NPIOcean / kval

Tools for analysis and processing of ocean data in Python.
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moored.threshold_pick( ) does not record to PROCESSING #35

Open oyvfoss opened 2 months ago

oyvfoss commented 2 months ago ) does not record to PROCESSING. The equivalent non-interactive function moored.threshold() does.

oyvfoss commented 1 month ago

.. there is some pointing going on between data.moored, data.edit, and

(Check whether threshold editing records to metadata in the the ctd module)!

The way this is currently done for the hand editing (core function in can point to the wrapper in data.moored) does well at metadata. But it also seems like we should have the general threshold editing function in data.edit.

Possible solution

Have the actual cut-applying function as an argument in data.edit.threshold_edit? The default could be data.edit.threshold (which does not affect metadata), but the moored module could specify function data.moored.threshold_edit, which is a wrapper that does take care of metadata.

Drawback is that it seems slightly silly for these modules to be pointing back and forth at each other.