NRC-Research / SNAP-issues

This repository was created to provide a public location to record and display the status of "issues" for the SNAP application. The SNAP developers will acknowledge, provide (and maybe request) feedback on the reported issues, and in general use the information to improve SNAP code.
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Windows 10 installation issue with SNAP 4.1.0 (probably earlier versions too) - model editor won't start #40

Closed NRCgg closed 1 year ago

NRCgg commented 1 year ago

A SNAP user requested assistance in getting SNAP to work on their Windows 10 installation:

I have a problem with SNAP tools not starting in Windows (10). When I click any of the Java based tools Windows seemingly does nothing. The following error message appears in the Event viewer:

The description for Event ID 2 from source IBM Java cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer. If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event. The following information was included with the event: JVMJ9VM149E /lib/ext is no longer supported. Please add the required libraries/jar files to the classpath. The request is not supported

I’ve tried: • Installing and re-installing Java on the computer • Trying without installed Java • Different SNAP versions (currently trying with 4.1.0) • Rebooting many times (I noticed this problem months ago)

It is my understanding that Java is bundled into the installation. Have you guys encountered this before?

NRCgg commented 1 year ago

The user mentioned that they may try a reinstall of SNAP. I think that's not a bad idea as I have seen some installation problems "magically" go away after a reinstall!

However, I have had more luck when, before reinstalling:

  1. Completely remove the old distribution first, don’t just install over the old distribution!
  2. Completely remove any old user config files. Your user config files are in a directory called “.snap” in your home directory (often hidden – get IT person to help if necessary). I suggest deleting the entire ".snap" directory.
s-hillberg commented 1 year ago

This solved the problem.

There were files and folders left over from uninstall both in <home>\snap and in <home>\.snap. I removed all of these and installed SNAP 4.1.0. Now Model Editor and the other tools start without problems.

Thank you Chester.