NREL / BuildingMOTIF

Building Metadata OnTology Interoperability Framework (BuildingMOTIF)
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Fix Eval Ingress Test #240

Closed gtfierro closed 1 year ago

gtfierro commented 1 year ago

Two fixes:

This also contains the latest commits from develop

haneslinger commented 1 year ago

@gtfierro I'm not sure I understand, the tests are still failing?

gtfierro commented 1 year ago

My understanding during the meeting today is you said this test was supposed to be failing? I can fix it if you want in this PR but I just addressed the issue we spoke about

haneslinger commented 1 year ago

None of the tests should fail. Some of the tests should 4XX as they test the error case, but they shouldn't fail.

test_evaluate_ingress should not fail nor 4XX.

>       assert (MODEL["cav1"], A, BRICK.CAV) in graph
E       AssertionError: assert (rdflib.term.URIRef('urn:my_model/cav1'), rdflib.term.URIRef(''), rdflib.term.URIRef('')) in <Graph identifier=N366f3eeaeaf14a70a73c772c7ab2254a (<class 'rdflib.graph.Graph'>)>
gtfierro commented 1 year ago

Should be fixed now! Famous last words...

I'll re-request review when it's done

gtfierro commented 1 year ago

@haneslinger the tests seem to be passing now -- take a look when you have a chance!

haneslinger commented 1 year ago

nice, thank you. opened for reals here

TShapinsky commented 1 year ago

To be fixed in #244