe me souviens vaguement de quelque chose saisissant Martha et l'entrainant vers l'Est dans la forêt.\nSi vous me donnez le sceau, j'utiliserai son pouvoir pour nous redonner la mémoire.\n

EventAllyHelpedSylviaA.text,Je me souviens de Sylvia en train d'attraper le sceau puis fuir dans une crise de panique.\nElle a failli rentrer tête la première dans une pierre mais Ammi est parvenu à la stopper juste à temps.

EventAllyHelpedSylviaB.text,Je me souviens de Sylvia en train d'attraper le sceau puis fuir dans une crise de panique.\nElle est tombée en bordure du cercle en pierre et s'est presque fracassée le crâne sur un rocher.\nEric l'a rattrapée puis aidée à se remettre sur pied.

EventAllyHelpedSylviaC.text,Je me souviens de Sylvia en train d'attraper le sceau puis fuir dans une crise de panique.\nElle est tombée en bordure du cercle en pierre et s'est presque fracassée le crâne sur un rocher.\nOthera l'a rattrapée puis aidée à se relever.

EventAllyHelpedSylviaD.text,Je me souviens de Sylvia en train d'attraper le sceau puis fuir dans une crise de panique.\nElle est tombée en bordure du cercle en pierre et s'est presque fracassée le crâne sur un rocher.\nCorrina l'a rattrapée puis aidée à se relever.


NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

Please can you translate the following crib sheet into French?

BenRQ commented 5 years ago

Hi @NicolaZee, I found one small missing text in the French translation

EventFinaleNoFire.text,Vous placez le {c:QItemCultSigil} sur la pierre.\n\nUn grondement provient de la pierre.\nElle devient plus chaude au toucher.\nIl manque quelque chose pour commencer le vrai Rituel de Beltaine.\nVous essayez désespérément de vous souvenir ce que vous avez appris sur le rituel de Beltaine.\n Test {lore}

The last two words were missing, providing no clue on the the type of test, so we did not know what to test. (We actually used the number of evidence).

Otherwise the French translation was really good, great work @Indoy ! And the scenario was awesome, we rated it 10/10.

I will probably play it again, and try different actions with some of the characters.

BenRQ commented 5 years ago

Also please find here the translated doc in French : InTheDarkClueCribSheet_FR.docx

NicolaZee commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your kind praise and your translated clue sheet. I will include the sheet in the next release. I hope the issue in EventFinaleNoFire did not cause too much trouble. I was able to fix it as soon as I read your feedback in the poll because you cleverly included the list of events in the poll.

A big thanks to you for your excellent and dedicated work on making Valkyrie better. The new version does run a lot more smoothly.

It is worth playing 'In the Dark' a few times as the roles change and (if there are more than 3 investigators) the location of a key item changes. There's, also, so much story that usually one play does not reveal everything going on.

NicolaZee commented 5 years ago

Hello Indoy

I've done big changes to In the Dark to hide dialogue options for version 4. Please can you check if the French translation is still OK? Please can you add the scenario label to the issue to help make it easier to find?

Thanks in advance Nicola