NRC-Research / SNAP-issues

This repository was created to provide a public location to record and display the status of "issues" for the SNAP application. The SNAP developers will acknowledge, provide (and maybe request) feedback on the reported issues, and in general use the information to improve SNAP code.
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Some installations of SNAP 3.1.8 report that the Animation plugin is not available #12

Closed NRCgg closed 2 years ago

NRCgg commented 2 years ago

The installation of SNAP 3.1.8 goes fine, but when running the model editor I see:


This is reported consistently for 3 different RHEL installations.


It can occur on Windows platforms!

I have noticed that that issue occurs when I have had SNAP 3.1.7 already installed on the instance - its not proof of anything. just an observation.

I have attached me.screen files for both a "good" and "bad" cases me.screen.anim-error.txt

NRCgg commented 2 years ago

A quick workaround to this is to simply delete the snap installation directory and re-install.

NRCgg commented 2 years ago

It has been observed that the issue only seems to arise once someone installs 3.1.8 (or later?) after installing 3.1.7

Workaround is to completely remove the SNAP 3.1.7 installation (or failed 3.1.8 installation, all files) and reinstall SNAP 3.1.8. This has been observed to fix the problem in 100% of the observed cases.