NPashaP / Viz

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
106 stars 39 forks source link

Chords demo fails with unminified v1 js #13

Open slneufeld opened 7 years ago

slneufeld commented 7 years ago

valueFormat not recognized if I use the unminified version from GitHub; pulling from works as expected.

aboutofpluto commented 5 years ago

Dear NPashaP,

Your library is nice and makes it really easy to build some useful diagrams using d3. However, as mentioned by sineufeld, the minified version is different from the source code of this repository.

Could you please update the repo? We'd like to use vizjs and to send you merge requests as we found some bugs.

Best regards,

aboutofpluto commented 5 years ago

Solved using 1.3.0 minified!